get behind the team

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Re: get behind the team

Post by heydude »

i think doug stand loves brett kenny (maybe)
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Re: get behind the team

Post by robjoenz »

johnsons_babexx posted:
And too make matters worse our hotel was full of kick n claps all with big smug grins on their faces :blush:
Did you stay at the St. Giles in Feltham? I was chatting to some Sale fans in the bar there after the game, they were telling me how Farrell won't crack it in Union because he's not big enough and he's too old. They also don't rate Robinson as a fullback and reckon that Balshaw is much better, they like Jason on the wing though. Then there was Mario asking the Geordies if they were Welsh (and he wasn't even joking!).

I was suprised actually, I thought they'd be taking the mickey but the people I chatted to were reasonable even if I didn't agree with what they were saying. They were more interested to know why Wigan didn't beat a team like London.
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Re: get behind the team

Post by Claire »

The problem at the moment is there is no stability in the side and positions keep changing through injuries.I think we will bounce back like we did last year. We do need more size in the pack but I think we should focus on our strengths. We are a young fast team and need to stop the penalty count from rising and dropping the ball by stopping the off loading unless you have a 90% chance of it coming off. Some very basic mistakes are stopping us from winning. Radlinski is a good player but at the moment i would make o'loughlin captain.
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Re: get behind the team

Post by Fraggle »

robjoenz posted:
they were telling me how Farrell won't crack it in Union because he's not big enough and he's too old.
Going off the topic here a bit, but what is it about the rah-rahs insisting Farrell isn't big enough to play their sport. He's 6 foot several and about 17 stone in weight. How much bigger can he get than that? Crabtree at Huddersfield is only 1cm taller and isn't as heavy as Faz, and everyone reckons he's a giant. We lose focus on just how big our soon-to-be-ex-captain really is. Height-wise, there aren't enough 8ft tall people for all the yawnion clubs, so I can only assume it's weight rather than height which is important. I feel sorry for them if all they want is a bunch of lard-ar*es playing their sport.

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Re: get behind the team

Post by the grinch »

i now we have lost a couple of games we all expected to win but apart from the thumping we got from london we have at least competed. bradford should have been a win and wakefield could have been a win! we are not to far off the mark to be a good team it will come.with a name like the grinch you can guess ive not got the most patient attitude but you have to give young players time.some of these lads we have playing for us have only had a handfull of top class games under there belts.and as ive said before wigan finished above stains in the league last year but they won a trophy! so who is the succsesfull team there then. if wigan finish third from bottom and win the challenge cup ill be happy. :wink:
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Re: get behind the team

Post by madliz »

i totally agree with you! too many people seem to have lost faith in wigan, and i am not saying that our performances have been great as they have been far from it but this is not to say that we wont get better and certainly no excuse to stop supporting them. the way i see it is a fan supports their team through the good times and the bad times and celebrates the good with them and comistorates the bad but keeps supporting. So come on wigan! and people stop doubting and have a bit of faith!
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