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Re: Jihadi John reported killing

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:40 am
by Owd Codger
Panchitta Marra wrote:
Whelley Warrior wrote:
Panchitta Marra wrote:Part of the 5 pillars of Islam, raise 5 children and turn 5 non Muslims into Muslims is part of their ideologies as I was told when overseas. You seldom see small families.
Correct, the birthrate of people of Asian immigrants and Muslims in particular is around a third higher than that of Christians.

But, unfortunally, many of the people connected with Christian worship, especially Methodists see no problem of what will become the main religion in years to come as they have a warped idea that all religions can live in harmony in a so called multicultural society.

Time they took the blinkers off and faced the reality of what the situation will be in the future as more and more non Christians come into the country, raise larger families and live together in their own areas and with no intention whatsoever of intergrating with other religions.
There's only one religion intolerant of all others, it's written in their holy scriptures and it's starting to raise its ugly head now.
I was in The Metro centre, Newcastle last Sunday and a choir was singing beautiful Christmas carols on a stage set up in central mall. I just happened to walk past when the man of a non Christian family who was also walking past just turned his head towards the singers, making the most disgusting grunting noise, then swore and walked on. I was inches off lashing out then came to my senses, as it would have been me arrested for lashing out and not this ar53h0le who was clearly disgusted by a choir singing beautiful festive songs.
This is Britain we are talking about.
Exactly, but at the same time we have people involved in the Christian Churches more concerned about helping non Christians than what they are helping our own homeless and elderly. What they should be more concerned about is the fact that only 4% of their own flocks now attend Church instead of bothering about non Christians.

It is all very well bringing 'refugees' from Syria into the counties of Europe including the UK, but what about those people starving or victims of genocide in parts of Africa as a result of other tribal civil wars and control by other Dictators.

Sorry, I forgot Syria is the present flavour of the moment!

Re: Jihadi John reported killing

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 12:09 pm
by Smokie Jim
I'm a non believer and glad my mind isn't polluted by any kind of religious dogma. I think it was Karl Marx who said that. Religion is the Opiate of the people. I have no political affiliations but on Religion I can't say I disagree with him. However religion in its various guises has been around since time immemorial and is here to stay. Having said that I believe there is more than a grain of truth in Whelleys last "post". The Christian religion has been the most significant feature of the British culture and once it becomes diluted by non Christian religions our culture and identity can become diluted to the extent of subugation. I believe we should has a country be tolerant of others beliefs whether religious or political. However in an ideal world multiculturalism will only work if other cultures who share our country also are tolerant and respect the "home country's religion and way of life