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Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:03 pm
by Sutty
How many fans of other clubs come away from their matches thinking "wow"? I suspect not that many. Granted Leeds and Saints will feel more satisfied with their performances but on the whole they win most games and they don't often win in style. but when they do, that is when they think "wow". I think I've confused myself there, never mind anyone else. :)

Anyway, like I said, don't think of the whole game and think "ooh we were crap, we did nothing exciting", I can almost guarantee that there will be half a dozen instances in most games that we turn on the flair or a player does something that gets the crowd going. Why can't people concentrate on that aspect of the game?

And finally, I think a lot of Wigan fans are fickle. Yes there are some very knowledgable fans, but these have recently started pointing out everything we do wrong and at the moment can find no good in any aspect of our first team. I suggest they take a break from the board, and rugby and come back in a couple of months, nice and refreshed just in time to support us through the playoffs.

I'm not going to post anything else on this subject, I really can't be arsed with it all. :)


Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:14 pm
by Nine
Thank goodness for a breath of fresh air and common sense from Sutty and A To B - I was beginning to think I'd get to the Quins game and find a crowd of about 100 because everyone else had either slit their throat or was queuing up outside the Reception door with pick-axe handles waiting for Ian Lenagan, Nobby or Joe Lydon to come out.

Reading phrases like (on another thread) “win or lose there is not much to be happy about” angers and amuses me in about equal proportion. It reminds me of a kid having a tantrum – they get themselves in such a state that nothing is good enough, nothing will do.

Sutty said take a break, Cruncher memorably said put a sock in it. To cpwigan I say: you’re right – Wigan fans are educated and discerning and know the difference between quality RL and garbage. That’s why I think most of us aren’t in the negative spiral you are. We recognise the improvements we have had in the past couple of years, see the quality in our side and enjoy watching them despite some frustrations and reservations. Let’s have a sense of perspective.

Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:23 pm
by cpwigan
I am a realist Nine. Sorry :wink: Even our own coach does not enjoy watching his team play judging by his weekly comments.

Still, I will still read yours and Jennifers weekly motivational letters in the WEP.

Catalan have made an offer for Jason Ryles. St George are prepared to let him go. Cats also signed Steve Bell earlier this week.

Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:29 pm
by Dawn O
I personally thought Fielden had a good game(apart from the intercept but hey so did feka!)

does that make me a bad person :(

Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:31 pm
by the-Bowtun-Warrior
Dawn O wrote:I personally thought Fielden had a good game(apart from the intercept but hey so did feka!)

does that make me a bad person :(

who the hell is suggesting that? :eusa16: :what:

Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:13 pm
by AncientWarrior
Good post Sutty (and thanks for the golf tip) also A to B. Wigan fans seem to think we have a divine right to beat everyone in the game and score 50 points in the process. At Leeds, I felt Wigan controlled large parts of the game (despite eventually losing) but in France, we were never in control and whatever we did in attack was always going to be bettered by the Catalans.

We were playing the most currently successful team in Super League on their own ground and made a pretty good fist of it showing a great deal of flair in attack. We lost in a tremendous game of RL but if we can continue the 'go forward' we displayed whilst tightening up on defence we can be a successful team.

Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:49 pm
by El Bobbers
Every team has fickle fans it's usually down to their undying desire to want there team win all the time, of course this is impossible! I think sometimes this maybe exaggerated by our past success.

Going of posts by people who where there our attacking game was pretty good which is encouraging because it's been pretty pour this season, all we need to do now is get that defense sorted!

What is as irritating as anything else is our inconsistent performances.

Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:51 pm
by platt-warrior
I really used to look forward to your informed post's CPWIGAN but i must say over the past weeks the tone and the increasing bitterness/patronising/sarcasm of them has been a shame.I would say your personal critism of certain members of the clubs playing and coaching staff are becoming boring.
How about concentrating on some positives for a change?
oh! free speech is alive and well but yours is becoming a pain. :conf:

Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:26 pm
by jaws1
As posted about fickle fans there were no more fickle fans than Leeds when Dean Bell was in charge playing to virtually empty terraces and i think finished 4th from bottom that season.We all know where Leeds are now they took stock regrouped and so can Wigan
When we were in the clutches of relegation the Wigan fans got behind the team and support grew and the atmosphere was brilliant

Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:05 pm
by butt monkey
cpwigan wrote: Cats also signed Steve Bell earlier this week.
A 32 years old centre! Now there would have been "some" (although I speculate it would have been considerably more) berating of the managership and running or the club IF Wigan had signed him, wouldn't there?