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Reality Check!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:09 pm
by Wigan_forever1985
Ok time for us to face Facts!,

1. All i seem to read on these boards at the mo is people whining on about the refs and how poor Wigan never get a break etc etc, Silverwood had one of his poorer games today but he was poor both ways. Wigan are persistant offenders of the offside cos they are LAZY!!!! not cos the ref has it in for them!.

2. This team is not going to win anything until we get someone with PACE in the starting line up!. when that young 18yr stains lad broke our line he made the team look like they were going backwards!. We need 1 or 2 players with genuine pace and a step!, Calderwood looks like hes walking off a hangover never beats the first marks, chases down well in defence but needs to be 100% better in attack. you look at leeds Burrow, Webb, Donald, Mcguire, Smith all capable of scoring full length. How many players honestly do you think on the wigan books can score a self made try from our own 20?

3. Time to turf out Feilden. Dont get me wrong he is not playing badly but he isn't worth half of that £450,000, he is DV in disguise. We can not afford to have him "finding his form" forever im sorry this is a proffesional sport not a charity!. For his wage we could prob get 2-3 quality players on the books. Colbon makes twice the progress and offloads and he is going into contact with the same tacklers!.

4. Install co2 alarms in the dressing rooms because every time Wigan come out at the moment they look like fat people running for a bus they will never catch. The team is LAZY. If you have players who cant get up for the stains game then they shouldn't be pulling on a Wigan shirt lulu and feka were pretty much the only players who looked like he cared about winning or loosing.

5. Mathers?, After seeing those try saving tackles from richards im starting to wander if maybe there is anywhere else we could play him. I rate him highly but he doesn't seem as good a full back as pat, 1 on 1 pat always gets his man. Could he fill in a center spot maybe???.

6. Feka, needs to be used to full effect. Feka draws 3-4 players he needs to work on offloads. He very rarely gets the offload away, this is something i would have him work off in training. Its pointless drawing in 4 defenders if your just gonna take the tackle

We need desire in the badge, i thought this year was going to be different but it seems like we are gonna get the same lazy wigan we have had for the last few years the light at the end of the tunnel is dimming substantially.

Re: Reality Check!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:38 pm
by CherryandWhiteandProud
You're right every time.

We need more players like Gaz and O'Loughlin who maybe arn't always superstars but come out every week and give it their all for the club. We could have really done with Gaz today he always gets into his game for the saints games.

I would give Fielden a little more time but if he dosn't get anything this season then we need to find another 80 minute prop like Coley, or work out a rotation system with Feka and another prop.

Re: Reality Check!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:18 pm
by mickh
Good words sir,
Pace and enthusiasm is what is needed, no one backs up anymore, players would feel more confident if they had a team mate on their shoulder ready to pass the ball to instead of taking the tackle, look round and see your team mates setting up for the next ptb. with their backs to you.
Iv'e been spoiled, seeing Edwards, Hanley, even Ashton last year, going back to Warren Ayres, they all backed up and got the rewards they deserved by scoring important tries, as Iv'e said before I pays my money I deserve better.

Re: Reality Check!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:56 pm
by jaws1
mickh wrote:Good words sir,
Pace and enthusiasm is what is needed, no one backs up anymore, players would feel more confident if they had a team mate on their shoulder ready to pass the ball to instead of taking the tackle, look round and see your team mates setting up for the next ptb. with their backs to you.
Iv'e been spoiled, seeing Edwards, Hanley, even Ashton last year, going back to Warren Ayres, they all backed up and got the rewards they deserved by scoring important tries, as Iv'e said before I pays my money I deserve better.
Other teams do it why cant we ????????we dont even get the basics right our attack is flat one man rugby no dummy runners no second phase no backing up we are a LAZY team give away loads of penalties its about time the coaching staff took stock and correct this .There is enough coaching staff to address the situation its about time we had more training with ball in hand .I have never questioned Nobby's tacticts up until now but something needs to be done NOW.

Re: Reality Check!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:32 am
by Keep_The_Faith
Absolutely right, I have to question what is done on the training ground, when Bailey cannot pass right handed to his winger, not once but twice with the line in sight, play like that on monday and KR will beat us.
I would also like to know what the fans hope to achieve by constantly telling Sean Long he likes to pleasure himself, it serves no purpose save to spur him on, more thought required.

Re: Reality Check!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:38 am
by Bear
Sums it up from me also... Besides the feka point and his offloads... He can come off with some fantastic offloads, but few the last few weeks ive noticed that more than likely when we break the line no one is backing up... But a great post.