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luke robinson AGAIN!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:35 pm
by shanks
:conf: why is this lad leaving our club

spoke to him today in morrisons...
says he is gutted to be leaving the club and cannot see why he cannot fit into the 20-20 next season, "if maurice and dennis?? wanted me to stay i would be staying"
who is the HEAD COACH at the club moz, den or mike.
when will whelan realize moz has had his day.
luke thinks he has waisted 9 years with the club and doesn't think he will be back.
he does want to go out with a ring and says he will make everyone realize how good he can become.

what is the point losing someone with talent who wants to win with wigan.
:angry: :(

Re: luke robinson AGAIN!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:11 pm
by mario
If Mo was in charge of the football Whelan would'nt let him mess up so much. ( mess up does'nt quite describe it as well as what i wanted to write)

Re: luke robinson AGAIN!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:38 am
by skorpion
This mystifies me as well. I just can't justify the salary cap as an excuse.I've watch Robinson all the way from the alliance under Billy Mac, and he was head and shoulders above the rest. This is a talent we cannot allow to leave. :angry:

Re: luke robinson AGAIN!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:49 am
by lamisgod
I quite Agree i have been a fan over the last season of Lukes, and although the bods upstairs have clearly stated what a talent he is,.. (but in their infinite wisdom have released him), i have compare him to our other young talents like lockers, brown who in their own way have made a big impact on the first team ..(Eg Brown for stand off nxt year, even though we have a recognised stand off, and Brown hasn't played there for most of the season & yet been offered a role he doesn't do every game!!) deserved a contract so why not luke?? who is seen game in game out playing in the role he is employed for. i think he has made the same (if not a bigger impact) and now every Pundit has the same point of view that he is going to be a big loss for us and a big gain for salford..I think there are a couple of reasons this subject is a little emotive for the fans 1. is that we have already lost briscoe which for whatever reason (eg salary caps) fans are still alittle agreived
2 we don't seem to be moving in any direction for any good fact going from bad to worse with the rumour of nat only seemed a matter of weeks ago that all posts included the statement "Maurice must have summit up he's sleeve.if he's getting rid of these players..he wouldn't let us down?" seems as though us fans and players ARE being let down from the ivory towers & YES men..thank god the team is playing for the Fans and that fans recognise it..i feel better know..
... :conf: :conf: :angry:

Re: luke robinson AGAIN!!

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 9:08 pm
by *!Wigan Babe-Luke Robo Is Class!!*
they have made 1 hell of a mistake i were talking to him last night and he is gutted but i think he is jus gonna prove to linsey and everyone now at salford what a big mistake they have made!! GET HIM BACK!!!!!!

Re: luke robinson AGAIN!!

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:36 am
by wolftown warrior
it is a shame for the lad.. i to read that article on the 20-20 rule.. and STILL don`t agree with letting robbo go.. surely that would also affect leeds, with their youth system to?? unless they have better accountants than we do, & massage the books???????

anyhow... hope he can leave us with a GF ring on his finger!!! something to remember his 9 years at the club!

i honestly doubt he will get the chance to become the world class 7 we all know he has the potential to be, playing at salford... feel sorry for the lad, but he will probelby go and sign for hull or bradford, in 2006 & come back to haunt us..

can`t see him makin the headlines at the reds..