Gelling / Thornley

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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by Wes »

29wes28 wrote:I agree cp regarding centre and 2nd row being the best position for him however Jim does have a point re ball distribution.

Carmont can throw some howlers even when it's paddy outside of him, now it's just magnified because gelling doesnt have a wingers instinct or positioning.

The amount of times I think jesus paddy that was a good catch on the way to a try or a break through but George gets away with his accuracy then because paddys world class but now georges accuracy coupled with gellings poor positioning is being highlighted.

Unlike Jim I'm not having a go on the whole George is a good centre and with a good winger becomes a better whole.

There you go that's my constructive view point.
Just thought I'd repost my earlier post as I think Jim is being unnecessarily hounded on here.

TB aside I can see where Jim is coming from, it's a shame as his discussion was with 1 maybe 2 posters not the whole board.

Just to change the subject; God in another topic you say Micky mac isn't playing on sat, is that 100%? I'd be worried if he isn't, can anyone else shed some light.

Jim a lot of what you have said within this post/topic I don't agree with but I know where you are. Coming from re George. Ps your welcome.
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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by TrueBlueWarrior »

God, I think and hope that he is fit, I also think it is a mind game from Waney, knowing how important he is to our team I think he is keeping Leeds guessing as to his availability when SW knows he is playing. It would be a massive downer for Leeds if they think he is not playing only to see his name on the team sheet. Wishful thinking maybe haha!
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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by trotski_tgwu »

Re: charnleys injury
Think MM is fine from what I have read, it was nothing serious and more precaution that he sat out Wakefield, no need to risk him.

This Quote is copyied and pasted from the Charnleys injury thread, i take it no one has bothered to read it or you would have seen about MM

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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by TrueBlueWarrior »

trotski_tgwu wrote:Re: charnleys injury
Think MM is fine from what I have read, it was nothing serious and more precaution that he sat out Wakefield, no need to risk him.

This Quote is copyied and pasted from the Charnleys injury thread, i take it no one has bothered to read it or you would have seen about MM
TT it was me that said that because after reading the Waney injury update article on the official site there was no mention of MM being injured so I just assumed he was ok, hope I am right. CP any news?
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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by phil winnard »

This is the most boring post I have ever read on any forum with you lot bickering and trying to out do one another! Are we not all on the same side???!!!!!!!!
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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by cpwigan »

Not heard anything to the contrary TB. I hope Micky Mac is fit and playing he adds so much to our team.
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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by Southern Softy »

God wrote:The power of suggestion is just that... powerfull. HC may not have directly said Carmont is a poor player however suggesting that his skill level comes into question because of x and y is just as bad imo and is a very politician esque statement to make, this can be used to easily back track and argue a point to exhaustion.

Gelling is NOT a winger, NOBODY is suggesting that Gelling is a poor player (if so they must be on glue) just that hes not a winger and you can tell hes not by his style of play,positioning and pace.

Anybody who has seen him play this year will all agree, were virtually singing from the same hym sheet so i dont know where HC is coming from.

Does Carmont have confidence in Gelling?? ATM i would say its boarderline no, but not because Carmont doesnt see Gelling as a poor player but because in his mind his first and fore most mind set is ball retention, if he feels that the ball will go to ground or Gelling is slightly out of position he wont pass, simple as that. That IMO is good center decision making. If he knows the ball is going to a player who is in position and who has one or less players to beat Gelling will get it, if not he wont pass simple as that.

Take Goulding, he WILL NOT pass to his winger unless hes in a position to recieve the ball and 9 times out of 10 Goulding doesnt even need to look when he passes to Charnley because he knows he will be in position and his timing is spot on(thats chemistry).

This is where Gelling fails as hes NOT a winger so therefore 5 times out of 10 his timing is out or hes not in the right position to get the ball, putting doubt into Carmont's mind you have less than a second to make a decision from center to either pass or go yourself and so far Carmont has done very well with a none winger outside of him.

You might as well put a prop on the wing as thats what Carmont has to work with atm. Both have done very well, however Thornley would be the better option outside Carmont as he is an outside back and his timing will be much better as it comes more natural to him. Unlike Gelling who up untill Wigan has played his entire career at either second row or a cameo at center.

As for all this Trent Barrett thing, its sounding very silly because i know for a fact that T.B started training at 8am on a regular occasion with anybody else who wanted to join him and under Noble official start time wasnt untill 10am and if you believe it, some first team players were spotted in Wigan town center at around 1pm on there way home.(not good imo)

T.B was a model professional and if he caused a stir because he wanted to train longer and a certain few didnt because Noble was too soft with his players, then so be it. Under Madge it was different and players were not leaving training untill 5pm, T.B would have loved this type of setup. T.B helped the young lads no end in terms of respect and attitude and IMO was a fantastic player.

If you want an honest opinion of T.B go and speak to Kris Rad and Sam Tomkins also a number of ex juniors they will put you 100% straight.
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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by ian.birchall »

highland convert wrote: Look at this thread, Thornley scores a couple of tries against a well beaten team. Why was the thread not about Thornley? Answer it had to include the current whipping boy.
Sorry HC you got the wrong end of my stick. I was at Wakey and the point of my posting was to emphasise the difference I saw in Thornley and Gelling. Irrespective of Gelling being the current whipping boy (and I wasn't even aware of this having just returned from my annual extended stay in la belle France), Thornley who I admitted was not supposed to be a winger was yards in front of Gelling in positioning, running at the line and avoiding being tackled. There was such a difference in ability it was impossible to conclude other than the fact that if we are playing a substitute for Richards it should be this lad who was playing his first game in the first team as against the lad who had played regularly since Richards injury
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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by Mike588 »

Pretty new to the site. Posted ages ago and then thought I'd start again.

Firstly, Gelling is raw. There is no other way to describe him. He has potential and a good athletic build but he's no Izzy Folau and I'm sorry but there is a reason why he didn't make the grade in the NRL/wasn't re-signed.

I don't think anyone could doubt the impact of George or the service that he's provided the club BUT I don't necessarily subscribe to the view that his service (passing) is faultless. GC is a great athlete, always has been and he's a very dependable centre who has been consistently good for Wigan but in terms of skills he's not in the same league as Lyon and Gidley (just two import C's that spring to mind).

Not seen enough of Thornley to comment but I'd much rather him be playing regularly for Wigan because he's a Brit and potentially he could play for GB in the future.
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Re: Gelling out, Thornley in.

Post by Mike588 »

Mike588 wrote:Pretty new to the site. Posted ages ago and then thought I'd start again.

Firstly, Gelling is raw. There is no other way to describe him. He has potential and a good athletic build but he's no Izzy Folau and I'm sorry but there is a reason why he didn't make the grade in the NRL/wasn't re-signed.

I don't think anyone could doubt the impact of George or the service that he's provided the club BUT I don't necessarily subscribe to the view that his service (passing) is faultless. GC is a great athlete, always has been and he's a very dependable centre who has been consistently good for Wigan but in terms of skills he's not in the same league as Lyon and Gidley (just two import C's that spring to mind).

Not seen enough of Thornley to comment but I'd much rather him be playing regularly for Wigan because he's a Brit and potentially he could play for GB in the future.
England of course. Just wish it was still GB
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