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Johnson, Briscoe and wild

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:10 pm
by Emma Farrell
my dad told me today that he heard off a friend that Shawn Briscoe, paul johnson and steve wild have been told that they have to go and find new clubs because they are not needeed at wigan!! I dont know for certain if this is true but i hope its not because they have all been brilliant (when theyve not been injured) this season. especially briscoe because he had to fill in the boots of radlinski!! what does every one else think- should we let them go or keep them?????

Re: Johnson, Briscoe and wild

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:36 pm
by Alex the Warrior
Can't believe that Briscoe would be released though i could understand other clubs enquiring about him. Been a difficult year for PJ and i don't think he started to get the loss of his brother out of his system. A lot of high tackles last season suggested a lot of frustration inside him. Wild has been a great thing waiting to happen for a couple of seasons now. A very stylish 2nd rower if we can ever get him on the pitch. The injuries must be a concern.

I'd be suprised if they wanted to offload any of them but, again, i guess it's down to the salary cap (don't start me on that one!) and any plans there are for new recruits.

Re: Johnson, Briscoe and w...

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 9:48 pm
by mario
It was in league express that briscoe could go on loan to widnes. maurice lindsey said briscoe and other players could go on loan on a temporary basis only.

Re: Johnson, Briscoe and w...

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 8:05 am
by Portsmouth Warrior
For my money, Johnson has never seemed a good fit in the Wigan squad.
It is terrible that he has had an aweful year personally but I don't think he is a world class player capable of making Wigan a world class club again.
I think his ball skills are well below par and his tackling leaves much to be desired. Having said that his positional play is pretty good but he lacks versatility compared someone like Connolly/Senoir..

Re: Johnson, Briscoe and w...

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 6:36 pm
by johnsons_babexx
As i have mentioned in another thread a while ago, Mike gregory had said in the wigan post that paul was a great player or along those lines (cant remember his exact words) From what it said it sounded like mike gregory had plans for him next season but then if maurice has turned round and said that players can go out on loan (if right about the rumours of paul) then once again the chairman is picking the team rather than the coach.

Why isnt maurice lindsey given a bench jacket and given the job of coach cos at wigan it seems that there is only 1 person who is picking the team!

Re: Johnson, Briscoe and w...

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:57 pm
by the grinch
if the players are only on loan to other clubs we will in the end benifit as they will be getting regular first team games at super league pace instead of reserve games. don't worry about mr lynsey he is a very smart man when it comes to rugby everyone will agree he is a big step up from rathbone and co.these players are not for sale but do need there careers bringing on what better way than having someone else pay!