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Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:04 pm
by bootsnall
I can't believe what I'm reading yet again on here...

I don't post much but it's okay for WATTS to use his elbow (hard bone) into the face of MM in order to bump him off?

How many have played the game?

You ARE allowed to 'hand off' but that was dangerous. Full stop...

He saw the man coming and it was deliberate...

We criticise refs week in and out. Mr HICKS got it right. Can we not support that decision?

This came after a lot of 'needling' and WATTS was trying to prove a point as was MM, but it was dangerous and illegal...

It was a red!

Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:10 pm
by jobo
bootsnall wrote:I can't believe what I'm reading yet again on here...

I don't post much but it's okay for WATTS to use his elbow (hard bone) into the face of MM in order to bump him off?

How many have played the game?

You ARE allowed to 'hand off' but that was dangerous. Full stop...

He saw the man coming and it was deliberate...

We criticise refs week in and out. Mr HICKS got it right. Can we not support that decision?

This came after a lot of 'needling' and WATTS was trying to prove a point as was MM, but it was dangerous and illegal...

It was a red!
Well said. Just glad the ref spotted it and called it right.
These players are pro's who are well adept at making the intentional look accidental.

Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:10 pm
by Barney841
One serious question. Is leuluai playing?

Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:13 pm
by bootsnall
Get innnnnnn Gels!!!

Ha ha ha...

Marc 'scared' SNEYD...


Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:14 pm
by Wigan_forever1985
bootsnall wrote:I can't believe what I'm reading yet again on here...

I don't post much but it's okay for WATTS to use his elbow (hard bone) into the face of MM in order to bump him off?

How many have played the game?

You ARE allowed to 'hand off' but that was dangerous. Full stop...

He saw the man coming and it was deliberate...

We criticise refs week in and out. Mr HICKS got it right. Can we not support that decision?

This came after a lot of 'needling' and WATTS was trying to prove a point as was MM, but it was dangerous and illegal...

It was a red!
I've played the game thanks and I think it was harsh

Every forward uses the forearm nearly watch and nearly every tackle it's happens. Very rarely is it an extended hand - a forward uses bumpers either ball or forearm

Mm flew in watts was lifting the arm and caught him - if it was a Wigan player I was feel aggrieved so I won't change my opinion just because it isn't

Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:16 pm
by Wigan_forever1985
We should have this now - all we have to do is manage the game

Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:19 pm
by Wigan_forever1985
Davies has got through a lot of work

Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:24 pm
by Blackpool_Pie
It's a shame their has been a couple of contraversioal calls because in attack we have been great but all the chat will be about the referee.

Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:25 pm
by jobo
yokozuna wrote:Was a red for me, he deliberately put his elbow into McIlorum's face, then stuck it into Clubb's face for good measure.

Commentators doing my head in, especially Eddie, it's been a cracking game!

We need to cut out the penalties, and keep on driving up and tire out their middles. If they can't set the platform, Sneyd can't dominate with his kicking.

Overall, our defence has been very good, as has the metres gained when we have carried the ball.
Commentators lost all their credibility a long time ago.
Think it's a question of they've got to say something and they say the first thing that comes into their heads, which isn't always a good idea.

Re: Tonight Payback Time

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:30 pm
by bootsnall
Well, 'Wigan forever', we could talk all night but I can't be bothered. It wasn't a fleshy forearm used as a bumper. It was a hard elbow - and WATTS knew the crack.

I agree that MM was going for the big hit. It's obvious in his body style as he lowers for the tackle. But he wasn't going in for an illegal tackle. WATTS saw him coming in his peripheral vision and raised his elbow to cause damage.

Or maybe MM'S 40 stitches opened up with a soft accidental forearm that just touched him on the opposite side of his face?