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The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:58 am
by cpwigan ...

Less concerned re the players actions on the field but IMO I truly fear the emotions being stirred by so called professionals is going to result in crowd violence. I hope I am wrong but at grounds where supporters can mix freely, objects being thrown becomes words exchanged / punches thrown.

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:17 am
by MrDave
I hope that the players can behave like the professional sportsmen they are paid to be, when they start acting like idiots it only encourage and enrages the fans to act like idiots as well.

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:21 am
Spot on cpw. Whilst Peacock of whom I consider myself an admirer in rugby respect is probably correct in his assumption.And assumption is all that it can be until it is confirmed by both clubs. And as of yet this is the first I have learned of the said crime if that is what it is. As I personally consider it more of a crime perpetrated by Mcguire.I would consider that both Tommy and Mark thought the same as we fans that he was faking his injury as he has done on numerous occasions.The statement made by Peacock if true is rather a silly statement to make as this can only inflame the situation. Considering the volatile nature of the match. And as you quite rightly say the close proximity of the fans could lead to scenes of violence not wanted or needed in rugby league.Tensions are quite volatile as it is without the likes of Peacock giving rise to incitement for violence. This is the kind of thing that we do not need in rugby league! Leave this kind of thing to the lunatics supporting the round ball game. It is already creeping into our game with the like of Hull and HKR and the odd skirmish here and there between rival teams. My advice to Peacock is this SHUT YOUR BLOODY GOB YOU MORON" :angry:

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:35 am
by doc
Whilst standing over Mcguire and calling him a cheat might be unprofessional it was however very accurate. The comment that his ligaments had allredy gone is rubbish.

As CPW commented I do worry about crowd incidents. It is steadily getting worse, probably due to the harder policing of football resulting the idiots that do like to cause trouble being too worried about being caught at the football and hence starting to follow a different sport.

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:25 am
by cherrywarrior
I hope our players get to see some of these stupid comments coming from the Rhinos camp and knock seven bells out of them yorkshire cheats...

Stop Whinging Whinos, he was cheating he got injured, and while its not nice to see anyone stretchered off the field, in my book thats karmic justice!!!

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:28 am
by Kittwazzer
Unbelievable. A whole week and that pathetic schoolboy response is the best he can come up with.

NASA must have been devastated when he turned them down to play Rugby League!

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:31 am
:lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :eusa2: Well said kitwazzer

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:47 am
by weststand-rich
This is BS and mind games.

If you watch the incident in slow motion DM grabs hold of Carmont and as he grabs him, he clips his boot on Carmonts boot and unluckily his opposite knee hyperextends as his weight shifts.

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:01 am
by Matthew
Never had a lot of respect of Peacock anyway and in all honesty I expected some nonsense to come out of their camp in the build up to the game. Especially considering the number of cheap shots he and his fellow thugs have got away with this season.

The fact that they are desperate to try and re-write history regarding the mcguire incident, shows their whole teams mentality and the fact that they are the most underhand team in RL. I think that this is mainly because of fester mcclennan who showed no remorse for the Ablett "tackle" and then tried to accuse a Wigan player of causing mcguire's injury off the ball. It shows what type of person he is - classless - he could do with taking some lessons from Justin Morgan.

The idea that you would try and grab hold of someone who is sprinting away from you to steady yourself when you have just damaged your leg is ridiculous and to think that anyone outside of leeds believes that is pathetic and shows how the rhinos will do ANYTHING to win at any cost and then try and justify it. The Wigan fans would have had a lot more sympathy if mcguire had held his hand up and said "I shouldn't have cheated" - that and he didn't have a long history of play acting.

Peacock's comments will only serve to add to the tension that already exists between the fans - and considering leeds soccer fans don't exactly have the best reputation for behaviour - things could easily get out of control on Saturday

Re: The Family Game / RESPECT ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:04 pm
by DaveO
I hope our players see this for what it is - panic from Leeds who have to resort to trying to do a "Nathan Brown" in an attempt to stop it being a rugby match and turn it into a fight.

A really professional attitude is how Wigan should react to this and no be sucked into anything.

As to Peacock no one believes what he has to say including the nonsense that TL and Piggy's response delayed treatment of the injured player. Unless the trainer could sprint across the pitch in about four seconds flat he really hasn't got a point.

I have no respect for him any more and as to McQuire and the situation he finds himself in, why is anyone surprised that because he got injured when cheating the sympathy level is rather muted?
