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Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:34 pm
by shaunedwardsfanclub
Who would be your choice for the centre spot and why?

Thornley for me as he has got all the natural skills a centre requires and his relationship with Paddy is excellent. He still needs to work on his D but that is fixable.

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:02 pm
by medlocke
Gelling, for me as he has got all the natural skills a centre requires and his relationship with Paddy is excellent as well

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:27 pm
by markill
On recent evidence I would say Gelling has been outperforming Thornley in our left centre spot. Both have things to work on but both are capable of getting those things right. Thornley maybe needs a bit of time addressing his defending before getting back in the team. Gelling's natural ability seems greater, but he also seems more prone to error than Thornley with ball in hand

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:32 pm
by southernpie
With the run in we have, as I think Gelling's defence is a bit better than Thornley's, I would have to go with Gelling

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:08 pm
by cpwigan
A curve ball here. I think Thornley is a lefty and Gelling a righty.

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:24 pm
by Kaii
Gelling is looking really good recently so will go with him

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:27 pm
by Sutty
On Friday, I thought Thornley was a bit greedy. Especially when, on the occasion that we broke the Bulls line, he did everything well, drew the winger, committed the fullback and centre in to tackling him and then what does he do? Throws a dummy that no player in the world will fall for, gets tackled and a certain 6 points goes begging. I did think, on the whole, that Gelling and Thornley were pretty even. I think Gelling seems more willing to take the ball up though and seems to win the collision more often than not. He dragged 3 Bulls players an extra 10 yards on his back last week too, on occasion.

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:41 pm
by DaveO
This is a tough one!

I think Thornley is probably the cleverer player and ultimately could be the better player.

At the moment though Gelling seems to offer more presence on the pitch and Thornley is probably a bit more inconsistent.

I think it's easy to like Gelling as a player because he gives 110% and really puts the effort in. Whether he has the quality I think is in there with Thornley I don't know.

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:03 pm
by CasWigan
Both Thornley and Gelling have their pros and cons.
Thornley has the better positional knowledge and pass but doesn't play his weight. He lacks aggression and is slow of the mark, doesn't seem to have a side step (like Carmont did) and IMO Thorley's tackling style is a bit suspect.
Gelling is a bit more naive in his play, but seems more at home in the centre. His strength is aggression he gives 100% and really plays his size and weight.
They both need to take a look at Darrel Goulding play, Darrel is not the biggest or fastest but is a perfect wingers centre. How many tries has Josh Charnley scored from quick Goulding hands.
I suppose we are in a good position with Anthony Gelling being more versatile, he can play 2nd row or wing.

Re: Thornley or Gelling

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:48 pm
by southernpie
DaveO wrote:This is a tough one!

I think Thornley is probably the cleverer player and ultimately could be the better player.

At the moment though Gelling seems to offer more presence on the pitch and Thornley is probably a bit more inconsistent.

I think it's easy to like Gelling as a player because he gives 110% and really puts the effort in. Whether he has the quality I think is in there with Thornley I don't know.
I would say that is a fair summary, as I said before I would go with Gelling for now due to the run in we have from now until the playoffs, ultimately I think Thornley would mature into the quality centre