Mayor of London

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Owd Codger
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by Owd Codger »

medlocke wrote:
Whelley Warrior wrote:
Wiganer Ted wrote:He will be successful.
Livingstone and Johnson were successful and no wonder considering the amount of money given to London compared to the rest of the country.
Re transport, Londoners, I think, get around £800 per person spent on them transport wise.
The rest of the country gets about £120 per person.

No wonder we've still got clapped out Pacer Trains and only one Pennine motorway. The plans of Highways England (London based) for the 2nd Pennine motorway are a joke.
Exactly, Wiganer Ted, the London area gets a first class modern transport system with brand new trains and buses etc in order to get all the foreigners now living there around the city, while we in the industrial area's of the North West, North East, West Yorkshire and South Wales etc who are helping to pay for it have to put up with all the old and out of date trains and buses and less new road building.

And what are our local elected politicians doing to improve our lot?

Nothing, because like the Euro MPs, they are too busy feathering their own personal nests to care about us the public who pay their salaries and expenses.

Khan has been elected as Mayor of London simply because he is of foreign origin and the fact that more people now living in inner London are like him are of foreign origin.

Hardly surprising he won, when his Tory opponent had a name like Goldsmith!
We currently have a mix of 90's sprinter trains and several 37 class diesel locos pulling early 90's intercity carriages travelling between Whitehaven and Barrow, i got on one coming back from Barrow just before christmas, being cold it had the heater on, all you could smell was burning diesel, utter piss take, the South get's everything where as the North makes do :angry:
True, but the problem is that we have people in the North and South Wales who see no problem and keep voting in the politicians at all levels and also trade union leaders who are doing nothing to improve our lot as they are too busy looking after number one.

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Re: Mayor of London

Post by DaveO »

Whelley Warrior wrote: Exactly, Wiganer Ted, the London area gets a first class modern transport system with brand new trains and buses etc in order to get all the foreigners now living there around the city.....

Khan has been elected as Mayor of London simply because he is of foreign origin and the fact that more people now living in inner London are like him are of foreign origin.
Well clearly you don't know what you are talking about and the above quotes are in my view racisit.

He was born in the UK and is a state educated son of London bus driver.

The percentage of people living in London who were not born there is 37% but that doesn't mean they are all eligible to vote anyway.

He achieved the largest democratic mandate of any modern politician with 56.9% of the vote after the 2nd round.

It would have been impossible to get that percentage if a majority of the 44.7% of "white british" Londoners had not voted for him as well.

So obviously he appealed across the racial spectrum.

How about it being a lot simpler and given London is a good place for Labour in elections they decided to elect a Labour mayor without letting the sort of prejudice you display affect their vote?

Owd Codger
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by Owd Codger »

DaveO wrote:
Whelley Warrior wrote: Exactly, Wiganer Ted, the London area gets a first class modern transport system with brand new trains and buses etc in order to get all the foreigners now living there around the city.....

Khan has been elected as Mayor of London simply because he is of foreign origin and the fact that more people now living in inner London are like him are of foreign origin.
Well clearly you don't know what you are talking about and the above quotes are in my view racisit.

He was born in the UK and is a state educated son of London bus driver.

The percentage of people living in London who were not born there is 37% but that doesn't mean they are all eligible to vote anyway.

He achieved the largest democratic mandate of any modern politician with 56.9% of the vote after the 2nd round.

It would have been impossible to get that percentage if a majority of the 44.7% of "white british" Londoners had not voted for him as well.

So obviously he appealed across the racial spectrum.

How about it being a lot simpler and given London is a good place for Labour in elections they decided to elect a Labour mayor without letting the sort of prejudice you display affect their vote?
Seeing that you are a supporter of the now corrupt system we have in our country, perhaps you can explain how it is that when more and more people on low pay or benefits in London are having difficulty in finding affordable decent accommodation, your pal Cameron and his government are allowing in more and more people to clog up the affordable housing situation even further.

Its all very well giving present population figures of different races in London, but the fact remains that the figure for white British people (official title on official forms) is going down as a result of moving out while that of newcomers is going up at a alarming rate.

p.s. And why is it that when anyone says anything about people of foreign origin, people like yourself always bring up about racism or say that others don't know what they are talking about. I suggest you go down to London to see what it is like and by that I don't mean to enjoy the tourist sites, just some of the former cockney suburbs which are getting more and more like New York ghetto's. Perhaps they should move some to Chester to help the situation!

Wandering Warrior
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by Wandering Warrior »

How ironic it would be if a person of foreign origin attended you and put you right if you had suffered illness or would you tell him/her to let you Die? Furthermore, god forbid you require a blood transfusion, does each pint come with a history certificate of where it came from in order to keep you from having some dodgy stuff in you Whelley?
You really are quite a bigoted, presumptuous person,hiding behind a banner of social ideals!
Well done.
When John Byrom plays on snow, he doesn't leave any footprints - Jimmy Armfield
Owd Codger
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by Owd Codger »

Wandering Warrior wrote:How ironic it would be if a person of foreign origin attended you and put you right if you had suffered illness or would you tell him/her to let you Die? Furthermore, god forbid you require a blood transfusion, does each pint come with a history certificate of where it came from in order to keep you from having some dodgy stuff in you Whelley?
You really are quite a bigoted, presumptuous person,hiding behind a banner of social ideals!
Well done.
Have you ever considered that the reason why we have so many people of foreign origin from other countries in the NHS is because many of our own medical trained graduates from University and even nursing staff, go to other countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA for more better paid jobs and a better lifestyle.

