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Re: Riots

Post by Wigan_forever1985 »

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Re: Riots

Post by Sutty »

Wigan_forever19​85​ wrote:we need more of this!
That's just police brutality..........

.......and I'm all for it. Get in :D

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Re: Riots

Post by Mike »

I was in manchester last night at around 8pm when it started to kick off properly. It really brought it home ot me how young these kids were - the noes I saw seemed to be between 13 adn 16. Still at school. It seems hard to belive what is motivating them is the political and economic arguments about poverty and lack of prospects. The are opportunists who reckon now is the time when they can get something for nothing, have a little fun and noone is going to be able to stop them.

Also, there are not that many of them. I never saw a crowd bigger than say 200 people in one place. Maybe there were more than one group, but later in the evening the crowd sizes seemed to get smaller rather than bigger.

In manchester, this was not a riot, it was small mobile gangs of looters looking for easy targets with the type of stuff they were after.

In london, i would say things are different. When it started those people had a cause to be angry - whether justified or not - the guys up north do not.

If we are going to riot - we should be doing it because of the way the world is now - bankers that are too powerfull to fail so we bail them out then they tell us we have to be poor for the next 10 years so they can be rich. We shouldn't be doing it in a way that seemingly supports the capitalist system that instills in us that personal status is derived from the things we own like trainers, mobiles, jewellery and booze.
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Re: Riots

Post by i'm spartacus »

cpwigan wrote:
If you believe in tough law and order then why are you not campaigning against the police cuts and redundancies, why are you not campaigning against schools being fined when they want to deal with unruly youths.
Did I say anywhere in my previous post that I was/was not campaigning against anything? Does it say anywhere I do/do not believe in tough law and order?

Why you mention Police cuts (or any others) though. The government tell the bodies to cut down on spending, it is then up to those bodies how they implement those cuts. The top 17 executives at Wigan council receive £1.72 million in wages; they are the people who decide where those cuts are made. How many of them do you think will axe their own jobs to maintain the wages or jobs at the bottom of the scale? Axe one of those executive jobs and you could keep possibly six workers in a job. In a similar fashion, there are an awful lot of suits at Chester House GMP who don't actually get their truncheon out for any reason other than polishing it.
cpwigan wrote:
Debt? Anybody got a mortgage? Your debt rant is rhetoric. Why? because politicians are entrusted to spend OUR money wisely, to use it productively and even when they don't we sit back and do nothing. OUR money is often wasted bu all politicians.
Refer to previous paragraph, and I think that is what I said; 'then the problems would be a culmination of factors brought about by successive governments'.

I was talking about national debt, not personal debt by way of mortgage which I did not mention anywhere in my previous and why you mention it at all I cannot fathom
cpwigan wrote: If the police wrongly or controversially shoot/murder somebody in Ireland what happens? err riots, even bombs. It triggers of the creation of terrorists, real killers. People from completely different parts of Ireland often react. Not much different than here is it.
Quite a lot different: Your talking about a war of independence that has been ongoing for hundreds of years, not robbing PC World or attempting to remove an armed criminal from the streets.
I can see no controversy whatsoever in the police shooting someone who is known to them, under investigation for gun crime, and carrying an illegal firearm, whether he fired it first or not
cpwigan wrote: You are a politicians dream because they can spout their rhetoric and then return to screwing up OUR country.
I'm not spouting anyone's rhetoric, I am stating the fact as I see them.
cpwigan wrote: Rioters just like people attending a RL: match are not clones all doing something for the same identical reason are they? Exactly, looting takes place by some rioters at ANY event in history. Did some NOT ALL students loot earlier in the year, did some NOT ALL anti poll tax rioters loot.

Did I suggest anywhere that all the people were looting? In my experience, all of people at a RL match are there to watch the match, regardless of any other plans they have to get drunk.

