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Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:38 pm
by TomThumb
I am so angry, i have supported this great club of ours for over 20 odd years and never has such an issue annoyed me so much, i can deal with failed signings, losing, getting a coach that is famed by getting sacked by our bitterist rivals, even booing etc etc but for so called fans to leave 5 minutes before the end, if the match isnt going our way and leaving the stands empty, just makes my blood boil!!!! Not least because all our rivals laugh at the shere fickleness. It embarassing as the people who make the effort to stay behind and clap the lads are branded with the same dirty brush.

I for one think that we should start booing those who leave early!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:55 pm
by Doveoverdave
After 20 odd years you should be accustomed to this!

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:59 pm
by Carneys angel
ive seen other team supporters do the same especially at hull! so its not just our supporters

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:01 pm
by jinkin jimmy
This is getting very tedious now. Tom, you pays your money and takes your choice. You find it annoying when people leave early? Well I find it annoying when the team gets well in front of Huddersfield then stops playing early!!

I for one don't walk off, even though I've a small trek to make to get to the car and a 10 mile drive to the pub on a Friday night. However, I respect other people's right to do so.

Why should it annoy you that people are exercising their right to free choice? Maybe you should be more annoyed with the ones who stay just to boo at the end.

Friday's gate was 10,200 - why aren't you annoyed at the ones who didn't show up at all, rather than those who paid their money, made the effort then went after 75 minutes of pure garbage by our team? :angry:

You say you have supported the club for 20-odd years. If this is true you should know that people have always left early, win or lose.

Did you watch the Bulls game yesterday?? They were leaving in their droves with over 20 minutes left!!

I've said this before - Wigan are selling a product and we as consumers can do what the hell we like with that product. Some buy it through thick and thin, some buy it but leave when it suits them (and why the hell not!!) and some choose to stop buying it altogether. Any of these options is a personal choice and as such nothing to do with you or any of us.

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:01 pm
by TomThumb
After the leeds match and then the london match, i just had to vent my anger somewhere and this place seemed the best place. :wink:

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:05 pm
by jinkin jimmy
TomThumb posted:
After the leeds match and then the london match, i just had to vent my anger somewhere and this place seemed the best place. :wink:
Agreed Tom it is a very good place for that. However, since it is the players' performances that are making you angry maybe you should do what I do and criticise them for disappointing us rather than the fan for being disappointed. :)

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:23 pm
by Fraggle
jinkin jimmy posted:
I for one don't walk off, even though I've a small trek to make to get to the car and a 10 mile drive to the pub on a Friday night. However, I respect other people's right to do so.
So long as they don't walk past me, I don't really care. I don't let people interrupt my viewing regardless of how bad we're doing. To be honest, I don't understand why people would want to leave early, even last Friday there was no certainty 5 minutes before the end that we would definitely lose, but then I like to make sure I'm getting my money's worth out of a match. I only get to a game once a fortnight or whatever, and it's only for a few months every year, so I'll make sure I stay to the end no-matter-what. It's not like I can go anywhere if I leave early anyway, I've still got to get back to Manchester.
Why should it annoy you that people are exercising their right to free choice? Maybe you should be more annoyed with the ones who stay just to boo at the end.
They're just as bad. Booing, to me, suggests people think the players should be able to deliver more than they are, but from the recent performances I've seen I wonder if we're not at the limit of what some of these players can do? Some are clearly still not trying, but Moran is starting to play, and the results are not improving. Dallas is still scoring tries, Godwin is trying to create plays but there are players who seem to be unable to improve and booing isn't going to make them any better.
I've said this before - Wigan are selling a product and we as consumers can do what the hell we like with that product. Some buy it through thick and thin, some buy it but leave when it suits them (and why the hell not!!) and some choose to stop buying it altogether. Any of these options is a personal choice and as such nothing to do with you or any of us.
Very true. I think the fact we spend so much time posting on here means we're committed (committable?) supporters but you can't assume everyone who goes to games is as big a fan, nor do they need to be. We should be grateful that the casual fans do turn up, but the club needs to give them something worth turning up to or else they'll find something else to spend their hard-earned money on. For too many years Wigan relied on the reputation of the club to bring supporters in, and we all complained about the lack of marketing. It's ironic really that now we've got some marketing we haven't got the product on the pitch to match the hype!

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:31 pm
by TomThumb
i come in for a lot of banter and stick for the wigan walk, as i live and work outside the parish!! I think this is one of the reasons why it annoys me so much, as i too always stay till the end!! In the same way that it annoys die hard manchester united fans, that their fans are branded as being all cockneys... maybe coz they are!! :wink:

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:51 pm
by jinkin jimmy
Doc Warrior posted:
Im more upset that the board etc seems to have given up the ghost on the whole season and we are just over half way through.

I know weve got our problems but to say we are planning more for the new season is a bit much considering people have paid for there season tickets etc.

Can we have our money back please?
By buying you season ticket have you entered into a contract with the club? If so, ask to be released from this contract forthwith if you are not happy. After all, that's what some of our players do. :sly:

Re: Wigan Walk

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:29 pm
by WiganWarrior
It annoys me too but its there choice but id much rather the people who boo at the end walked with them as oppose to waiting to boo. Also i think we get an unfair branding of the walk, as other fans are just as bad esp Bradford