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We did not make enough of the Manly team

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:49 pm
by cpwigan
For me the RFL did not do well with the pre match. I think the Manly team should have circled the stadiyum taking applause from the fans either walking or in suitable vehicles. I also think a rousing soloist singing a RL anthem is better than a choir.

Re: We did not make enough of the Manly team

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:32 pm
by gpartin
Agree, the pre-match was a total joke. The choir didn't seem to be miked up so might as well have been singing to themselves and Hanley could have been saying anything because he's far to softly spoken to do an interview in a ground the size of the DW. I couldn't understand why there was no lap of honour or why they didn't bother doing national anthems. As much as I detest ours it helps getting the atmosphere going. It was disappointingly quiet to say the least.

Re: We did not make enough of the Manly team

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:46 pm
by josie andrews
The sound system in the stadium is absolute pooh!!

Thought the pre match entertainment was pathetic!! This was supposed to be a World Club Challenge game FGS

Bradford Bulls used to put on a better show

I'm really disappointed with the RFL :( but then what's new!! :wink:

Re: We did not make enough of the Manly team

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:55 pm
by georgeorwell
The RFL might have been more interested had it been their beloved Leeds in the final, with the game being played at the Elland Road flea pit.

I get ever more disillusioned with the RFL as the years roll by.

Re: We did not make enough of the Manly team

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:56 am
by First Try Tickle
I was hoping for good cover from Sky. Was getting my sons face painted in the SS, so missed the Hanley interview, then when the 87 team was introduced was hoping to see my heroes Case and Potter. They seemed to have them on and off the pitch in a flash, so hoped to see more on TV.

How wrong was I, sky was to busy showing an old repeat of a cricket match to go to the ground early, by the time thay had announced the teams the players were on thier way out and all the before match goings on had been missed.

Again a poor show from sky, who seem to want to show less rugby then ever, the red button thing after the match is great for those who have attended a match but cannot Sky+ the match analysis.

Re: We did not make enough of the Manly team

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:11 am
by yoda warrior
don't think the anthems fit in this situation. its not england v australia. there's plenty of guys on either teams for whom the anthems mean nothing. agree about the guy they get for the st helens games, he really sets the mood before kick off. think he would have been there if the club were organizing the night.

Re: We did not make enough of the Manly team

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:10 pm
by GeoffN
At least Boots n all did a feature on them, even if the RFL couldn't be bothered.