Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by DaveO »

Flattered? Who gives a toss about that? We all know the fact of the matter is they have not picked him to flatter RL.

Talk about a sport clutching at straws to find anything positive in this.

Josie, next time you see someone form the club how about suggesting Sam gives his wages from this match to charity?

The players do get paid I found out but I also found out the Barbarians have a charitable trust, the main purpose of which is to promote the development of RU. They do give to other causes but their last big donation was £10,000 to the Bill Mclaren foundation which promotes the development of RU in Scotland.

So if Sam puts any on the gate for this game he will be aiding the development of RU.

He might earn some kudos and get less flak if he donated his wages for this game to the RFL benevolent fund.
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by Welski »

What about Sam?

So far all the objections appear centered around RU verses RL and what the relative benefits are.

He’s copped a lot of flak and personal abuse from sections of the RL community this year culminating in his reaction at the Challenge Cup final which must have partly overshadowed a great day for him. Also IMO the off field issues also played a large factor in him missing the MoS award. He has seen his brother leave the club and one can only assume he has also been courted by RU. Mentally it’s been a tough year but he has now signed a contract committing himself to Wigan and RL for at least three years.

Saturday gives him the chance to play at Twickenham in a match which normally attracts a large crowd and somewhat of a party atmosphere. The game is normally more open than most RU games, which should suit his style.

I hope he really enjoys himself, forgets all the off field rubbish that must affect him, has a great game and of course stays free of injury.

If this was part of the price to pay for him remaining a Wigan player for now then I think it’s well worth it.

You never know if he proves he doesn’t need a RU club to be able to play international level RU he might become the first Club RL/England RU player!
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by Welski »

DaveO wrote:Josie, next time you see someone form the club how about suggesting Sam gives his wages from this match to charity?

So if Sam puts any on the gate for this game he will be aiding the development of RU.

He might earn some kudos and get less flak if he donated his wages for this game to the RFL benevolent fund.
At the risk of entering a long debate surely its a matter for the individual to decide if he/she should donate to charity.

Additionally why should he receive any flak for this? He has been invited to play and he has the backing of his employer and the RFL.

If anything your comments should be directed at the RFU over contributing the additional revenue he may or may not generate to RFL charities.

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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by BriH »

The more I think about this the more bewildered I become.

Is this a means of starting a precedent whereby the RU will eventually be able to 'poach' RL players if the fee is big enough for England games?

The more I think about it the less I like. I get the impression there has been discussions between the RU and the RL + Wigan at the highest level.

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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by DaveO »

Welski wrote:What about Sam?
Indeed, what about Sam.

There has been a lot of controversy this year over the England booing fiasco but after his performances in the 4 nations and due to most fans of all clubs realising the idiocy of the Leeds fans everything seemed back on a even keel.

Things then got even better when his new deal was announced. If you went over to RLFANS the day his new contract was signed there were plenty of fans form other clubs saying how great it was Sam was staying in league and the amendments to the salary cap to allow this were absolutely fine.

Well I think he will find that goodwill just evaporated.

If he wanted to make himself a target once again how better to do it but to sign a deal that is going to keep him in league and then go and swan off to play union?

Can you imagine the kudos he would have got had he politely declined the invitation? Instead he has just handed the boo-boys another clip full of ammunition.

Talk about shooting himself in the foot.

And the idea he can go and have a run around in the park at Twickers as some reward for a tough year has got to the best excuse yet!
butt monkey
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by butt monkey »

Like I have already pointed out. IMO Sam will "guest" for a Union side during the close season for each of the 3 year deal he has signed.

This "not talking" to another club has already - after only a couple of weeks - been proved to be utterly worthless and insulting to those concerned (the fans).
[img] ... monkey.gif[/img]

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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by DaveO »

Welski wrote:
At the risk of entering a long debate surely its a matter for the individual to decide if he/she should donate to charity.
Of course it is and I was being facetious pointing out that given one of the main functions of the Ba Baas is its charity which promotes RU so by playing this game he is promoting RU.
Additionally why should he receive any flak for this? He has been invited to play and he has the backing of his employer and the RFL.
Have you read the thread? It's not "extra" flak, its just another aspect of why he ought not to be playing this game.
If anything your comments should be directed at the RFU over contributing the additional revenue he may or may not generate to RFL charities.
Given its a Ba Baas charity and they get the cash from gate receipts it is nothing to do with the RFU. The charity is constituted as all charities are with specific aims in mind and promoting RL isn't one so I doubt they could even if they wanted to.

Sam on the other hand could mitigate the PR disaster this is for him, which I pointed out in my last post, by donating his match fee to the RFL benevolent fund.

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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by Exiled Wiganer »

I have been a huge fan of his, but this is enough to put me off him for good.
He could have been a league icon, but he is showing his true colours by putting himself on show, to prepare himself to ditch us as soon as possible. The 3 year thing was the best spin that I L and the RFL could put on it. He'll be gone long before 3 years, and all I L can do is bump the price up. I L is in an impossible position, and is doing all he can to keep the faith while we are all taken for a ride as a stopping off point, which he can't ditch quickly enough.
I am disgusted with him.
I may be wrong and over reacting though.
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by DaveO »

cherry.pie wrote:
DaveO wrote:
Welski wrote:What about Sam?
Indeed, what about Sam.

There has been a lot of controversy this year over the England booing fiasco but after his performances in the 4 nations and due to most fans of all clubs realising the idiocy of the Leeds fans everything seemed back on a even keel.

Thinks then got even better when his new deal was announced. If you went over to RLFANS the day his new contract was signed there were plenty of fans form other clubs saying how great it was Sam was staying in league and the amendments to the salary cap to allow this were absolutely fine.

Well I think he will find that goodwill just evaporated.

If he wanted to make himself a target once again how better to do it but to sign a deal that is going to keep him in league and then go and swan off to play union?

Can you imagine the kudos he would have got had he politely declined the invitation? Instead he has just handed the boo-boys another clip full of ammunition.

Talk about shooting himself in the foot.

And the idea he can go and have a run around in the park at Twickers as some reward for a tough year has got to the best excuse yet!
What does it matter what other fans think of him? He shouldn't give a crap what anyone else thinks about him and do what he feels right for himself.
Apparently quite a lot. It has been mentioned numerous times here and on rlfans that his treatment as an England player has caused him problems. I don't think it should myself because as a pro sportsman he should expect flak and media scrutiny as that goes with the territory but apparently I am wrong in that view. Either way he has just set himself up for a load more flak.
His agent seems to have done a bit of work and got the Barbarians to invite him to play in their game. What's wrong with him saying yes to it?
Have you read the thread? For a start his agent should not be setting him up playing other sports when he is contracted to Wigan (though why you think it is agent who sorted this I'd be interested to know).

If his agent came up to him with this idea he should have knocked it back, as should the club because they have just been telling everyone he is exclusively a league player for 3 years. They got the salary cap altered to keep him as such and so this is just a slap in the face. And then we have the possibility he could be injured playing the game and the fact he is dong a great job at putting bums on seats in a rival sport and generating publicity for that sport.
He can't join a union club for another 3 years so it's not like he's switching codes now or any time in the immediate future. What he's doing is getting a chance to see what he can do playing a game of union.
And why does he need to do that?

If he fancies a game of soccer next week should he be allowed a go at that as well?

I have not seen one good reason put forward yet why he should be playing in this game. The publicity angle certainly isn't one as both IL and the RFL look like they are fawning all over RU eager to please and RU look like they don't even have to employ our players to get them into games.
He's going to switch in three years time anyway. If he doesn't I'll eat every hat that I own. For now, why should he or the club or rugby league in general pass up the opportunity to get a bit of publicity and hopefully see him demonstrate the skills that he has to offer.
Given this will do more harm than good of course it should be passed up. It makes it look like RU shouts and we jump and undermines the credibility of IL as having secured a deal to keep the best player in the league. There would be far better publicity with a public decline of the offer.
We want people to sit up and take notice of the best talents in our game. We want them to see exactly what they have to offer. We want column inches for them. We want them discussed in the papers.

Wigan should be trying to get as much interest in Sam Tomkins as possible.
Not if it means playing Rugby Union. It is the biggest and most stupid error of judgement IL has made since he got here.
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by old hooker »

Disgraceful decision by IL,who will profit financially from this.RL is becoming more farcical week by week and imo it is another sign that our game is dying rapidly.As for Sam signing a contract to stay with Wigan,well we all know contracts are not worth the paper they are written on.
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