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Donald Trump

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:51 am
by SJ
  • So DT is another Adolf Hitler.
    Well I've listened to him and although he doesn't have the "polish " of an "Ivy League educated politician"he does speak with candour which is more than be said for most politicians especially in USA. He has repeatedly been misrepresented both in the American media and our media. I think his popularity is because his opinions,right or wrong are intune with the people's opinions. He is not in the pocket of others vested interests. He doesn't need to be with his financial status (so I believe). He is not mealy mouthed. He exudes self confidence and appears to be "streetwise unlike our Public school educated Prime Minister et al. A match for Putin and the "Movers "behind ISIL

    Perhaps I'm naive perhaps not but like most people I'm sick and fed up with mealy mouthed politicians who have little or no street credibility at all Trump equates with Action and that's his "calling card "to the American nation it seems to me.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:55 pm
by Mike
He's racist, a serial lier, a massive egotist and clearly pretty stupid. If that's what you want as "leader of the free world" then great.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:27 pm
by SJ
Mike wrote:He's racist, a serial lier, a massive egotist and clearly pretty stupid. If that's what you want as "leader of the free world" then great.
Yes Mike. Thanks for pointing out he's a politician after all :cool:

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:31 pm
by medlocke
$4.5 billion, not so stupid after all

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:35 pm
by Mike
medlocke wrote: $4.5 billion, not so stupid after all
If he'd have just put his inheritance in a bank account and gone on holiday he'd be far richer.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:45 pm
by cpwigan
Totally agree with Mike. Trump is a vile human being and he was given everything and with a huge slice of luck has avoided squandering it.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:09 am
by SJ
He doesn't come across to me as"vile" CP. Perhaps I'm insensitive
He's certainly got mass support in the USA.

What is "vile" is the complete barbarity of ISIL and it's abhorrent misrepresentation of the "Islamic faith Now Trump wants to irradicate ISiLwhich in your ideolict would be oxymoronic ie vile eradicating vile. In my ideolect Trump doesn't equate with ISIL on the contrary what is required is strong leadership to combat terrorism The Americans or a significant number of them feel Trump can fulfill that role. They may well be wrong. Who knows? Not me. What I do believe is that CP's use of the word "vile" in relation to Trump seems to me to be pure unadulterated hyperbole whereas I would reserve the use of it for obscene dispicable acts and their perpetrators. But, hey oh,that's probably down to one of my many idiosyncrasies

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:09 am
by Owd Codger
Why is it that anyone who expresses any concern about mass immigration into Europe and the USA and the spread of the Islamic faith and the trouble it is causing in the world be branded a racist?

Time some took the blinkers off before it is too late!

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:50 am
by cpwigan
SJ wrote:He doesn't come across to me as"vile" CP. Perhaps I'm insensitive
He's certainly got mass support in the USA.

What is "vile" is the complete barbarity of ISIL and it's abhorrent misrepresentation of the "Islamic faith Now Trump wants to irradicate ISiLwhich in your ideolict would be oxymoronic ie vile eradicating vile. In my ideolect Trump doesn't equate with ISIL on the contrary what is required is strong leadership to combat terrorism The Americans or a significant number of them feel Trump can fulfill that role. They may well be wrong. Who knows? Not me. What I do believe is that CP's use of the word "vile" in relation to Trump seems to me to be pure unadulterated hyperbole whereas I would reserve the use of it for obscene dispicable acts and their perpetrators. But, hey oh,that's probably down to one of my many idiosyncrasies
Popularity? Hitler was incredibly popular popular preaching virtually the same messages pre election and thereafter far worse.

Vile? I consider racism and trying to create race hate to be vile.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:29 pm
by BriH
Mike wrote:He's racist, a serial lier, a massive egotist and clearly pretty stupid. If that's what you want as "leader of the free world" then great.
He does what Boris J does well - he says what the people want to hear. Hitler did the same.