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Re: Riots

Post by Sutty »

This interview with a chav in Manchester, last night, just about sums up the level of mentality of the scrotes who are rampaging through the streets at the moment. ... 560646.stm

In all rioting that I've seen in past years, the rioters have always been either protesting against something, or are rioting as a result of certain action, usually by figures of authority. The difference with these riots is that the modern society and generation of youths simply aren't scared of anything and know that the law can't really touch them. They're all just jumping on a bandwagon and getting away with as much as they possibly can, whilst they can.
Myself, my Grandad and my Great Grandad have all served in the armed forces and, whilst I didn't have to fight in the same conditions as my Grandparents, we all did it for the sake of our Country. It's a Country that I love and am proud to say that I hail from, but these idiots are doing all they can to further disintegrate the fabric of modern society.
I'm not going to get all political etc. I'm not in to that, but something needs to be done and done now! No more worrying about political correctness or petty human rights, what about the rights of the victims. It's time Government and establishments took control of the country again.

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Re: Riots

Post by gpartin »

Police are arseholes who nearly left me without a baby, power goes to their heads and they're as corrupt as any other human being, so stop spouting this self righteous twaddle that they somehow do a better job than other people risking their lives to protect others, it's a job they do what they're told because its their job, dont like it or too dangerous then leave simple as.
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Re: Riots

Post by jobo »

Wigan_forever19​85​ wrote:we need more of this!
Hope they took his bike as well.
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Re: Riots

Post by Kiwiseddon »

gpartin wrote:Police are arseholes who nearly left me without a baby, power goes to their heads and they're as corrupt as any other human being, so stop spouting this self righteous twaddle that they somehow do a better job than other people risking their lives to protect others, it's a job they do what they're told because its their job, dont like it or too dangerous then leave simple as.
Gaz, I'm upset and worried that someone like you would write something as appalling as this.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion of course but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it and when you put something like this on the internet, you should expect to be commented upon.

Firstly, whatever the situation was with your baby and the police, I don't think that it gives you the right to comment on the whole of the British Police service. We are NOT all corrupt and the vast majority are here to do a job because its something we can be proud of. Let's be honest, we don't do it for the money so what else is there?

I'm still rereading your post trying to find the irony in it or the joke but I don't think it's there.

I take being called an arsehole very personally and if it had been said by some of the posters on here I wouldn't have cared but coming from you it seems to be so much worse. Have a word with yourself Gaz!! I'm sure that whatever the isolated incident you faced with the Police was, you are entitled to feel angry (as I'm sure you were/are) but that doesn't mean that I or 99% of my colleagues are power tripping, corrupt people.

Can't believe you've written this and hoping you'll post back pointing out the irony in the post that I've missed. But I don't think you will.

I'm genuinely horrified by your attitude.

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Re: Riots

Post by Wigan_forever1985 »

I think we need to be careful this thread doesn't descend into arguments between us, as im pretty confident that no-one who posts here has been rioting therefore we are all on the same side!.

The police have a thankless job for the main part and im not siding with anyone here, but i do get worried that a few bad eggs in the police (and im talking a minor % as there is in any organisation) make the jobs of the rest of the force very very very difficult.

I personally think that the police have their hands tied by red tape and 9/10 are bound by stupid regulations that should be over ruled by common sense but its not the coppers fault its the fat cats in the government who want to cut all their spending but expect the police to provide the same level of protection to the public.

I think they have does an amazing job considering the circumstances, to have your leave cancelled so you can go out and have petrol bombs and bricks thrown at you is not my idea of a cushy job and while i accept this is their job and they knew that when they signed up it doesnt make it any less heroic or difficult. Police, Fire, Army risk their lives for us day in day out and we should be thankful for that.
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Re: Riots

Post by gpartin »

Kiwiseddon wrote:
gpartin wrote:Police are arseholes who nearly left me without a baby, power goes to their heads and they're as corrupt as any other human being, so stop spouting this self righteous twaddle that they somehow do a better job than other people risking their lives to protect others, it's a job they do what they're told because its their job, dont like it or too dangerous then leave simple as.
Gaz, I'm upset and worried that someone like you would write something as appalling as this.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion of course but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it and when you put something like this on the internet, you should expect to be commented upon.

Firstly, whatever the situation was with your baby and the police, I don't think that it gives you the right to comment on the whole of the British Police service. We are NOT all corrupt and the vast majority are here to do a job because its something we can be proud of. Let's be honest, we don't do it for the money so what else is there?

