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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re...

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 8:16 pm
by cardiff warrior
Reply for Fraggle,What I mean by a bigger selling name for W.R.L.F.C. is that Westie was disgracefully kicked out of the club, to bring in a higher profile coach ie: Endicot.I believe that Wigan will eventually do the same to Raper and I believe Hanley will be a very popular choice of coach with the media with all the great things that he achieved as a player. I know that doesn't necessarily mean he will be a great coach but try this for size, Ellery Hanley as 1st team coach assisted by Dean Bell and Shaun Edwards. Just a Thought!!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re...

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:41 am
by scholesjohn
Ex great Wigan player does not equate to great Wigan Andy Goodway.
Leave Raper alone, He's doing a great job with both the kids and the seasoned pro's. We don't need the upheaval a new coach brings.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re...

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 10:43 am
by Jilly43
cardiff warrior posted:
I totally agree with Mrs Lams comments,about not getting personal. As for S. Rapier verus E.Hanley I personally would like to see Hanley as Wigan Coach. It is a pity that the club did not stand by the likes of Graham West which in my opinion was treated in the most disgraceful way as Wigan Coach and as for the arguement of Rapier v Hanley. I think the final decision will be made on commercial Ellery is a bigger selling name than S.Rapier

Totally agree, Ellery is a bigger selling name than Stuart, but for what? Moaning, Tantrums, turning a club into a complete mess, splitting the board, shall I go on?
He achieved a little success with Stains but any coach could have done that with the team he was given (and the money)
It would be a dire mistake for wigan to employ Ellery Hanley as Wigan Coach IMO.

Ellery Not!

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 5:49 pm
by ian.birchall
Fraggle posted:
cardiff warrior posted:
as for the arguement of Rapier v Hanley. I think the final decision will be made on commercial Ellery is a bigger selling name than S.Rapier
Not sure what you mean by a bigger selling name. The Wigan club sells itself in terms of attracting players, and I can't really see people coming to watch a team based on who the coach is. Despite the great success he had over the years, there were some pretty poor attendances at CP during John Monie's second spell at the club.
Whatever Ellerys other strengths he blew it for any sensible fan when he disrepected the occassion on the last game at Central Park referring to it as just another game and not joining the other past greats on the pitch

Rember this Fraggle / Deltic3

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 10:18 am
by Warrior Wills
I have just been scanning the older threads ;

Laughed my head of at this.

Well worth a read.

Never mind Raper has gone and we have a better coach now !!


Re: Rember this Fraggle / Delt...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 4:28 pm
by Fraggle
Warrior Wills posted:
I have just been scanning the older threads ;

Laughed my head of at this.

Well worth a read.

Never mind Raper has gone and we have a better coach now !!

No arguments from me, for once. Mike Gregory has done a brilliant job, and I'm certain we couldn't have done much better with anyone else, even with a certain Mr Hanley in charge!

But these kind of discussions were fun, it's just a shame that during the off-season there's not enough going on for us to have constructive disagreements/argue about.

Re: Rember this Fraggle / ...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 8:30 pm
by ian.birchall
A lucky escape whem Maurice ignored these pleadings! :D