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Re: Thoughts on no relegation this year?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:34 am
by Wiganer Ted
Boris will bale us out. He wants to be PM and he knows that's down to winning seats in Labour's northern heartland. If he bins us that would be disastrous for his premiership and nothing matters more to Boris than Boris. Sorry if that is political but to me Boris is only interested in Boris and that means looking after the North.
Rugby League will be ok, whether the dosh goes to the RFL or SL I don't know as long as the money comes into the sport.

Re: Thoughts on no relegation this year?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:59 pm
by Wiganer Ted
Don't worry Meds Rugby League will be aww reet!

Re: Thoughts on no relegation this year?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:10 pm
by DaveO
I am not in favour of relegation at the best of times. I just think it's never worked at all ever since the game went full time.

That said we have P&R but I can't see how they can relegate a side after having played a handful of games which is what looks to be on the cards.

This would seem harsh on championship side sat at the top of the league but even they must know there is no certainty it would be them at the top at the end. While you could argue Toronto are almost certain to go down I don't think you can conclude there is a certainty over which side would win promotion. If any potential promotion candidates gets upset enough about this to take it further such as legal action I think this would be ridiculous.

I can see the season being written off in all leagues due to insufficient time to complete the fixtures and if any RL is played again this side of 2021 it will be some sort of end of season short round robin type tournament in each league with a different trophy on offer for the winners but calling none of the winners champions of their league.

Re: Thoughts on no relegation this year?

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 3:36 am
by moto748
That sounds about right to me.