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Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:16 am
by stevethegas
It was not my intention to get into the history of Rugby League broadcasting, but Mr E Waring has always divided the RL community. When I left Wigan to go to University (in Scotland) I met many people who only knew of the sport through television and the above commentator. Sadly the patronising and condescending image produced I believe did us all harm. He robbed us of credibility and for that we have always suffered. Mind you, weak governance of our sport by allowing the BBC to get away with it was also the Rugby League's fault.
However my main point is that Eddie and Stevo are genuine enthusiasts and are not biased. I am quite comfortable with their commentary and actually think Sky do a good job. The balance is very much in favour of Sky and they have been good for Rugby League. And they aren't biased against Wigan whatever some of the above contributors might think.

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:31 am
by BriH
Stevethegas, I have to disagree with you re. Eddie Waring - have you read the book "Being Eddie Waring" by Tony Hannan? If not I suggest you do, then I'll be prepared to hear you out.
The real harm was done by a certain imitator called Mike Yarwood who really went to town on Eddie's Northern Accent. I don't think Eddie Waring helped his own credibility much when he hosted "It's a Knockout".
I too went to University - Newcastle from Whitehaven where most, if not all, of my fellow students knew absolutely nothing about RL.
I am probably older than you! 68?
I have to say your tirade is just as bigoted,paranoid, as the people you are criticising! (I'm using your words by the way)
Oh and, "birthrite" is spelled "birthright" I believe.
My criticism of Stevo and Eddie is the fact that they are very poor commentators. If you read some of the previous threads you will learn that some people turn off the sound when watching RL on Sky - I do sometimes - because they spend more time ranting & raving about the vommentatory![/u][/b]

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:28 pm
by bill.inger
There was a winger at Salford named Keith Fielding who played during the 80's. After he retired playing he did some rugby commentary for T.V. and Radio Manchester and he was, imo, perfect for the job. He was very presentable, totally unbiased, and knew the game inside out, but the beeb stuck with Ray French. Ah well, that's R.L. broadcasting.
Does anyone recollect Keith Fielding as a commentator?.

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:00 pm
I just hope that the team feel that the commentators are biased, then they might just win every game and stick it down their throats.
And while we are on the subject just why is Cullen commenting on games on boots n all? He won everything going did he when he was a SL manager?

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:30 pm
by Wharthog
i dont think eddie and stevo are biased but i must admit i did hear alot more negativity towards us during the bradford game, its not like that every week though now is it? i actually find their commentary quite funny at times. i recall the commentary on that famous saints try against bradford in the last minute from eddie... its wide to west, he repeated everything twice, was hilarious although it was crap.

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:41 pm
by exile in Tiger country
LORENZO wrote:I just hope that the team feel that the commentators are biased, then they might just win every game and stick it down their throats.
And while we are on the subject just why is Cullen commenting on games on boots n all? He won everything going did he when he was a SL manager?
He won as much as Tony Rea did as a manager, However Tony Rea's comments were interesting and useful, whereas Cullen is there because he's a mate of Eddie's 'cause eddie is from warrington. I also think they get their hair dyed at the same hairdressers.

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:14 pm
by cpwigan
Steve, Eddie Waring was incredibly important in RL. First as an outstanding tour manager, fantastic chief executive etc. He moved into commentary and was again outstanding. He kept RL alive in many respects. In his latter years, the man was ill and refused to retire but what about Ray French or Eddit/Stevo.

I do not care what anybopdy says but it is a known fact that Stevo hates Wigan and in particular Bill Ashurst.

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:23 pm
by stevethegas
BriH, you are right, it's birthright and I stand corrected. And you are right about our ages.
Nevertheless I remain unconvinced that Mr Waring was as big a plus as a commentator as has been said. He was actually a very good journalist and prior to becoming the BBCs man did a lot of good work. Sadly since then I have just heard too many views from outside the heartland of our great game which don't give the credibility and respect that I believe the game deserved. Too many people regarded Eddie Waring as a bit of a joke, which with 'It's a knockout' he didn't help.
But I remain firmly against any suggestion in bias in the present commentary team. That I'm afraid is the view from a very biased local view, and is almost certainly shared by supporters of every club in the land.

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:38 am
by BriH
Eddie Waring was the only commenantator we had at the time - on tele. So, he had a Northern accent? Well he would, coming from Dewsbury!
I still have my Whitehaven accent and am very proud of it - it identifies me.

At that time, the BBC was very much for the RahRah Brigade. But fair play to them, they did give RL coverage.
I still think the damage i.e. the streotyping "Cloth Cap & Whippets" image was brought about by Mike Yarwood. And, as I said before, Eddie didn't help himself by appearing in daft game shows.
I do agree with you about the 'Wigan bias'. There may be a perception of it, but I don't think it's that blatant.
I honestly believe Eddie & Stevo are stale. And, there is a danger that they themselves will become the new Eddie Warings!!!
Thoughts anyone?

Re: Please Sky, put us out of our misery

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:30 am
by josie andrews
If they commented on the game being played instead of going off on a tangent they wouldn't be as bad, but listening to them sometimes is like listening to someone who sits behind you in a game talking about what they'll be doing after the game, what did you have for your tea, what you doing next week....what about his hair?? they miss half of what is actually happening with their silly little private conversations. The Aussies don't do it, at least not to notice

Concentrate on the game being played please

At least Eddie Waring spoke only about the game being played & as some have already stated it was Mike Yarwood & It's a Knock-out that did the damage