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Re: Tonight's Game v Leeds

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:24 pm
by Barney841
Big problem as well is that the halfs are not doing good together at all.
Leuluai is past it and Williams has gone off the boil since he got his big contract

Re: Tonight's Game v Leeds

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:06 pm
by Firestarter
Barney841 wrote:Big problem as well is that the halfs are not doing good together at all.
Leuluai is past it and Williams has gone off the boil since he got his big contract
i think george needs to go first receiver nxt season( at 7)....sam can go to six ( if we dont sign anyone).... morgan will do a good job at does so much more damage at first receiver imo

Re: Tonight's Game v Leeds

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:30 am
by southportcdm
If we're not going to make any significant signings I agree that trying Sam at 6 or 7 could be the way to go. Morgan (if he recovers fully) could be the first choice fullback, what a shame it's been that he didn't have more games this season before the injury. I'm still a bit concerned that because he was so much better than we expected, we did overate him somewhat and let's be honest, Sam is now playing better than Morgan did. This means that if we move Sam we may be weaker at fullback. We have four good wingers (if Dom fully recovers) under contract so we need to give all of them the opportunity to develop as a first/second choice full back if we move Sam to the halves. In most seasons the wingers play nearly all of the games so we can't 'waste' two good wingers sitting in the reserves or out on loan. I don't think Budgie will make a top centre in the near future (and he'll probably leave in a couple of seasons) and I'm not certain if any of the other three could be developed into a centre. Any comments on my musings would be welcomed.

Re: Tonight's Game v Leeds

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:13 am
by fozzieskem
For my money Sam is progressing well (at least when he backs himself to take players on),always thought it would be next season before we see the best of him,that he's hitting some sort of form now is one of the plus points of this rather turgid season.

Budgie will never be a centre and given he simply doesnt look like the player he was before the ill fated oz jaunt, im not sure whats wrong with the lad but im not the only one to have noticed at times how the burst of speed he had is'nt there any more?

Wigan,if you count Tierney have 5 first team wingers on contract theres no way that they all can play so whats to do with them?,Lewis looks like hesa goner but why give him a 3 year contract last winter,it really doesnt make any sense to me,didnt anyone know about Davies and Marshall?were they hiding?

Re: Tonight's Game v Leeds

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:25 am
by Caboosegg
said last year we would miss smith organisation in the halfs. TL hasnt been bad at what he does but none one is running the show.

Lockers is the talisman. leads by example and others follow but you do see him talking organising the team.

Tomkins does what smith did when on our line always talking so maybe if he moves to halves next year with williams to 7 then it might help.

we need another centre or a 2nd row/centre not to replace anyone but to add pressure to gelling and Gildart, im sure part of how well Davis has been doing is because he knows if he loses form anothet winger is waiting..

Re: Tonight's Game v Leeds

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:42 pm
by bertina
Barney841 wrote:Big problem as well is that the halfs are not doing good together at all.
Leuluai is past it and Williams has gone off the boil since he got his big contract
Couldn't agree more. End of sets crap, general kicking game crap, passing game crap, and has Williams got anything else in his locker at all apart from the ever predictable grubber kick. He's supposed to be a marquee player, but week after week he has been average or worse.
Tommy past it, and even in his pomp his kicking game was poor.
Williams for me vastly overrated, but just signed a big money long term deal, so that's that.
If these two are our main play makers then don't expect our dire predictable attacking plays to improve much.