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Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:42 pm
by Wandering Warrior
SJ wrote:
thegimble wrote:
Wandering Warrior wrote: I take much comfort from your cynicism!
See you next year. :wink:

Disappointed with that was going for more Sarcasm than Cynicism.

Way its going see you next week.

Thought you enjoyed irony.
We let them win............course we did. Didn't we?
I don't really gain anything from what you write SJ. See Doris in my recent joke thread post!
See my earlier posts re. fans and supporters.
Good luck fan hope you are still around next year when you can watch from afar with your telescope! :lol:

Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:42 pm
by LooseHead
Time for Wane to accept that he's run his course and has run out of ideas. No shame in that, very few coaches manage to do new stuff and sustain it (look at Madge..) but he's now messing up the club.

The Wane / McIllorum undying trust situation is an example - any objective coach could see that Mcillorum has done nothing since he came back. Powell for 80 with another non-hooker on the bench is our better option, but I think Wane has become blinkered. The same with Budgie who looks chronically unfit even before today's injury. Wane is picking off sentiment and the road to ruin is scattered with coaches who couldn't take tough decisions.

Overall today I thought we were stale, easy to defend against and players looked petrified of just playing a bit of rugby. Change needed.

Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:51 pm
by Wandering Warrior
thegimble wrote:
SJ wrote:
thegimble wrote:
Disappointed with that was going for more Sarcasm than Cynicism.

Way its going see you next week.

Thought you enjoyed irony.
We let them win............course we did. Didn't we?
NO I bloody do not like the bloody IRONy had a really crap golf round this am/pm and now we lose the game that likely ends the season. So all the IRONy is lost on me today like the golf balls I lost today.

Pity nobody lets me win at golf like we do at rugby :wink:
Calm down lad, SJ played his last game of marbles years ago!
We'll be back but not till short arms gets his rugby brain in gear! :wink:

Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:12 pm
by superleague
Hopefully that was Wanes last home game in charge, and next week his last permanently

Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:25 pm
by fozzieskem
Absolute shambles utter disgrace to themselves and more importantly the club I love absolutly indefensible performance I don't think I've been this angry in years over a game of rugby.

Williams utterly useless as he has been for long parts of the season but to single him out of that mess is unfair as they all brought themselves down to an unnaveptablr level.

Said all year Cas are superb to watch and time and again they've schooled teams,so much for Wigans fabled 'big guns"sorting everything out when the injury crisis was over,I think a long hard look is needed at that squad as I suspect it's not as good as everyone thinks it is.

There is so much wrong with the side it's hard to know where to start,the fact that Lockrrs is missing and boom they adopt the posture of a headless chicken.

On a side note why don't the go over to the fans anymore and shake hands etc?does seem odd as they always used to do it

Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:30 pm
by ian b
williams like most of the wigan players aren't bad players, i reckon it has to be the coaching. I bet another coach would have them playing a totally different way. Theyre completely flat in attack and surely that comes through the coaching

Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:31 pm
by butt monkey
Two Teams??

Abject, disarray, unprofessional, lacking in pride, incompetent, amateurish, shocking, slow, effortless

All could easily be used to describe Wigan in he first 60 odd minutes

Determined, unorthodox, desire, pride, pace, effort, frustration

Could be used to encompass the last 20 minutes

Happened before? Yes, at Wembley (and a few other games this season) Reminds me of Wigan under Dorahy when the players decide "f**k this and play to their own game plan

Right or wrong. Half time achieves nothing in actual performance BUT something does click and change - I am sure Wane has lost the players. Is this game as good an example as you can get?

Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:59 pm
by adiddy
Someone forgot to tell the players that today was a must win game!!!!!

Came out today in yet another significant day. Anniversary shirt, celebration of former players and fans who have passed away, must win game and just rolled over and showed our soft and cuddly undercarriage instead.

Very disappointing


Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 8:25 pm
by doc
Whenever we make a big deal of a match with lots of pre match hype and build up we lose. Minutes silences prior to games seem to take our players' minds off the task. This has happened in the past at "The Big One Matches" and Armed Forces day matches.

Re: Vs cas

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 8:53 pm
by acwrlfc
How anyone can defend Williams is beyond me. The most over rated player in SL by an absolute mile and don't tell me its inexperience, hes been playing for 4 years and is an international (not quite sure how though). He was up against a rookie and a hooker today , the cas half back played in the under 19game a fortnight ago, so plenty of experience there!!!!!

Also we don't have the size to dominate teams as per 4 years ago against Sydney. Look at Macmekeen (sp) against Farrell , completr mis match in size and I know who will play for England in the world cup.

Last point Wane has to go if he has got the Club at heart and our recruitment massively needs to improve. The fans cant suffer the same dire rubbish again next season.

As well as Wane, Winder and Bitcom , I d realise ,Gelling, FPN, Powell, Tommy, JT isa and Williams (wont happen because some clown made him a marquee player)

If you ve read Rads blogs it wont happen as Wane in his eyes can do no wrong cos he works hard (don't we all when doing our jobs)

I am glad that this shambles of a season is all over and wait to hear of any announcemnts