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Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:02 pm
by mickh
Woah, Woah, Woah, whats this "we play too many games" malarky, I've been waiting of the next game to start just after the one before finishes!Professional Players need to be playing every week once the season starts, otherwise supporters will go off the boil and find something else to spend time on, me included (this is after 50 years watching!) + players will get fed up of training just for 80 minutes game time every other week or so!
My suggestions = Drop Millenium Magic, the hype, sensationalism doesn't do it justice because of the low crowds (Sky paymasters rule).
Each team plays each other home and away, (Level playing field and all that). League leaders trophy to actually mean something for the consistency over the season. The "Hub cap" is demeaning (Sky influence?).
Challenge Cup to be the most precious trophy to win because it is the one with the most history and most prestigeous. Undecided on the timing of the final, May being in the middle of the season, August was alright this year because we were in it, ie. something to look forward to.
Premiership play off's?
Too big a format! As said previously, No one wants to go to the matches, money issues (too close to the holiday seasons, school uniforms etc.)
I don't like the way Sky rule the roost over the RL hieracy, the influence the two buffoons have over the viewing public with their controversial comments.+ When you get "The Greatest Game in the World" as rightly trumpeted by the buffoons, shown on a way out Sky 4 or more sports channel you can tell where we stand in the pecking order of major sports.
Can't think of anything more for the rant, but I don't like Sky

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:13 pm
On average it cost me £35.00 in petrol plus car parking plus admittance.If I had attended yesterdays game I would not be seeing much change from £80.00.So what do the rfl expect from we cash cows?blood!Greedy bunch of shites.I complain at the cost of sky but at these ludicrous prices sky seems pretty cheap in comparison.The Rfl are driving the supporters away not encouraging us.Do they not realise we are in deep financial doodoo.The rank idiots.

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:28 pm
by 100% Warrior
My suggestions to amend the season are:

Scrap the Magic weekend, in my opinion it's a pointless exercise and an expense supporters could do without. Replace it by having the Exiles game allocated to it's own weekend during the season so those involved don't have the possibility of playing twice within 48 hours.

League season, each team plays each other once home, once away. Whoever finishes top of the table as well as receiving the hub cap is given a bye in week 1 of the play offs.

Reduce the number of play off teams from 8 to 5, there have been far too many one sided scores and it makes the competition look embarassing. At least top 5 should offer competitive matches.

I think that the clubs should get together to solve the problem of the low attendances in the play offs, whether reduced ticket prices are the solution is another matter. Surely full stadiums with fans paying affordable ticket prices are a better advert for the sport than half empty stadiums due to fans being unable to attend due to cost.

We pride ourselves on being the "family" sport it's about time that the RFL realise that families budgets are being stretched to their limit in the current financial climate, sport comes far behind putting food on the table or meeting the mortgage payments.

Shift the CC final from August Bank Holiday to the Bank Holiday at the end of May, to expect fans to find money for play offs straight after a trip to London for the CC final is too much.

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:35 pm
by cpwigan
I will not be at the Saints match because of family commitments. At the end of the day nobody knows why Joe Bloggs does not attend BUT there are plenty Joe Bloggs unable to attend.

For fans who throw the NRL example. The NRL has launched an investigation (N.B RFL) because crowds in their play offs are down on previous seasons.

RL in this country? The whole season seems wrong, momentum is lost at vital times and far too many matches are meaningless. What is included as part of a season ticket needs thought too.

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:07 pm
by ancientnloyal
I pick and chooose my matches. The GF I shall attend if we get there.

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:31 pm
by slimshady
stevethegas wrote:As one of those who did make it to the match I too was very disappointed by the empty spaces all around.
It is worth pointing out that 24 hours before, a period which does not allow for major changes in the local or national economy, 18000+ turned up from the same town to the same stadium to watch another game.It is difficult to believe that this is because of the product on the park - especially as the Latics lost. So I can only put it down to hype and the massive publicity machine that soccer has developed.

But if, as we believe, we watch the greatest game of all, and there were several goodbyes to be said, and Madge's last home fixture, then shame on those of you who couldn't be bothered to turn up. Our great club deserves better.
6000 tickets were given away for Latics game on saturday!

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:48 pm
by josie andrews
I was gutted to have missed both the Saints & Catalans play off games, unfortunately I was on holiday :(

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:57 pm
by ancientnloyal
i'd love to go to every match but can't. It doesn't matter if you go to them all or live in Canada and check the scores online from time to time we're all the same and there certainly isnt a better type of supporter to which some in this thread are trying to make out.

Back on topic i would have a CC weekend in cardiff it would give smaller clubs a great day out also

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:20 pm
by RJ
[quote="First Try Tickle"]Think the biggest issue is that whilst you can't make people turn up, its not the RFL's fault. This is working in Australia so why shouldn't it work over here.

The Tour de France has fantastic support but the Tour of Britain attracts very little. Stop trying to compare a sport which is major league in one country with one which has precious little support (relatively speaking)in ours.

Re: 6,790 attendance

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:29 pm
josie andrews wrote:I was gutted to have missed both the Saints & Catalans play off games, unfortunately I was on holiday :(
Shame on you Josie.
Obviously because you didn't cancel your holiday your not a proper fan :wink: