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best prop in sl

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 9:40 pm
by pk1
has to be terry o right now

he is dynamite...if only barrie hadnt have been a naughty boy we'd have the best two

altho i think there is a strong argumnet for trying to sign up fielden...yes hes a git but he is also outstanding...


Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 1:30 am
by AJ
cracking idea to sign fielden up, but i think when his bulls contract is up the man will head to the NRL for megabucks in the same way mozza morley did

pk, i dare u to call him a git to his face, that would be worth all my tipstars !!!!! ;P

sentiments concured with regard terry o'connor

tipstars? pah!

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 4:01 am
by pk1
pah tipstars are nothing to a smack in the mouth!

hes a yorkshire man...its a handicap straight away isnt it? haha.

u know wot i mean he has one of those faces taht just loves beatin us...a tommy martyn face is probably more accurate.

tommy martyn

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 12:07 am
by AJ
agreed! old thomas does seem to love it wen he gets one over on us, now this in no way is meant to write him off cause i know that will come back to haunt me if i do but his legs do seem to be going a bit and he seems unable to play 80 solid minutes any more and mr rat millward seems to be leaving thomas on the bench more and more, hopefully this is the case and there will be no more tommy martyn hat tricks @ the jjb, then again lee "drop it" gilmour has left us now :)

and pk, thats some late or early ass posting u were doin fella


Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 12:07 am
by Pengy
Are we after fielden for next season? I would love to have have him at wigan next season. Terry o, fielden, smith, and bibey props would be brilliant.

doubt it

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 12:38 am
by AJ
whilst im sure raper just like every fan would love fielden @ wigan, im sure the man has at least 12 months left on his bulls contract