Halifax v Widnes

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Halifax v Widnes

Post by AdamMac »

Really enjoyed the match last night. Two teams battling really hard in tough conditions and some nice tries scored as well.

'Wigan watch'

Joe Mellor was our stand out performer. I've not seen much of him TBH but his long and short kicking game really is top class.Took both tries really well, the first was from a great break by their FB, to which Mellor supported well and went in under the sticks and the 2nd was a move from left to right in their own 40 on the last I think, where Mellor pretty much started the move and finished it.

Crosby worked hard in both attack and defence and didn't do much wrong and could easily do a job against Salford/Bradford in the next couple of weeks if needed.

Tomkins gave out some decent ball but I would of liked him to of taken the line on more than he did. He didn't get much game time though as ex warrior Thomas Coyle was favored. On that note what has happened to TC? I remember going to Leeds a few years back and Trent had pulled out in the week due to injury so TC stepped in and put in a MOM performance and we won the games against the odds. He looks over weight these days.

All in all I think all 3 have potential and playing in physical games like that we do them the world of good.
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