Re: Karl pryce

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Re: Karl pryce

Post by MiThor »

How can they offer a contract to a player who cannot even get on to the field, when we have released/lost some very promising talent,to retain a no hoper
thought the new shirt was a joke, if this is true, someone is taking the p
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Re: Karl pryce

Post by Kittwazzer »

I've said it before. I reckon IFL has murdered someone and KP is the only witness! :lol:
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Re: Karl pryce

Post by jobo »

He's now got 12 months to either prove the skeptics wrong or,
show just how good he can be.

I think it's the right decision to keep someone like Price, who undoubtedly has all the attributes (apart from confidence), rather than keep players in the squad, who despite their enthusiasm and courage will never have the skills.

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Re: Karl pryce

Post by Dobby »

Cruncher wrote:
cpwigan wrote:I still think IL has a huge say as far as Pryce is concerned.

Perhaps the jokes were right and he has some blackmail material on IL.

P.S Dave ignore Jon H he knows far less about RL than he or others like to think. For someone who has been supposedly in the inner circle of RL for him to think all decisions are straightforward is laughable.
Good advice, Dave. Ignore someone who comes up with a reasonable counter-argument. CP has been doing that all his career. :lol:
Oh dear, this coming from one of the RLFans clique!

It wasn’t a reasonable counter argument at all though was it? I can’t say I am surprised you have jumped to Jonh's rescue, it is just a shock that Rogues and the rest of your clique didn’t come running too :lol:

Jonh has shown himself to be fairly clueless when it come to Rugby League and likes to give the impression that he knows far more than he actually does. Some more gullible posters fall for this despite him showing himself to be fairly clueless time and again. Various posters on RLFans such as yourself, Jonh and Rogues have defended Pryce from day 1 and have said almost anything to save face and justify your opinions. When anyone disagrees you all jump to each other’s defence and try to sway the board with your views and belittle the views of others, as the three of you do on most posts. This seems to have been intensified in recent weeks whenever DaveO posts because he often posts a differing view to the clique on RLFans.

On Pryce you constantly try to make out that he is some sort of persecuted figure and that he is treated appallingly. This is despite his poor performances and lack of effort and the fact that he has being given more time and chances than most. In short you want him to be treated completely differently to players that you do not rate which is pure hypocrisy. I still remember you, Jonh and Rogues (funny how you three always agree isn’t it:doz:) criticising Goulding from when he was a teenager and tried to blame him for anything that has gone wrong in a game, no matter how nonsensical the argument. It is only this season when this has changed when the sheer weight of opposition to this view forced you to change, I suppose wouldnt want to be unpopular would you. Goulding certainly got a much harsher, and much more undeserved, treatment from you three posters than Pryce has ever got.

Also do you know Lenegan? You always seem to defend him to the hilt no matter what he says or does. Given all of Lenegan's comments about Pryce and the fact that he has cost a fortune since he came to the club, with very little return, I don’t think it is beyond the realms of possibility that Lenegan would want to save face and that he may have had a big say in Pryce being retained. It is certainly no secret that the coaching staff was not impressed with Pryce's efforts last season, either in matches or training, and based upon what I have been told it would be a big shock if they wished to retain him.
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Re: Karl pryce

Post by OJ »

Kittwazzer wrote: I'm convinced that IFL has murdered someone and Karl is the only witness! :lol:
Just love that theory! I'm like a lot of other fans in that I have wanted him to be a success but he just doesn't do it for me and simply cannot understand why Ainscough only got to play in one game last season (as far as I recall anyway) and probably was nervous and trying too hard and didn't show us his best as a result. I totally agree that if Ainscough had had the same amount of chances as KP he would have done better. It baffles me that they can let a lad like him go and also Cameron Phelps yet keep KP. Only time will tell and we have to trust the decisions made on our behalf even if we don't particularly agree with them
Never argue with an idiot. He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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Re: Karl pryce

Post by Kittwazzer »

Topic getting very interesting. Not being a big follower of RLFans(permanent ban), I am not familiar with the pro/anti cliques. But please keep posting. Most interesting thread at present!
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Re: Karl pryce

Post by Kittwazzer »

OK. I like him as a person and I'm going to give him one more chance as a player.

Way I see it, he has flown under the radar so far. Good income for little effort.

He knows that it won't be possible with Madge. He will have to endure another tortuous pre-season and that seems an awful lot of pain to play in the juniors!

I'm convinced that if Madge were to tell Lenegan that KP would never cut the mustard, he would have cut him loose. Maybe Madge has seen something worth working on. Maybe Karl has finally realised this is 'shit or bust', who knows!

