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Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:33 pm
by Wes
No no no, Crusaders where not kicked out they withdrew their application, the RFL need to find out and tell us why!

Also if they did not withdraw would Wakefield have gone because if so then Wakey should still have gone as the crieria still has to be met otherwise what is the point!

Chuffed for Wakey though and a bit gutted for Keith Senior bet he didnt see that coming and I bet he wouldnt have signed for them if he knew what he does now!

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:35 pm
by bonbon
Probably the best decision on the part of Cru, but personally i'd liked Quins to have gone, but thats me.

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:55 pm
by cpwigan
I think the Crusaders must be in deep trouble to volunteer to lose their spot. Wakey must heed this as a get out of jail goodwill gesture because they are quite frankly shambolic and their ground is a disgrace. In the last fortnight, SKY and other TV crews discovered that all forms of electricity had been removed/cut off from the TV gantry.

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:56 pm
by Wes
Sorry TEW I wasnt reffering to your post as such should have explained that better more to the view of if Wakey where going to go should they not have anyway but chuffed for them actually!

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:06 pm
by cpwigan
It will be interesting to see what the RFL say about Wakey's licence because IMO there is an argument for actually getting rid of Wakey too. A club should not get a SL licence simply because somebody else withdraws. A big ? why did Crusaders play this silly game and not withdraw much earlier.

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:27 pm
by bill.inger
The Aints have been awarded "B" status but to be fair, it's the supporters who DIDN'T go to the home games at Widnes and consequently reduced the attendance figures. Naturally they are all upset about being lumped in with Bradford etc instead of us, Leeds and Wires. Nowt new there then!

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:42 pm
by mickh
To what I have read in the past regards Wakefield, is that Leeds Council have refused the rugby club permission to build a new stadium on a plot, because it encroaches partly on their council land. They have not been helped by the RL as Franchise Crusaders have. Now I'm not saying that they have a divine right to expect the land to be given to them, but, Wakefield have a good tradition, have homespun players, don't rely on over the water journeymen to make up the team, part of the local community, (plus they have a pub down the road that does decent meals :)).
Open up the Rugby League Super League to more teams, Leigh being one, and expand the game instead of it being stifled for three years to suit the paymasters.

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:48 pm
by cpwigan
SL should contract. Far too many clubs are unable to meet the requirement of an elite league and are holding the game back. A Championship full of similar standard clubs and a smaller SL would be far better.

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:01 pm
by HGWarrior
29wes28 wrote:No no no, Crusaders where not kicked out they withdrew their application, the RFL need to find out and tell us why!
The Board of Directors at Crusaders have today confirmed that the club has not sought to renew its Super League licence for the seasons 2012 to 2014.

It is with regret that Crusaders have had to withdraw their application to the Rugby Football League for a three-year extension to their licence.

The club's directors will now meet with Rugby Football League officials to discuss the future of rugby league in Wrexham and North Wales following the end of this season.

Crusaders Chief Executive, Rod Findlay, said: "This has not been an easy decision but after a lengthy and exhaustive examination of the club's finances, our view is that Crusaders is not sustainable as a Super League club at this stage. Every other aspect of the application was strong and we now need to work to ensure that we retain those elements, particularly the community and player pathway programmes in North Wales, an area where no rugby league was played 2 years ago.

"A lot of people have done a lot of work to get us to where we are now but it has become clear that we cannot continue in our current guise and so a decision was taken to withdraw our licence application.

"It would not have been fair to the players, the supporters, the other clubs or the engage Super League competition for us to proceed with our application. I would like to congratulate those clubs who were successful in their applications.

"In many ways the licensing process helped us realise that the club was not viable in Super League at this stage and I would like to place on record the club's thanks to the Rugby Football League for the practical support they have given us in the last few years. I would also like to thank the club owners for their support over the last 2 seasons.

"We will now sit down with the Rugby Football League to consider our options for 2012 and beyond. In the meantime we remain committed to finishing the current season on a high and I am sure Iestyn Harris, his coaching staff and the players will do all they can to move us up the tables. I would like to thank Iestyn and his team, the players, the fans and the off field staff for their massive contribution to the Crusaders and I hope we can end the season in style."

Re: Crusaders gone , Wigan grade A status

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:10 pm
by HGWarrior
Does anyone know what the actual requirements are for granting a super league license? I know there are 5 criteria but what is the detail behind the criteria? Particularly Facilities. I thought from the original applications that stadia had to have at least 80% or 90% seating. If this is the case how do Dire & Whinos get 'A' status???