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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:37 pm
by ancientnloyal
As my friend Malcolm Tucker would say, its an Omnishambles.

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:40 pm
by Josie's friend
cherry.pie wrote:To be fair to Rads my previous comments may have been a little harsh. It is very possible that he wasn't aware of the incident.
If the bar owner reported it to the club it doesn't necessarily mean that it reached Rads given he's effectively top dog with Lenagan spending more time on other things. That means the incident was probably reported to someone else. In which case saying there will be an investigation into the circumstances would also include investigating who knew and tried to brush it under the carpet.
He knew, the club sent Sam & Joel to apologise plus the £1000 payoff came from the top not middle management. Rads is now a company man which means lying is part of the job.

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:07 pm
by ancientnloyal
This is a disastrous piece of PR from the Club. On the wider issue, what by he hell is going on with our Club? We are meant to be "Wigan" ffs

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:27 pm
by widdenoldboy
Hard to remember a worse couple of weeks for the club - relegation year? we had a poor team, Hock? Bateman and Mossop incident?

Did this incident and how it was handled figure in Wane's decision to leave?

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:51 pm
by morley pie eater
First of all, I've supported Wigan for over 54 years. Second, I've consistently defended "the club" against RU supporters, Leeds fans and Wigan fans on this forum. (You could say I'm ancient and loyal?)

Rugby League is part of who I am: I've argued that it is a community sport that really belongs to the fans, that has values which are long lost by football and other sports. It embodies our tough but honest Northern-ness, hard but fair.

I accept that Joel's attitude and behaviour on this video are not extreme by our society's standards. But they're way out from the standards I (deludedly) have defended and believed in. Yes, Bateman was retained, but after being sanctioned and warned. Same for Hock and others. I can live with that.

What's different here is the unexplained 5 weeks, and the fine and suspension only happening when the video appears on YouTube.

This is not about Joel, it's about the club, and Radlinski in particular. I've used Rads countless times as an example of what's best in RL. How he'd tackle a player into touch and help him up, or check that he was ok. A thoroughly decent bloke, honest as the day is long. Is he really? "Power corrupts.."?

This video, and the club's apparent response, make me question everything I've believed about Wigan, Rugby League, Northern values and the rest. If "the club" continue to look like they are, and have been, covering this up, it'll be the end for me. The only option they have to redeem themselves is for Joel to go.

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:17 pm
by moto748
Heartfelt words well said, morley.

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:28 pm
by Wandering Warrior
I agree entirely with what you say Morley.
The pair of them are not fit to polish Hanley or Edwards' boots!

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:54 pm
by Firestarter
Ide gladly write off season if it taught them a lesson...... not in a bad way because we should still be more than capable of winning the grand final.......we would miss sam but at least morgan would be in his best position and add pace at fullback.....joel on the other hand, doesnt add much and , unfortunately, is gonna make a lot of enemies on the terraces when he gets back imo..... the wigan comments in the vid dont help

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:25 am
by fozzieskem
I'm not sure there is a way back for Joel frankly.

Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:26 am
by East Stand Faithful
Major questions here about the ethics of management. We suspect their mission to sweep it under the carpet has failed.

JT needs firing and club management need to take control and show some leadership rather than this ducking and diving del boy attitude.

We were once Wigan, we now we appear to be some cheap,amateur version.