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Re: Wigan v Hull

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 10:07 pm
by Kittwazzer
Watching it back now. Scott Taylor's try from the brainfart by Sarginson. If that had been Gelling, this forum would be in meltdown!

Re: Wigan v Hull

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:05 am
by butt monkey
Kittwazzer wrote:Watching it back now. Scott Taylor's try from the brainfart by Sarginson. If that had been Gelling, this forum would be in meltdown!
And it is not the first time Sarginson has thrown the ball to no one in particular that has cost us tries. Last season's challenge cup and the match at Saints when he threw a pass out without even looking will always haunt me.

Nothing to say Gelling wouldn't have done something similar had he played. The only thing that isn't speculation is that Sarginson will be no loss to Wigan when he finally goes - just to the size of the squad

Re: Wigan v Hull

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 4:00 am
by DaveO
Kittwazzer wrote:Watching it back now. Scott Taylor's try from the brainfart by Sarginson. If that had been Gelling, this forum would be in meltdown!
Sargenson is an idiot. Get him off. Useless
Posted by me in disgust right after that.

I have never rated Sarge either and have pointed out before now he leads the way for most number of errors on SL.

The difference between him and Gelling is Gelling is a bit of a cult figure so in my opinion gets away with more than Sarge. Gelling gets excuses made for him. Sarge does not especially now he is leaving.

That is not a defence of Sarge either. Just a comment on my view of how each player is perceived by fans.

Re: Wigan v Hull

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 6:21 am
by nathan_rugby
DaveO wrote:
Kittwazzer wrote:Watching it back now. Scott Taylor's try from the brainfart by Sarginson. If that had been Gelling, this forum would be in meltdown!
Sargenson is an idiot. Get him off. Useless
Posted by me in disgust right after that.

I have never rated Sarge either and have pointed out before now he leads the way for most number of errors on SL.

The difference between him and Gelling is Gelling is a bit of a cult figure so in my opinion gets away with more than Sarge. Gelling gets excuses made for him. Sarge does not especially now he is leaving.

That is not a defence of Sarge either. Just a comment on my view of how each player is perceived by fans.
Gelling runs harder, tackles harder, creates more, makes less errors and has cut his previous season brain farts out mostly this year.

That is the reason Gelling gets away with it more than Sarge, as well as the fact Sarge has made the most errors...

Passing the ball without looking is completely unforgiving and proves to me 100% this lad doesn't understand rugby that well. It is the biggest sign of someone who doesn't understand the game.

Re: Wigan v Hull

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 7:47 am
by jaws1
Hull did the basics right overall they looked a fitter sharper side than us we looked sluggish compared to them they looked far faster than us .Is it our conditioning that's wrong are we doing too much on the weights and not enough sprint training??

Re: Wigan v Hull

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 10:02 am
by Owd Codger
josie andrews wrote:
Whelley Warrior wrote:
fozzieskem wrote:Trying desperetly to take some solace from that game and I cant it was woeful,in fairness despite the score at Dewsbury the side was as disjointed as it was last night frankly so it shouldnt be a surprise.

Hard to pick one player for scorn as most where terrible,i exclude Bateman from that of course,credit though to Hull look a very good side who've spent well.

One thing though as bad as that was and I thought Warrington was far worse, someone started to shout "rubbish" at the team as they walked round at the end,yes it was rubbish but c'mon you dont yell that when you can clearly hear it as the stadium was emptying no matter how bad the performance was.

I'mno softie and I let rip when things are bad but lets be fair those lads take a physical hammering they know when (or should know)theyve played poorly.
I agree, especially when television is present.

But every club has its fickle element who can't take the rough
with the smooth!

p.s. And if they think last night was rubbish, they should have been around in the seventies.
I don't like that sort of shouting either! Some men waited deliberately on the steps to shout disgusting abuse to the players as they came to applaud the fans. I find that sort of behaviour appalling I don't care how bad they play! There is no need for that.

I think some "supporters" need to look at the club crest & read the motto ????
More than likely those who have had too much to drink. Perhaps the time has come to follow the example of Football and not allow drink in the seating areas. I say this because there are some sat near me who spend the game going back and forward to the bar.

I like a drink before the game but come the kick off, it's all about the game, not a boozing session!