Do Junior Doctors in those countries have to go on strike in order to get decent pay and conditions like they have had to do here as a result of having government treating them like dirt.

Even the Flying Doctor service in Australia is now mainly run by ex. pats from our country.

Another reason why we are getting more and more people of foreign origin in the NHS is because like many other jobs now, pay has been dragged down as a result of the minimum wage being introduced and a situation that for many of our own born and bred people now find it better to live on benefits or scams than work in low paid jobs where any real work is attached.

Hence the lowering of standards which is already being seen in care work since that has been moved into the private sector world of private care companies just paying the minimum wage with no increments for working unsocial hours/less holidays and private landlords getting rents higher than normal rental from the Government.

The NHS is going in the same direction judging by the increasing number of complaints we are seeing in the news media.

If you are happy with what is happening to our country, that is up to you.

Why do you think there is so much unrest among our people today to the extent that many are seeing that membership of the European Union is the cause of many of our problems.

Even the Queen is expressing concern about EU membership and the direction in which it is heading.

We don't all base our opinions on what we are fed in the Tory controlled media.
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by SJ »

It seems obvious that the reason we are having a referendum at all is because of the uncertainty of the direction of the EU.
The government are. in a dilemma. What better than extracting ourselves ie the government from the perceived dilemma than by absolving ourselves from being a responsible government by allowing the electorate decide the issue. If the vote is to remain in or leave and it goes belly up then it's not our fault it's the will of the people.
Is this a simplistic view or are we witnessing a complete dereliction of duty from an hopelessly incompetent government?

Sorry this should be in the EU topic (anybody would thing I can't see :cool:
Wandering Warrior
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by Wandering Warrior »

I'm not reading the rantings of a pompous bigot so save your thumb!
Furthermore I have a mind to make my own opinions, it comes from living a life and differentiating fact from fantasy!
When John Byrom plays on snow, he doesn't leave any footprints - Jimmy Armfield
Wandering Warrior
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by Wandering Warrior »

SJ wrote:It seems obvious that the reason we are having a referendum at all is because of the uncertainty of the direction of the EU.
The government are. in a dilemma. What better than extracting ourselves ie the government from the perceived dilemma than by absolving ourselves from being a responsible government by allowing the electorate decide the issue. If the vote is to remain in or leave and it goes belly up then it's not our fault it's the will of the people.
Is this a simplistic view or are we witnessing a complete dereliction of duty from an hopelessly incompetent government?

Sorry this should be in the EU topic (anybody would thing I can't see :cool:
The one and only reason we are having a referendum is because Camoron has come under pressure from his euro septics in his own party to have one, not public opinion.
Folk like Farage and Johnson are not arsed what happens to the country, their bank balance will be a cushion, they're interested in kudos and power.
Vote out and Camoron and Osborne are gone and Boris will be in. Whichever way there's only one loser, the working folk!!
When John Byrom plays on snow, he doesn't leave any footprints - Jimmy Armfield
Owd Codger
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by Owd Codger »

Wandering Warrior wrote:Whelley
I'm not reading the rantings of a pompous bigot so save your thumb!
Furthermore I have a mind to make my own opinions, it comes from living a life and differentiating fact from fantasy!
So do we take it you are happy with the present state of the country and the way people are being affected by low pay, lowering of standards, more people on benefits, shortage of affordable housing etc, people and sex traffic trade etc, etc.

Or is it that you are only interested in trowing insults at anyone who dares to says anything about trouble at Rugby League games possibly involving football hooligans.

p.s. If you don't want to hear my opinions which it is obvious you do read, there is the option of 'ignore'.
Owd Codger
Posts: 5628
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Re: Mayor of London

Post by Owd Codger »

Wandering Warrior wrote:
SJ wrote:It seems obvious that the reason we are having a referendum at all is because of the uncertainty of the direction of the EU.
The government are. in a dilemma. What better than extracting ourselves ie the government from the perceived dilemma than by absolving ourselves from being a responsible government by allowing the electorate decide the issue. If the vote is to remain in or leave and it goes belly up then it's not our fault it's the will of the people.
Is this a simplistic view or are we witnessing a complete dereliction of duty from an hopelessly incompetent government?

Sorry this should be in the EU topic (anybody would thing I can't see :cool:
The one and only reason we are having a referendum is because Camoron has come under pressure from his euro septics in his own party to have one, not public opinion.
Folk like Farage and Johnson are not arsed what happens to the country, their bank balance will be a cushion, they're interested in kudos and power.
Vote out and Camoron and Osborne are gone and Boris will be in. Whichever way there's only one loser, the working folk!!
Wrong, the Eurosceptics have raised the issue in Parliament because they know that there is a lot of unrest in the country among ordinary people about membership of the European Union and the mass flood of immigrants which is affecting their lives and the future for their families.

As for bank balances, people in the Labour and Trade Union movement are not doing to bad in that respect these days judging by the way with the odd exception, they too are on the gravy train of big salaries, expenses and living in big houses like the Tories.

But you are right about workers being the losers!
