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Hock getting back to his best?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:23 pm
by TonyH
For me, Gareth Hock is to be credited for all of the adversity he has battled through and to come back and play like he has.

For someone like me who wakes up each morning quoting positivity and striving to be the best (through some adversity as well I don't mind saying) it is refreshing to see someone like Hock come through his problems looking better than before.

He will be the first to admit that the drugs ban was his own fault and also the gouge to Harrison last year but this season, paired up with Brett Finch seems to have brought out the best in him, so far.

Notice I say so far, that is not because I think he will fall again it is because I believe he will continue to improve and work hard, it's his last chance to reach the potential that so many including me believe he has. If he carries on injury free this season we have one of the best second rowers if not the best second rower in Super League.

Re: Hock getting back to his best?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:04 am
by TonyH
The problem last year was because he didn't play his preferred position of left second row which was occupied by The Hoff, this year he has basically took the reigns over from where The Hoff left them, him and Finch are going to be very dangerous this season imo.

Re: Hock getting back to his best?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:30 pm
by shaunedwardsfanclub
The other problem was that he was too bulky/overweight, now that he has shed more than a stone he looks in great nick, very mobile and has got the energy to play for longer periods. In my view Madge tried to turn him into something that he is not.

Gaz's ability has never been in doubt it has always been about his attitude. He would be in my team, Wigan or England, every day of the week - he is a game winner with the X factor.

Re: Hock getting back to his best?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:06 pm
by markill
Getting back to and not actually back to his best yet. He has made better progress this year and played a lot of minutes without there appearing to be a drop off in his defence or fitness. This is a plus. His partnership with Finch is developing but has a way to go yet. When it clicks fully its going to be hard to stop.