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Some questions about last night...

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 11:25 am
by Cleveland Pieman
...why does Stevo say the ref is 'ruining the game' just because he gave a decision in our favour. (10 mins after saying he was the in-form referee in SL)

...why do Wakefield think they have a great side just because they have put a few results together against lesser sides? We finished a mile behind Leeds, and Wakefield further back still. There have only been five sides with any hope this year (and they finished in the top 5!). Wakefield did well against Hull, thats all, end of story and end of season.

...why was Johnny Wilkinsons book advertised in the adverts at at both half and full time?

Re: Some questions about last ...

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 11:56 am
by Alex the Warrior
When I watch a game on Sky, I find it's ruined by a fat baldy commentator with his clear bias towards anything from yorkshire, and his idiotic comments. Say 'TRY' Stevo, not 'T-R-Y' and his 'put my house on it' comments got dull years ago. Even Jimmy Tarbuck has written a new joke since he first uttered that one.

He also called the sin binning the worst decision of the season! Calling men in white coats. Aspinwall being taken out for the 3rd try was an appalling decision, and wasn't even questioned by him.

Having watched the replay in two parts, any niovice watching teh game would be of the impression that Russell Smith generally had a very good game, when we know that the truth was a lot different.

Re: Some questions about last ...

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 2:46 pm
by Mr Ed
Stevo is a liability time for a change .

Re: Some questions about l...

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:38 pm
by MrsLam
Ruined the game?? He sounded like a complete baby when he said that, never mentioned the fantastic run from Orr (was it?) to get us there and the fact that we were actually held down and stopped from playing the ball.

Re: Some questions about l...

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 6:41 pm
by wolftown warrior
stevo.. what a pro!!! :)

yeah it was danny orr.. who made the brake, he actually had a point as in that solomona taclked rads after the other wakefield lad had failed to complete the tackle.. he just made himself look like a big kid!!

& when he got all excited cos farrell and then brown dropped the ball in there own half.. i to was off my seat.. but for COMPLETELY different reasons!!

it was great to not actually hear his voice while i was at the match, shame he was still there when i watched the re-run this morning!!