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Re: Fielden

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:24 pm
by bocco
quite right jobo I agree with your last comment 100%

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:26 pm
by Kiwiseddon
jobo wrote:
medlocke wrote:
GBH wrote: Bloody harsh hes been injured and got reinjured trying to get back, hate for you to have time off sick!
and yet numerous members on here and RLfans constantly called for the release of Amos Roberts when he was injured, yet again we double standards, if the player is nearly 33 and keeps having set backs while trying to get back to match fitness then surely he should be able to work out that he is now past it and his body is trying to tell him that, i seem to recall Seu Seu being talked into leaving when he was past it so we could bring Stu in, yet Stu seems to want to linger on and take up essential cap space, is it good for the club to be paying a big chunk of the cap to a player that hasn't played in 2 years, not good business is it
Must admit I don't read every post on this forum but who exactly are the numerous posters that called for Amos to be released because of his injury???

As for Fielden, he injured himself playing for Wigan so he deserves looking after and if anyone thinks he's swinging the lead, they need their heads examining. What would you do with a copper who gets badly injured in the line of duty, or a soldier, sack them????
Whilst I was not injured in the line of duty, I am a Copper on long term sick what with my recent diagnosis and am happy to report that my employer has been superb in dealing with me.
To be fired now from my job would have catastrophic effects on my finances and outlook and whilst I appreciate that sport is different, there's still an employer / employee relationship between Wigan RL and Fielden and if he were to be sacked purely for being off sick, I reckon there'd be some legal implications to it and rightly so.

He was contracted on the amount he's being paid safe in the knowledge that injury is part and parcel of the employment he chose. As others have commented, may be he's pushing a bit hard to get back to fitness, which is having an ultimately negative effect but he's not happily sat on the sidelines. He's desperate to get back into the team.

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:27 pm
by medlocke
So the club has to stick by and honour a players contract when a player is injured but then a player can basically piss all over his contract and leave a season early because some NRL club have offered the big bucks, doesn't seem fair to me

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:10 pm
by butt monkey
medlocke wrote:So the club has to stick by and honour a players contract when a player is injured but then a player can basically piss all over his contract and leave a season early because some NRL club have offered the big bucks, doesn't seem fair to me
Which was basically my point about Joel leaving. He had his cake and ate it. Had the luxury of a good contract at the club and the first chance he got with the tampering from Union - he was gone

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:06 pm
by jobo
medlocke wrote:So the club has to stick by and honour a players contract when a player is injured but then a player can basically piss all over his contract and leave a season early because some NRL club have offered the big bucks, doesn't seem fair to me
Your surely not saying that an injured player shouldn't have his contract honoured???

Take your point about the seeming unfairness of the contract system but the club still has the option of enforcing a contract and refusing to let a player leave. Trouble is, this would more than likely lead to the situation you are peed off with as regards Fielden, namely, a player taking a large chunk of the salary cap and not playing.

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:43 pm
by Kittwazzer
I still say he is playing the system. How many times now has he tried to 'come back too soon', only to end up extending his sick leave?

He's now been out as long as Freddy who DID have a serious problem and who DID want to get back into the game.

Sorry, but SF has played us like a Stradivarius!

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:46 pm
by medlocke
Kittwazzer wrote:I still say he is playing the system. How many times now has he tried to 'come back too soon', only to end up extending his sick leave?

He's now been out as long as Freddy who DID have a serious problem and who DID want to get back into the game.

Sorry, but SF has played us like a Stradivarius!
if this had been Moran or Vaealiki in the same situation, the whole board would be in meltdown from the disgust

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:26 pm
by nellywelly
medlocke wrote:
GBH wrote:
medlocke wrote: good, he doesn't deserve one, been steeling a living the past 2 seasons
Bloody harsh hes been injured and got reinjured trying to get back, hate for you to have time off sick!
and yet numerous members on here and RLfans constantly called for the release of Amos Roberts when he was injured, yet again we double standards, if the player is nearly 33 and keeps having set backs while trying to get back to match fitness then surely he should be able to work out that he is now past it and his body is trying to tell him that, i seem to recall Seu Seu being talked into leaving when he was past it so we could bring Stu in, yet Stu seems to want to linger on and take up essential cap space, is it good for the club to be paying a big chunk of the cap to a player that hasn't played in 2 years, not good business is it

Two wrongs dont make it right,he is trying to get back to full fitness and if our doctors say he is alright to try then he has done no wrong. I cant believe the bitterness amongst you guys and I for one would never crucify a guy for trying to get fit. You are blaiming him for getting a good deal which is just silly grow up and join the real world I for one would not blame any player for taking the wages he has been paid and agreed on.The wages are part of his agreed contract and will include payment when injured this is only right and I would not expect any differnt from a responsable club like ours. I hope the bile which comes from you is returned by your employer when your injured

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:31 pm
by Panchitta Marra
Whats peoples thoughts then.

1. Not give him a new contract and let him go.
2. Give him a new contract, and on what terms.

Re: Fielden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:01 pm
by Kittwazzer
nellywelly wrote: Two wrongs dont make it right,he is trying to get back to full fitness and if our doctors say he is alright to try then he has done no wrong. I cant believe the bitterness amongst you guys and I for one would never crucify a guy for trying to get fit. You are blaiming him for getting a good deal which is just silly grow up and join the real world I for one would not blame any player for taking the wages he has been paid and agreed on.The wages are part of his agreed contract and will include payment when injured this is only right and I would not expect any differnt from a responsable club like ours. I hope the bile which comes from you is returned by your employer when your injured
I could do a DaveO and take your post apart bit by bit but frankly, I can't be arsed.

I was pilloried on here by someone for dredging up a 2009 thread. 2009 FFS when he was in his 3rd year with us and people were still asking when he was planning to justify the money he had cost us!

But people conveniently forget all that and choose to remember a guy who singlehandedly saved us from relegaton. Well that is bollocks as well, he wasn't all that good!

But the ultimate proof is on Twitter, or rather not on it!

And the people on here who follow @StuartFielden29 and the rest of the players will know what I mean!