Hock approached by Canbera?????

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Re: Hock approached by Canbera?????

Post by DaveO »

gpartin wrote:Dave I really don't know what you're getting at. Why would libel even be an issue if nobody read the forum outside a small group of people. Don't you believe that stories originating on the internet have made it in the press despite evidence to the contrary? By your argument I'd like to know why you think we bother censoring anything on here.
Libellous posts occasionally crop up on here and are deleted as they are on rlfans as a matter of course which is obviously the sensible thing to do.

It doesn't matter that they won't be read by many people they still need to be deleted but how does that alter anything with regarding my point that this site isn't influential or that the club won't be paying any attention to rumours given they will be testing Hock regularly?

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Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2002 5:32 pm

Re: Hock approached by Canbera?????

Post by DaveO »

But club officials are not stupid and so I disagree it can do irreparable damage. They definitely won't take the view just because it's on the net it must be true and they don't need to.

They will have the evidence otherwise because Hock will be on a very strict testing regime so they will not be lurking round here and consequently giving Hock a hard time due to some anonymous poster starting a rumour. They will know the situation with 100% certainty so will pay no attention to any rumours.

Read My post more carefully before you just pick out the club officials.

I appreciate and agree your point on the official, but there are wider implications

Hock as an individual has a reputation to re-build within the game and also within the community he lives in, these posts irrespective of the size of the game or the forum in which they have been posted could cause serious damage to the re-building process undertaken by hock.
But the only way back into and to stay in the game is to be clean and remain clean. If anyone outside of the club officials within the game or his community is stupid enough to believe otherwise well then they are, well, stupid.

If anyone thinks they can cause trouble for Hock by spreading rumours they are equally stupid because he will be the most tested player in the game.
Remember he was asked to do community work on the affects of drugs etc and a simple internet rumour like this could undermine him as Children are a hell of lot more streetwise these and wouldn't think twice about saying to Gaz, im a Wigan forum poster and it says you been on it again!
Well the answer to that (from him) is very simple and obvious. In any case these streetwise kids probably don't need a rumour to ask such a question. They would probably ask him outright anyway.

Hock will just have to deal with the inevitable rumours because a price he will pay for having done drugs once is he will always have the suspicion hanging over him that he will do it again (or is doing it) regardless of the fact it will be nigh on impossible for that to be the case due to all the testing.
So you have to look at all sides and not just the club angle
For the none club angle it is the inevitable rumours will occur. It's unrealistic to think otherwise IMO wherever they start but he will be in a better position than any player to refute them because of the testing he will be undertaking.

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