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Rubbishing Dave Whelan

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:35 pm
by ian.birchall
repeatedly on this thread isn't on for my money. A lot of fans seem to have forgotten that he only packed his bags the first time because of the disgraceful way Jack Robinson and the board, not including Maurice who was away in Leeds, treated Steve Hampson by getting rid of him after about 9 years and 10 months even though he wanted to stay for a well deserved benfit.
While he was away of course Robinson and his cronies on the board not only drove the club to the point of bankruptcy but then to save themselves from criminal proceedings for continuing to trade a bankrupt business sold off Central Park to Tesco and netted £7 million after they paid off all the debts. Whelan got money where he could for the JJB, off the football trust and other sources who would give money to a football club but he cashed in over 4 million of his stash of JJB shares to raise £16 million+ to add to all these monies to build the JJB.
The Tesco £7 million would have built nothing, if it was not for Whelan we would now be ground sharing at Leigh!
I would like to have had him rebuild Central Park as he originally showed on his plans but the Tesco deal was done and unbreakable so now we have got an excellent stadium not quite where we would like it.
Yes some of the decisions made since have been rubbish, particularly Briscoe and Luke, but give the man credit for keeping Wigan RLFC in the town and giving us all so much pleasure. Rant over.

Re: Rubbishing Dave Whelan

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:44 am
by mario
Would he put up with Paul Jewell letting two young prospects leave latics when they want to stay?
I'm not saying he's he's all bad,just that football comes first.