Come on Prycey. Prove us all wrong. Show us you belong on a rugby pitch!
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Re: Karl pryce

Post by cpwigan »

To be fair there are some quality posters on RLfans and the flag group deserve huge kudos. Rogues is a good egg. He has some views I agree and some I disagree with and vica versa. Nothing wrong with that. The biggest issue with RLfans as a site is threads get hijacked by away fans turning threads into I have got a bigger John Thomas than you type farce. The recent success has dampened that although there are still idiots, normally Wire ones.

Jon H knows far less that the image he cultivates and Cruncher never says anything interesting. Dave O is Dave O. He doesn't change no matter where he post. Like some others incl myself he is Marmite. However, to say Dave O has changed in the last 12 months is infantile. I am guessing Dave has been posting here and RLfans for 6 maybe 7 years and his style has always been consistent. IMO Dave O was right to say the notion you cannot criticise anything because the club is now successful is farcical and would sound the death knell of forums. Whenever the next fans forum is held I expect positive praise to be 85% of the evening but the kit debacle and Pryce will be areas the club should and will get challenged upon.

I will say this Madge has to stand his corner and fight. No blank cheques exist at Wigan and nor should there be. However, as an example Wigan stopped employing a groundsman at Orrell. Madge went to IL and said it needed sorting as the training pitch itself has become so poor. The decision was reversed. So IL got it wrong, listened and made it right. It helped however small to end our season so successfully.

Nobody is perfect or always correct.

Public statements re players are often not totally honest but that applies to every club / all sports. They never can be. Read/listen carefully when Madge was first asking Lima re coming to the UK and Wigan. Trust me decisions are made far in advance of public declarations and all clubs have plans A, B, C etc until ink is put on contracts etc.

RE Pryce. The way the game has developed height is a huge factor for outside backs now. If you are short in stature IMO you should be looking to play fullback. 20+ years ago you would never have said that but now wingers deal with far more kicks than fullbacks. So on both defence and attack, Pryce should be fantastic. There is no excuse in that department. Yet, he is still poor. He should be the equal of Pat and Folau.

Defending. Centres and wingers have to be fantastic defenders and that means the ability to stop anybody 1 v 1 but vitally teamwork. Gleeson / Goulding works because they work well together. Communication and singing from the same hymn sheet is the biggest factor in centre / wing defending these days. We see in the 4N and in SL just how bad British RL / SL backs are at defending. Phil Gould said something very apt about Ryan atkins during the 4N "The boy can tackle but he cannot defend. Tackling he gives as good as he gets, even better sometimes but defensively he is lost" Most British players can tackle. Only a small number can defend. Big difference between tackling and defending that is lost in this country. Tackling, Prycey does not make the most of his physique, defending he is sorely lacking.

You almost want to shake Pryce and say show us what you can do. Personally I think he needs to shed even more weight. If he wants to play like a pussy cat then shed the weight and use his frame to play like that. The stride pattern of a 6ft 5 + player can make them difficult to tackle. I would prefer him to play like Manu Vatuvei butI just don't see that in his make up.

Somebody on RLfans described him as drinking in the last chance saloon. He is certainly that but has been for that long he is currently enjoying 'afters'

Dave O made a very valid salary cap point that those like Jon H / Cruncher totally ignored or failed to understand.

I also like KWs theory :lol:

Who paid Gloucester to then use the money to pay Pryce off and paid lots of his medical fees :wink:
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Re: Karl pryce

Post by Matthew »

Pryce has had more chances than anyone else in the squad and has been retained when better players have been let go. Putting money aside, I would rather we had kept Feka, Phelps or Bailey (yes, really) than Pryce as they all offer more on the pitch and training ground.

Pryce is big, but doesn't use it to break through defenders. He isn't quick enough to beat anyone for pace and he's about as elusive as a forklift truck. Defensively he is a worry and his support play is nowhere near the standard of just about every other player in the backs. He has no confidence in his body and the slightest knock see him fleeing to the sideline. The only thing he does well is catch the ball while falling over the try line - and there are plenty of other players who are better at that than he is.

Why he has been kept for another year is beyond me. It is only down to injuries that he has a chance of playing and with some of the juniors coming through showing far more promise; he won't have that for long.

What really irks is that his attitude when on the pitch comes across as that of a "safe player". He never seems hungry for work or plays with any passion (and there were many successful less talented players who made up for it with hard work and heart). He just lumbers about.

I suspect that if we have another successful year - then Pryce may get yet another year regardless of how he plays.

"And Martin Offiah, trying to make some space, now then..." - Ray French, Wembley 1994
Interviewer: So that obviously means that you're not going to St Helens and you're not going to Leeds?

Frano: I don't know why I would ever want to go to St Helens or Leeds
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Re: Karl pryce

Post by Kittwazzer »

Matthew is obviously still undecided on the Pryce issue! :lol:
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