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Message for Warriors

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 4:56 pm
by mario
Do you not think it would be easier to type in English and keep everyone happy? Surely you realise that everyone on the message board can read English, but not everyone can read text form. Doesn't really matter who is right or wrong as long as it keeps the peace.

Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:20 pm
by LuKe RoBiNsOn Iz FiNe 'N' tHe BeSt !!
is there only me and warriors who uses it on here?? ill try and write in english but not if people keep on calling people just because they use it and saying there childish for using it.
So ill try it what about you warriors!?? :roll:

Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 9:52 pm
by the grinch
its not childish to use text on here its just out of place.whith a full keyboard in front of you there is no real need to shorten words as you would on a mobile phone.

Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:43 am
by warriors
I mostly us english in the first place, im just backing up, the girl. Because in dont think that it is fare just picking on people coz they like to do things differently. I have no problem an she dose, an some other people wont have a problem either.

Ive got a idea. Why dont we have vote. An see who has a problem with an who dosent. But Mike make sure that you can only vote once. So then their will be no cheating.

Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 10:49 am
by robjoenz
I'm not trying to start another arguement here Warriors, so please don't fire a load of abuse at me again.

I trust you understand most my messages due to the type of language I use. Unfortunately, some find it difficult to translate 'dose' to 'does' and 'us' to 'use' etc... It takes longer to read a message. When there is no punctuation it also makes a sentance hard to read.

I don't think a vote will be any use. We will end up with some kind of split no matter what. You (and some others) will always want to write your way and Fraggle, Welski, Nitsua, myself, etc.. will want to write correct English. You are not being picked on at all, infact in separating the message board you will be catered for to speak as much short hand as you like. With a selection of message boards you could choose the board and writing sytle you prefer to use.

Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:41 am
by warriors
Rob, .......Txt ........ That .......Much Just ....... Backing .......... other ......people........up.

Now did you understand that? Because that is what i said last time. And what you had typed befor, had nothing to do with what i have said.

When i type something in the first place, you always try to change the subject. SO how about this stay on the same subject.

Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:52 am
by robjoenz
Shorthand language is what I refered to in my message Warriors. You have no trouble with English if you got BB at GCSE so why drop e's off 'use' and write 'does' as 'dose'? It might sound picky but it makes some of your messages very difficult to interpret.

(Anyway on the same subject as I posted in my previous message).I do not think a vote will get us anywhere. How do you think it vote would help? Do you not agree that we would be split over the debate? What would be your suggestion?


Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:59 am
by warriors
Right them Rob, you wont to be like that. tell everyone to stop useing( coz, lol, u, r, ppl etc) their are alot of people that use them.

Bingo, yatsi. Is that your final anwser. An the serva says YES. ding ding ding ding.

Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:05 pm
by robjoenz
(Anyway on the same subject as I posted in my previous message).I do not think a vote will get us anywhere. How do you think it vote would help? Do you not agree that we would be split over the debate? What would be your suggestion?

Re: Message for Warriors

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:22 pm
by warriors
Well you are not on the same suject. Because i was talking about people useing txt. I think that we should stay on the same.

Im not bothered me about splinting up, voteing. I just wont you an the other (ladies) to stop bickering. Just because it is not up to your level. My suggestion is, that we should stay in the same, an people can write how they wont to. I have no problem