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Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:19 pm
by slimshady
As ive said before the England coach is rubbish, we are a laughing stock, we lose to the Eyeties and then he decides to kick one of his best players out of the team. If 6/7 went out then they should all be punished the same. He has been punished for drinking, not for missing the swim session. What must the rest of the squad be thinking now the team spirit must be through the roof. The england coach has handled this poorly this should have been dealt with in house with a fine, you dont ban players or dismiss them for one indescretion. The other players need to get together, demand Hocks reinstatement and get shut of that cockhead Mcnamarra and while we are at it get shut of all the weapons who are running English RL we need a drastic change at the top.

Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:37 pm
by No straw damn us
cpwigan wrote:What an almighty mess; one which IMO reflects badly on the coach and the RFL. No wonder IL spoke out about wider plans for the game or lack of them.

BTW, it is common knowledge that Hock is prone to over sleeping. Wigan used to arrange a player to 'chaperone' him to training on time.
Well it appears everyone else manged to get up for the swim session. Hock had a roommate, do you think for one minute he would have just crept out and left Hock without trying to get him out of bed?

Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:44 pm
by cpwigan
Wigan_forever19​85​ wrote:
cpwigan wrote:Indeed Josie :) I know everybody is an adult but if you are as experienced in RL circles as McNamara and his team are then you know every players needs 'handling' differently and that Gaz needs 'chaperoning'
Completely disagree CP and im surprised you of all people have said that. He is a grown man and a supposed professional. The idea of handling players in different ways is straight out the noble book of coaching when he used to give gleeson extra time etc.

Maguire was the first to abolish that at wigan and look what effect it had when people realised they really had to earn their place and it wouldn't be handed to them and that they had to act like professionals.

Im good at my job does that mean i should be able to have days off or come in late whenever i chose because of it??

Really angers me that anyone would try and excuse this behaviour he has 1 thing to do for his wage which lets face it is probably more than you or i will ever earn and that's get out of bed and he cant even do that?

He says "oh it was only a 10 min swim", ok Gareth well get your lazy arse out of bed and go and do it then if its only 10 minutes surely you can spend that little time out of your busy life to do the one thing that is required for you to stay out of trouble??

Sick of people thinking its acceptable to be a lush! no wonder this country is in the state its in "oh its all someone elses fault"

the rules were clear - he broke them - he was "sacked" - welcome to the real world
No the rules are not clear cut and in a court of law I would surmise Hock however stupid has a case for unfair dismissal and would win. So sorry it is not the real world.

McNamara and the RFL put together a crazy build up, one where half the team were unavailable due to the GF and one where they ill advisedly wasted time / energy flying to SA for a short period and then back, we then had the Italy debacle and now this.

If it had been the real world. Every player guilty of breaking the drinking curfew would have been punished identically. The fact it was broken says a lot about McNamara. It then boils down to an absence of 20/30 minutes which is not a sackeable offence in the real world. A real world where he has not gone through a staged disciplinary procedure.

In the real world any such issue would have been kept hush hush anyhow. In RL; there are numerous players in that squad who have been guilty of the same, sometimes worse incl at Wigan. Even the Burgess Boys (two) under Madge have had 'huge' moments of ill discipline this season.

Does anybody think the way the situation has been handled is A) Good for the RLWC B) Good for England.

Before we talk real world we need to think; I will hazard a guess half the squad would not be there for their conduct in the last X seasons.

It is a disaster badly handled by a jackass coach, an inept RFL and ends the international career of an incredibly fraught loose cannon.

Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:45 pm
by michael inch stoke
cpwigan wrote:What an almighty mess; one which IMO reflects badly on the coach and the RFL. No wonder IL spoke out about wider plans for the game or lack of them.

BTW, it is common knowledge that Hock is prone to over sleeping. Wigan used to arrange a player to 'chaperone' him to training on time.
A grown man and professional sportsman had to be escorted to training?!!!?
Well that just about sums up what a waste of space he is!!

Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:52 pm
by cpwigan
No straw damn us wrote:
cpwigan wrote:What an almighty mess; one which IMO reflects badly on the coach and the RFL. No wonder IL spoke out about wider plans for the game or lack of them.

BTW, it is common knowledge that Hock is prone to over sleeping. Wigan used to arrange a player to 'chaperone' him to training on time.
Well it appears everyone else manged to get up for the swim session. Hock had a roommate, do you think for one minute he would have just crept out and left Hock without trying to get him out of bed?
No and we have no idea how he tried or who he was. We then have Mr Sleepy thinking its only 20 minutes which suggests he should have had it spelt out to him. Why did McNamara not go to the players when they were having drinks. A phone call is garbage, get off your backside man, frog march them back. Likewise the phonecall sack call is cowardly.

My own father was incredibly hard working but to get him up in a morning required an atom bomb. Some people are just like that but once there he worked ten times harder than Peter Perfect arriving X minutes before start then pretending to work.

Why on earth have 20 minutes scheduled in a day. Pointless? Surely after Italy they need some game sessions.

Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:53 pm
by cpwigan
Plenty of it goes on in RL Michael.

Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:55 pm
by weststand-rich
Never mind all of that. Look at Hocky's forehead. What's going on with those lumps?

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Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:00 pm
by weststand-rich
cpwigan wrote:
Why on earth have 20 minutes scheduled in a day. Pointless? Surely after Italy they need some game sessions.
For 2 reasons. Firstly it gets the players up in the morning. So if they do decide to have a few drinks they've got to at least curb so they get up,

Secondly active recovery. An easy 20 minute swim gets the blood flowing and muscles moving without actually stressing the body or CV system and speeds up recovery better than doing nothing.

As for oversleeping. He was hungover and dead to the world. That's why he couldn't getout of his pit. It's pathetic.

Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:05 pm
by cpwigan
Do you not think they need some ballwork Rich with the Aus game closing in?

Re: Hocky

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:11 pm
by Mike
cpwigan wrote:Do you not think they need some ballwork Rich with the Aus game closing in?
Nah, I imagine they just did that 20 mins then went home.