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Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:19 pm
by wiganjack95
With the England match cancelled tommorrow was wondering if the stupid and pathetic riots continue the challenge cup could be postponed l,

Then again doubt they can stop 30 odd thousand wiganers from returning to wembley :wink:

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:38 pm
by i'm spartacus
I know the game needs policing, but I guess even darn sarth they realise that RL matches don't have the same potential for agro as football matches.

I can understand why people would feel disaffected, but I can't see why that would make them want to go and loot PC World

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:43 pm
by Kittwazzer
How amazing they never bothered with Waterstones!

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:07 pm
by Kittwazzer
Scousers are refusing to travel to London on Saturday for the Spurs v Everton match due to fears that all the best gear has already been nicked! :lol:

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:42 pm
by cpwigan
Lots of disenfranchised people currently living in this country and a police force being cut back and cut back, it only takes a trigger to set something like this off. We had the same Under Thatcher with Brixton and across the country then. Tory government at its worst/best whatever.

Incidentally, how can our politicians of all partiwes stand there and denounce civil unrest when they have been embracing and celebrating it in country after country across the Middle East and so forth. Is it one rule for us and another for anybody else.

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:47 pm
by jobo
Shop owners in the Grand Arcade are being advised to close early. Apparently there's been a facebook page, now closed down giving all the wannabe Wigan rioters/thieves/ call em what you will details were to meet etc. What the eck is the world coming to. :eh: :eh:

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:50 pm
by jobo
cpwigan wrote:Lots of disenfranchised people currently living in this country and a police force being cut back and cut back, it only takes a trigger to set something like this off. We had the same Under Thatcher with Brixton and across the country then. Tory government at its worst/best whatever.

Incidentally, how can our politicians of all partiwes stand there and denounce civil unrest when they have been embracing and celebrating it in country after country across the Middle East and so forth. Is it one rule for us and another for anybody else.
If it weren't so serious it'd make you chuckle.

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:00 pm
I do not care one iota the so called reason for this despicable crime.People have lost business employees are currently now without employment and with many properties sharing living space with businesses some people are now without a home.Whatever the reason that triggered this onset of mindless lunacy it can in no way be justified.I feel desperately sorry for the innocent people who have been caught up in something that as nothing whatsoever to do with them.If we do not agree with the politics of the country then do the honourable thing and vote not riot.I profess to being a wild child when I was a youngster often in trouble with the police for one thing or the other.But I was never involved in this type of idiotic crime.Of course people will try to justify the actions of these criminals,and criminals is just what they are.But I will have no inane debate with anyone who try's to defend the actions of this scum. :angry:

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:21 pm
by cpwigan
You can pretend like the politicians are doing Kooch that it was mindless and had no reasoning but everything and anything has a reason behind it and to ignore why something happens just makes history repeat itself etc. You are faced with 3 choices 1) Enforce and equip the police force to strictly impose law and order 24/7 in this country 2) Understand why people behave like this and try to change that attitude/mentality 3) Ignore it and write it off as mindless and watch it happen again and again, days, weeks, months, years after.

I hate that this has happened but as a nation we bring this on ourselves. We get the country we deserve. A couple of weeks from now the victims will be forgotten and the unrest will be forgotten AND nothing will have been learned or improved.

Re: Riots

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:00 pm
by josie andrews
This has got to be organised rioting & looting.

I'd just shoot the bastards for what they have done to all those innocent people.

It's about time the police were given the authority to bloody hit them without all the recrimination from the lily livered do-gooders which are ruling & ruining this country.
And get rid of this so called human rights bill that gives more protection to the perpetrators than the victims :angry: :angry:

Message to all the arsehole rioters .......... . u wanna be big men and fight to the death, well get your sorry little arses on the next plane to Afghanistan and stand alongside real men who contribute something worthwhile! They're called soldiers and they are fighting a war unlike you bunch of pathetic wastes of space !!!!!