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The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:27 pm
by Kiwiseddon
At the risk of offending people, please do not view the following as an anti Catholic rant because it is not!

I am happy to welcome any leader, religious or not to these shores and that they should enjoy the freedom of speech that we so often take for granted. I also believe that we have the right to disagree with any comments made whether they be from a member of the public, our Prime Minister or even the Pope.

I'm not even that bothered (as someone who doesn't believe in God) by the Pope alikening Atheists to Nazis because it's rubbish and coming from a former member of the Hitler Youth, it's even hypocracy taken to a whole new level.

What I object to is paying for it. The Pope's visit is costing you and me £12 million. In the current financial climate, this is IMO utterly obscene.

Lets not forget that a proportion of this £12 million is paying for the inevitable protests to be Policed. It is quite clear that while many people are very happy to have the Pope in GB, there are many who aren't. The irony is that the protestors' tax money still has to pay for it.

It's a delicate subject I know and I will reiterate that I've not set out to offend people here. I just find it offensive that the Pope can accuse my way of thinking as one of the reasons behind Nazi atrocity................. and I get to pay for it too!!!!!

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:36 pm
by yokozuna
The £12M doesn't cover the policing costs.

The total costs are well in excess of the £12M figure. So that someone who protects and harbours child rapists, whose policies causes hundreds of thousands to suffer unnecessary deaths from AIDS, who deny women's rights and think that homosexuality is a greater crime than raping a child.

I have no problem with people of any faith. That's a personal decision - and I'm sure that 99.9% of catholics disagree with the pope's policies and views on many of these topics.

Bet he's a stains fan as well...

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:23 pm
by Kittwazzer
I paid a hundred quid for 4 tickets. No-one had told me that Papal Visit wasn't another new heavy metal band.

Feel a bit silly now! :(

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:05 pm
by irishwarrior
the church is paying 10 million towards the costs, and the cost of policing will be 1.5 million, but as you say 12 million is alot of money.

there are many millions being wasted imo of taxpayers money that need to be looked into.

i am tax payer who lives in Northern Ireland and am contributing to this and he isnt even coming here!lol

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:33 pm
by cpwigan
I don't think the country should pay anything.

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:02 pm
Try living in the West Midlands! Every local radio is talking about the papal visit none stop. Whilst I have no problem with people's faith it does irritate me that so much of the tv and radio is taken over with this none stop theological chit chat. I for one personally have no interest in anything the pope has to say. Sorry to offend those of the catholic persuasion but I am fed up with all the over the top coverage. Would not mind if it was a day celebrating Wigan. And whilst those who may wish to defend the visit of the pope. They might also like to remember how much of our public money is being lavished on this visit whilst people are being made unemployed and asked to tighten belts because we are in the midst of a possible double dip recession. :D

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:34 pm
by irishwarrior
thats the media for you, im pretty much fed up with them full stop.

The pope coming has it's fans and critics but when it comes down to it the queen invited him.

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:28 pm
by trotski_tgwu
irishwarrior wrote:thats the media for you, im pretty much fed up with them full stop.

The pope coming has it's fans and critics but when it comes down to it the queen invited him.
I think you will find it was the former PM Gordon Brown who invited him. A wee kick in the Ball for all who turned on him me thinks. They say the cost could be as high as 30 Million with the RC Church paying what ever they pay its terrible that we the taxpaying public have to pay for it. As CP said he should pay his own way.

This is no offence to any religion as thats the great thing about Democracy we all get to follow whatever faith we follow and have a right to free speach.

That said Come On Wigan :D

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:31 pm
by irishwarrior
yeah for sure come on wigan, the real big event this week!!!!!

Re: The Pope's Visit.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:55 pm
by ancientnloyal
I watched the Pope land and go through Edinburgh on BBC1. I was watching for the wrong reasons though... I wont say why it may offend... and could be quite bad.

we shouldn't pay 1 penny. Funny watching 2 German's in the official reception at Holyrood. 1 an ex-Nazi youth the other head of a religion born from ego and dummy spitting.

It's funny. I dont understand why Nick Clegg was there though, would rather have had Stephen Hawkings. Also found it ironic that the first people he met of the general public were school children, but hey!