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The Game

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 12:16 pm
by warriors
Im glad that Faz it back. He must of give them some talking to, coz the sure did play alot better.

The defence was excerllent. They only got throught ONCE, i think. The tackleing was awesome. Sean was kickingass when he was tackleing. It was like no one could get passed him. Fare play to the lad. Luke played alot better. His kicks was. I think that he only kicked it bad once.

The thing that let them down this time was, their pass, an keeping hold of the ball.
When they passed the ball(IF they did) they kept it in the centre, an they was dropin it sometimes. They best way was to get it out 2 the wing. They did get it out to the wing sometimes. But i dont think that is was at the best time.

A little thing about them. Sometimes they did run, when they went in 2 the players. AN when the other team had the ball. But they won, played good overall. AN hopefully he comes Cardiff.

When Faz had that bit of a fight, It was cool. the fight has came back. I no he got a yellow card, but it had bin ages since i had sin a fight in a rugby match.

Re: The Game

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 4:13 pm
by kt4ever_1
Good to hear that faz is back to his old self and iam sure it wont take cass long etiether. Now this is the reason i support wigan Class players and class rugby league!

Re: The Game

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 4:58 pm
by robjoenz
kt4ever_1 posted:
Good to hear that faz is back to his old self and iam sure it wont take cass long etiether. Now this is the reason i support wigan Class players and class rugby league!
Neither looked back to their old self in my opinion. Farrell certainly didn't look totally fit. Think he only trained a couple of times last week. He was trying to raise the team moral and did a good enough job, but think it'll be a few more weeks before he's back to his old self.