I'm still rereading your post trying to find the irony in it or the joke but I don't think it's there.

I take being called an arsehole very personally and if it had been said by some of the posters on here I wouldn't have cared but coming from you it seems to be so much worse. Have a word with yourself Gaz!! I'm sure that whatever the isolated incident you faced with the Police was, you are entitled to feel angry (as I'm sure you were/are) but that doesn't mean that I or 99% of my colleagues are power tripping, corrupt people.

Can't believe you've written this and hoping you'll post back pointing out the irony in the post that I've missed. But I don't think you will.

I'm genuinely horrified by your attitude.
I was in hull city centre when my wife was pregnant having just been to the theatre, when we left she needed to go to the toilet so she went to a pub where she knew the owners, having worked there some years before. I waited outside with her keys her money and her mobile phone when a group of 6 lads started fighting. My wife stayed in the pub terrified til the police arrived and blocked the pub door off keeping all the idiots inside. I explained the situation to a couple of police officers and was asked, politely to leave the area. My words at this point were 'with all due respect, she's pregnant, has no money, she's stuck in there terrified, can someone go an get her please?' there were three times more police officers than lads fighting and they made no attempt to stop the fight just wanted to them off the streets. I explained that i understood they had a job to do and asked if any of them could understand why I didn't want to leave the area, one of them smirked at me saying I was irresponsible allowing my wife to go into a pub while she was pregnant. I said I didn't see how that was any of his business and his mate gestured to him and they slapped some hand cuffs on me and arrested me fir drunk and disorderly having not touched a drop of alcohol for 6 months I was shoved into the back of the only police van present and taken to the station. Meanwhile another van turned up the fight came to an end with all these yobs swearing at police before being sent on their way and someone told my mrs what had happened. She asked a police officer what she was supposed to do and they said they could take her to the station but she would have to go in the back of the van, what choice did she have. When she got there she asked for a hand down and was told that she had made the choice to get in the van so she should get down, which she did and fell in the process causing her to bleed. Now I can't prove that my baby is 15lb at 2yr old as a result of this but the pregnancy was going very well up until that point. Now the 60 quid fine was a lot of money to me at that point for doing nothing that any decent human being wouldn't do but the way every single police officer lied about the conversation which had taken place, threatened to do me for resisting arrest and told me that if I couldn't pay it all at once then I can pay in instalments once I've defaulted and the fine doubles to 120 was a bit of a p-take to say the least. But I was smugly told by a sergeant that I could challenge it in court but I'd be challenging the full set of charges so might as well accept what I'd done wrong and get on with it.

Now the only other time I personally had a brush with the law was when two black lads were kicking off on a bus in Stockport when I was with my brother and we were both arrested for it, I was 15, we were put in separate rooms and I was terrified because I didn't even know anything had happened until a van pulled up and arrested us both for assault. I was told my brother had admitted everything and theyd let him go so I might as well too. They eventually watched the CCTV and let us go with no apology whatsoever after 8 hrs with no food.

My dad was arrested in the 80's for handling stolen goods despite the fact he had a legitimate business and a known burglar had blamed him and been let go, he was told they'd get him next time when he produced receipts.

Local police here sit outside a snooker hall where cannabis is dealt and rather than close the place they confiscate it and distribute it among themselves, I have witnessed a friend of mine being given it by his dad a police officer.

I was stood with a friend of mine who said the word 'sh1t' on the phone and was arrested for it as a police officer walked past.

My dad the keys to the slazenger/puma factory where he worked in batley behind where we lived when the burglar alarm went off, the police turned up and stood back and let my dad go inside thinking there may have been a burglary in progress.

Numerous deaths in custody have been covered up and officers have gone without charge time and time again for brutality.

Perhaps I should have been less generalistic and I'm sure there are people who join the police to protect and serve and I apologise for that but given a choice between a quick arrest for naff all or a struggle in my experience they go for the easy option. If I feel disgruntled with the police I can only imagine what it feels like to be a young black or Asian lad in this country, the assumption of innocence has IMO been long forgotten.
Gareth Thomas before his first game: "You wanna spend 10 mins getting smashed up by these guys..Big dudes here.."
