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Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:38 pm
by Wigan Watcher
Confirmation has come my way that Wigan have broken the salary cap. Lindsay is attempting to justify his actions via the tribunal that is to take place, his main defence is that it could not be helped and the fact that once questioned by the tribunal he has come clean at the first instance. He is asking this to be taken into account.

Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:42 pm
by Spanakopitta
what does he mean by 'it can't be helped'?

its simple to me, you get so much to spend, don;t spend more than that, jobs a good un. :conf:

Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:42 pm
by Lazy J
But by how much?

4 points we can live with
8 points panic time
12 points oh shizer were in the relegation spot!

if Mo was so nieve that he thought we could live with a 12 point deduction and survive he is a bigger idiot than i first thought!

then again 4 points and nice one :eusa10:

Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:51 pm
by adrenalinxx
Lindsey did the same last year saying that Wigan would not have been able to field a team if Wigan did not bring in some more players to cover the injuries.

The RFL did not accept it last time and I doubt the RFL will accept any excuse from Lindsey this year.

Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:53 pm
by Morton Warrior
If Wigan have breached the cap a defense of it couldn't be helped is not going to wash especially with our breach of the previous year.
It also doesn't tally with wigans statement
"The Wigan club believes it has acted honestly and reasonably in relation to the salary cap rules."
Us going over the cap is not acting honestly or reasonably within salary cap rules. I hope our defense proves a tad more robust next Monday!

Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:54 pm
by Spanakopitta
role on next season when its a 'live' cap - why didn;t we have it like this from the start?

no doubt the RFL will somehow balls that up as well.

Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:05 pm
by Sutty
As annoying as it will be to get deducted any points this season, especially as we are fairly comfortable in fourth spot.
I am not panicking at the prospect of losing 12 points. We would still only be 3 points behind Salford and when you consider how diferently the two teams are playing, I am confident we would not get relegated. Especially as we still have to play them again this season.

Granted, it will be a real kick in the teeth and will make all the supporters really angry that Mo has got us in this predicament again.

If he worked for a private company as an accountant and he massively overspent their budget two years in a row, incurring harsh penalties, he would almost certainly be sacked.

Obviously I am fuming at what he has done to us again. But all we can do is hope he goes :eusa10: and we can try and start again next year. Hopefully the "live" salary cap auditing next year will make things a bit more even.

Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:18 pm
by DaveO
Morton Warrior posted:
If Wigan have breached the cap a defense of it couldn't be helped is not going to wash especially with our breach of the previous year.
It also doesn't tally with wigans statement
"The Wigan club believes it has acted honestly and reasonably in relation to the salary cap rules."
Us going over the cap is not acting honestly or reasonably within salary cap rules.
Wigan's statement is not a denial we have gone over the cap.

The club could have been honest and said to the RFL some time ago "We are going to go over the cap".

It could also believe it has acted reasonably in doing so due to certain circumstance (although what circumstances I am not sure!). That would just be its opinion on the matter though. Wigan may think they have acted reasonably, others may have a different opinion.
I hope our defense proves a tad more robust next Monday!
So do I because a repeat of last years excuse won't wash. I had some sympathy with the position last season because if a player is out for the season then provided this is medically confirmed clubs should be allowed to sign replacements and not have it count on the cap.

But that was last seasons excuse for what happened in 2005. In 2006 we had no such season ending injuries that meant we had to sign players to put a team out.

If Wigan have done it again and are pleading for leniency they will get the book thrown at them IMO.


Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:14 pm
by ste lord
From what i have heard we may be over the cap for THIS season aswell

Re: Salary Cap & Wigan

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:18 pm
by Sutty
Surely we can't be. If we are, it's an absolute disgrace. We haven't had any injuries and we have even managed to offload Gleeson and Withers has retired.

I wouldn't have thought we would be over this season.