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Referee for Friday

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:51 pm
by josie andrews
KO : 20:00

Referee: J Child

Touch Judges: J Roberts P Graham

In Goal: J McMullen
In Goal 2: J Pullein

Reserve Referee: S Mikalauskas

M Com: C Hodgson
Time Keeper: A Mills ... jQ145.dpuf

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:47 pm
by Southern Softy
"When I became a man I put away childish things"

If only the RFL would do that. A weak referee causes problems for both sides, especially when the ref then becomes officious to make up for his shortcomings.

Best refs this season have been Hewer, Cobb, Kendal and Thaler (although he can be indecisive on TV).

Let's get some more of the new breed out there and get rid of those who have never really made it - Hicks/Child etc.
And where are the young, good touch-judges?

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:35 pm
by PAB721
Was it just me, or was that the worst display of refereeing this season, tonight? He caused the ill-feeling that led to the captain's (deserved) sending off. He seemed biased throughout and there were at least two times in the first half alone when he should have shown consistency by giving Wakefield players a spell in the Sin-Bin. For me, he was truly awful - then again, he is more often than not!

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:36 pm
by Wiganwarrior1
Worst referring I've seen in a long time. No control and surprised there was only one brawl. Hope the club make their feelings known in the appropriate back rooms.
Top of the league after tonight's performance is incredible.

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:49 pm
by GBH
100% worst refereeing ive ever seen so biased it was unbelievable

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:07 am
by PF Warrior
I very rarely criticise Referees as I think they have a hard job, but tonight I am putting that aside. I have never seen such a biased display of refereeing in any game. Surely Child needs bringing to task by the refereeing panel, well that would be the case if there is any justice in the game. He blatantly ignored several professional fouls perpetrated by Wakefield players, whilst showing the yellow card and one red to Wigan players. He lost control of the game at one point and has nobody to blame but himself.

Wakefield enjoyed free reign tonight. The people sat around me were incensed at his officiating of tonights game. At least there was some justice in the result. Good lad Teirney! It was a good team effort, only 11 players for the last section of the 1st half and only 12 for all the 2nd half and still come up with the win. I was half expecting Child arranging at least another one of our players having 10 minutes off the pitch. I hope that Child is not appointed to officiate at any of our remaining games in the league or play offs.

If there is any justice he should be banned, or demoted to the lower leagues, but that would not be fair on the lower leagues. He showed himself up to be a person of biased nature, not without bias as a referee should be. I know everyone, player or referee can have a bad game, but the display of of refereeing by Child went beyond being bad to totally inept, not the word I wanted to use. :angry:

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:04 am
by stevethegas
Two league points for Wigan on a night that Leeds found some form. So we're top of the league and really do have something to shout about.

But sadly the story lies elsewhere.

I can't remember a game with such poor and one sided refereeing decisions. Lockers tackle that saw him red carded happened right in front of me. I haven't had the benefit of seeing a replay, but didn't see it even as a penalty at the time. Yes, I had my Wigan glasses on, but even so.

Well, it may be when I review it I shall change my opinion, but I doubt very much that I will see two sin bins for Wigan players as any worse offences than at least two by Wakefield that weren't punished so harshly.

We got nothing at all from Childs tonight and his poor refereeing led to some of the ill feeling and discipline.
Sadly, I believe he really did deserve to be booed off the pitch.

The other side of the coin is that Wakefield really did play some good rugby, and we were fairly average for the 10-15 minutes when we actually had a full team on the pitch.

James Childs gave us nothing but a powerful sense of resentment. That seemed to spur the team on to get the winning tries. So it may in the end have worked in our favour, but I certainly don't want to see him with a whistle in his hands at another Wigan game.

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:39 am
by Kittwazzer
Wiganwarrior1 wrote:Worst referring I've seen in a long time. No control and surprised there was only one brawl. Hope the club make their feelings known in the appropriate back rooms.
Top of the league after tonight's performance is incredible.
That 'brawl' came from nowhere after we had been awarded a penalty. Child was clueless as to what had happened so he called his mates over. "Sorry girls, I missed that. Can someone fill me in on the goss?"!
After some brief discussion about hair conditioner he called both captains over and said"Now boys, I'm not going to tell you again. Play nicely!"!

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:44 am
by DaveO
stevethegas wrote:Two league points for Wigan on a night that Leeds found some form. So we're top of the league and really do have something to shout about.

But sadly the story lies elsewhere.

I can't remember a game with such poor and one sided refereeing decisions. Lockers tackle that saw him red carded happened right in front of me. I haven't had the benefit of seeing a replay, but didn't see it even as a penalty at the time. Yes, I had my Wigan glasses on, but even so.

Well, it may be when I review it I shall change my opinion, but I doubt very much that I will see two sin bins for Wigan players as any worse offences than at least two by Wakefield that weren't punished so harshly.

We got nothing at all from Childs tonight and his poor refereeing led to some of the ill feeling and discipline.
Sadly, I believe he really did deserve to be booed off the pitch.

The other side of the coin is that Wakefield really did play some good rugby, and we were fairly average for the 10-15 minutes when we actually had a full team on the pitch.

James Childs gave us nothing but a powerful sense of resentment. That seemed to spur the team on to get the winning tries. So it may in the end have worked in our favour, but I certainly don't want to see him with a whistle in his hands at another Wigan game.
I have watched Wane's reaction on Wigan TV and while the sending off was not discussed with the interviewer Wane went as far as he probably could in agreeing with you about everything else.

I agree with this also:
The other side of the coin is that Wakefield really did play some good rugby, and we were fairly average for the 10-15 minutes when we actually had a full team on the pitch.
and I am still trying to work out how when we had less men on the pitch they did not play as good rugby overall.[/quote]

Re: Referee for Friday

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:09 am
by Owd Codger
In all the years I have supported the game, the performance last night by James Childs must rate as one of the worse and most blatant one sided displays of refereeing that you are ever see on a Rugby field.

But, as usual, nothing will be done about it by the RFL.