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Tickle's Warbabe
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Post by Tickle's Warbabe »

Sorry one and all for my comments the other day, i was really fed up. My mum shouted at me when i said i was going to give my season ticket away.
28 YEARS OLD AND I STILL GET UPSET WHEN MY MUM SHOUTS, SAD AINT IT. In reply to one message i have always been a season ticket owner, its normally my birthday gift. I have always had ups and downs as a Wigan fan dont know why this got to me so much.
Who knows, just hope everyone understands because i enjoy the message board chats. As i live in Manchester (because of work), and apart from family (who all live in Wigan) and going to games its my only rugby connection.Its all Man UTD/City round ere.
So i will dry my eyes and hope you all forgive my reckless comments. :conf: :conf: :conf:
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Re: Sorry

Post by robjoenz »

Well I'm glad your mum give you a good telling off! :wink:

My sincerest apolgies for my suggesting you are a Cup Final fan alone! I'm sure you'll agree there are far too many of them.

You're not totally alone in Manchester though TW, that's at least four of us on here (me, you, Fraggle and Mike). Together lets convert all these poor footy fans! Look out for the friendly Warriors shirts when you are in town mine never comes off! 28 and tantrums, I'm 22 and won't leave the house without Wigan clothes!
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Re: Sorry

Post by Fraggle »

robjoenz posted:
You're not totally alone in Manchester though TW, that's at least four of us on here (me, you, Fraggle and Mike). Together lets convert all these poor footy fans! Look out for the friendly Warriors shirts when you are in town mine never comes off! 28 and tantrums, I'm 22 and won't leave the house without Wigan clothes!
Aye, 4 of us against the world! We should infiltrate the Kro Bar chain of pubs, they seem to be slowly taking over the city! But it doesn't help that most of the students here are from football areas as well, I never see any RL shirts of any denomination amongst the 1300 students living in my residence. Football is like a disease, it seems to be the most important thing in everyone's life. I still haven't forgotten on Good Friday being told in one bar I couldn't watch us vs Stains because someone wanted to watch Sky Sports News on the big screen instead!

As for the age thing, I'm 31 and have a Kelvin doll sat on my desk! Remember, you're only as old as the person you're feeling, or something like that...

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Re: Sorry

Post by robjoenz »

You see a few podgy Southern Yawnion fans too! I imagine you are flat tutor to some of the students, it is your role as social mentor to educate them in the way of RL! Go from door to door, not with a bible but with an egg shaped ball! They might run and hide from you shouting "argh it's that nutter that preaches Rugby League!!!" but if you convert just one it will all be in a good cause!

Yesterday though I was excited (sad I know) to see someone in the GB shirt at a bus stop on Upper Brook Street, I waved as I went past because I was wearing the same top!

Bloody hell I think I need get on them pills MrsLam is prescribed!

I've found a decent pub for the rugby, the Old House At Home in Withington, they haven't got a clue what RL is but they always put the big screen on just for me! I sit there with me pint as the regulars get deafened pondering which sport I am watching!
Tickle's Warbabe
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Re: Sorry

Post by Tickle's Warbabe »

Thanks, for the messages its nice to know i am not on my own in this big scary city. You will have to look out for my the little blue nova car with Wigan, Tickle kit stickers swinging. Plus the Wigan hat on the back shelf is a give away.
If you ever hear a car that sounds like the Clampits van-thats me i am on my way. :roll:
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Re: Sorry

Post by MrsLam »

We all forgive ya tickles warbabe, I'm still getting a lot of anger out from Sat, feel like I need to hit something...can't wait for sunday robjoenz!:P

Anyway we all know losing to saints at a final is the worst feeling in the world, but the lads did try their hardest on sat and it was upsetting to see the lads reactions when the hooter went :(

We need to get behind them for the rest of the season ready to win the GF. I'm cutting up me cherry and white paper already.
(I'm serious)
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Re: Sorry

Post by Tickle's Warbabe »

Well tar MrsLam nice to hear you are getting ready for the GF. I just hope my lucky bra lives long enough to see the season out. Had it on on Sat- that wasnt lucky, however i did have a great seat in the MS. One extra foot farward and i could have taken a Newton pass. So i suppose it was lucky to be so close to the guys.
ps Did any one else see the steward sit on his gate seat and the seat fell off ending with him on the floor with fans laughing i mean asking if he was ok.
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Re: Sorry

Post by MrsLam »

haha that sounds like the highlight of the day :D

i dint wear me lucky knickers, i wore some white ones that had little pom poms at the side...i wore em to saints at KR too. Oh well, think we should just forget the lucky underwear. (Dont mean going commando rob ;))

Cant wait to play them at the JJB the atmosphere at those matches is great :D
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Re: Sorry

Post by redhead »

Good to hear your back on board Tickles Warbabe I also know how hard it is to lose like everyone else but you gotta lift your head up and get on with it when your on top everyone waits for your downfall but how many would have liked to have been where we were on Saturday and Stains wont win everything all the time..saw all the players on Sunday at a service station and they are really up for making amends now for the rest of the season which certainly helped cheer me up to know they are not giving up
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Re: Sorry

Post by Fraggle »

robjoenz posted:
You see a few podgy Southern Yawnion fans too! I imagine you are flat tutor to some of the students, it is your role as social mentor to educate them in the way of RL! Go from door to door, not with a bible but with an egg shaped ball! They might run and hide from you shouting "argh it's that nutter that preaches Rugby League!!!" but if you convert just one it will all be in a good cause!
I've found a decent pub for the rugby, the Old House At Home in Withington, they haven't got a clue what RL is but they always put the big screen on just for me! I sit there with me pint as the regulars get deafened pondering which sport I am watching!
You've pretty much covered my role, I'm supposed to be a kind of Agony Uncle for them, but also involved in discipline and for many students that's the role they see me in most. I apparently can look quite intimidating with my heavy bike jacket and combat boots, indeed some people think I'm a kind of rogue part of the security team so people often run and hide anyway :-( I personally don't have too many flats myself, I get lumbered with the overseas families who have never heard of rugby let alone RL, I'm more a supervisor for the undergraduate flat tutors but I'm sure there are ways we could push the RL side of things a bit more. They have teams of various sports, maybe I should try to find some people for putting together an RL team (I can't play and have no experience of training but I'm sure I could find something to do!).

I'll have to look out for that bar in Withington, it's always better if you're shouting at a tv screen to do it in company so people don't think you're totally mad.

"You rescue me, you are my faith, my hope, my liberty.
And when there's darkness all around, you shine bright for me, you are a guiding light to me....
You are a Tower of Strength to me" - Wayne Hussey, The Mission.

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