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Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 11:44 am
by thegimble

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 12:10 pm
by jobo
He couldn't be more right.

Either SL rolls over and fades away or we at least hold onto what we've got and make the game more financially attractive to the players and potential players.

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 1:43 pm
by Caboosegg
the part that stands out to me in the RFL statement.

Rugby League is in a better finical position than 2 years ago.. well yeh
you cut most of the grass route level support got rid of the reserves.

its strikes me the RFL is only interested in fudging figures to make themselves look profitable and have no itention of growing the sport.

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 2:09 pm
by markill
Whether he has a point or not, words aren't going to solve anything. We need to know what he plans on doing and how he plans on doing it before any vote of no confidence should be backed. I'm interested to see what comes out of his press conference tomorrow - we're all aware of the threats and issues the game faces, we need someone to have some ideas on how to address them.

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 3:35 pm
by DaveO
Caboosegg wrote:the part that stands out to me in the RFL statement.

Rugby League is in a better finical position than 2 years ago.. well yeh
you cut most of the grass route level support got rid of the reserves.

its strikes me the RFL is only interested in fudging figures to make themselves look profitable and have no itention of growing the sport.
That bit caught by eye as well. It's a very political answer. Better financial position? In pure accounting terms I don't doubt it but the question is, is the financial position good enough?

Clearly not.

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 3:37 pm
by DaveO
markill wrote:Whether he has a point or not, words aren't going to solve anything. We need to know what he plans on doing and how he plans on doing it before any vote of no confidence should be backed. I'm interested to see what comes out of his press conference tomorrow - we're all aware of the threats and issues the game faces, we need someone to have some ideas on how to address them.
I'd be very surprised if he called a vote he could not win. The article says he has been talking to other SL chairmen and if that includes IL he doesn't strike me as one to go off half cocked over something like this.

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 5:09 pm
by i'm spartacus
I've said on many occasions that we need an NRL type revolution against the ruling body

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 5:28 pm
by Mike
I'd like some details on exectly what could be done better.

ALso, I'm very dubious of their "generally better overall" finanacial picture statement. Didn't we lose a huge amount of funding recently because our participation levels are falling? I imagine they mean the the SKY deal is a bit more than it was.

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 9:06 pm
by shaunedwardsfanclub
Somebody needs to do something as the game is falling quicker than oil revenues in Scotland!

First stop for me would be employing the top brass in the NRL to turn our game around. If the so called 'lesser' clubs want to block his revolution then may be he can engineer a breakaway. Something has got to change quick otherwise the game will be dead at a professional level.

Re: Dr Revolution

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 11:11 pm
by markill
The NRL 'top brass' aren't particularly well respected administrators in their own land. They take just as much flack as ours do here, often for many of the same reasons. They just benefit from being a more popular and prevalent sport down there.