Football fans @ Quins

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Re: Football fans @ Quins

Post by jimofwigan »

ancientnloyal posted:
Just woke up, after returning from London and the first thing i'd like to stress about is the football's influence on the match.

I know many of you didnt travel to London so probably wont know what Im on about but...

When it went to penalties in the Portugal v England match, at least 200 supporters, many Wigan fans left the match to walk half way around the stadium to watch the shoot-out in the players bar. What an absolute disgrace!!!! what the hell does this say about rugby league?? and Wigan! The most important game of our season so far (need points dont we) and you all walk off to watch some people kick a ball and miss. You missed a good try and points, a good match in the 10 minutes you were away.

The best thing at least was when england got kncked out, you all streamed back into the North stand to the BOOS and JEERS by the "LOYAL SUPPORTERS"... If you are in London to watch Wigan, watch wigan... dont make an embarrasement of yourselves and rugby league by turning your back and watching a rival viewing sport. I dont know what this was like on television, if eddie and stevo brought it up but... Wigan needs the support.


Loyal Supporters!
They might of been confused thinking it was a Rugby match because once they retrieved the ball from Roony's backside following his sending off it was shaped like a rugby ball :D :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
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Re: Football fans @ Quins

Post by JohnOK »

IMO the majority of people only missed part of the first half, if it was the last 10 minutes of the match then the fans could have had something to boo about.

But have you thought that there are Wigan fans out there who also like other sports. There is a world outside Wigan. I'm a passionate Wigan RL fan but football will always be number 1 for me and i couldn't have missed the penalties.
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Re: Football fans @ Quins

Post by GeoffN »

The_Bad_Guy posted:
i love wigan and always will but it was my national team in the biggest tourney in the world.

i had to flick over and watch the penalties.

i love rugby but will always like soccer, NFL, Basketball, Ice hockey, Baseball, Nascar, Formula one, Tennis, Aussie rules footy, Union, Cricket and many other sports because they are all great to watch and i am a sports fan.

first a warriors fan but second a sports fan.
I don't have a problem with flicking over - the players can't see you doing that.
I see it (at a live game) as being similar to walking out of a concert or stage show half way through - just sends the message that what you're watching isn't worth it - which has been true for too many of our games!
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