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Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:49 pm
by Fan4Fifty
If I had the ear of our owner below is what I would like to say.

Mr Lenegan, when you took ownership of Wigan Warriors you brought enthusiasm, ideas, ambition and a promise of change from the Whelan era. Most of all you communicated with your customers, the fans! The fans forums were a breath of fresh air. Not all your ideas worked – taking games on the road, the trip to Australia, letting players easily leave for Australia and the NRL in the belief that they would come back better players, marketing initiatives, the Business Club and brand-building etc had mixed success. But at least they were ideas. We could see a purpose and identifying Michael McGuire as a coach to take us forward was a masterstroke and we enjoyed some good times and exciting rugby.

Of course, the world has changed over the last couple of years and the Shaun Edwards saga was clearly a major blow, but even prior to that it seems that you were very disillusioned with the management of Super League and the RFL. Your enthusiasm and ambition seems to have waned and more than anything, and most disappointingly, you have stopped communicating (as has Kris Radlinski) and this has left fans feeling extraordinarily left out and unimportant. Believe me, most fans are very worried about the direction of travel of the club. When it was reported recently that you were thinking of selling the club, you denied this and said that you were committed to your ownership of Wigan Warriors.

So please level with the Wigan fans! Ambition seems to have gone, our team is struggling, most fans believe that recruitment is haphazard – yet you are silent! What is your ambition for Wigan Warriors as things stand? Fans will understand if money is tight if we are told the truth; will understand if the policy is to invest in youngsters and that we have to be very patient (not a common characteristic of us average Wigan fans admittedly); will understand if you’ve lost your passion for rugby league and/or your ownership of the Warriors and need to move on. But you need to come clean and be open – the silence, at the moment, is deafening and simply leaves way too much room for unhelpful rumour and speculation. Tell us the plan to halt the apparent downward spiral of Wigan Warriors.

You are the owner. Your club is faltering badly. Very few fans look forward to matchday as is seen by the steady decline in attendances. Please inspire us, give us some hope, explain to us how you see the way forward. We can’t support the silence, we can’t support what we can’t understand. Help us to help you! With every week that passes the task of restoring the fans passion and enthusiasm for Wigan Warriors will get harder and the prospect of attracting new fans become very remote indeed. Over to you Mr Lenagan.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:23 am
by ian.birchall
Excellent summary of our position at present. Just let's hope Mr Lenagan reads this and reacts in the best way.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:58 am
by PAB721
An extremely good post, obviously written from the heart, which sums up, I expect, the feelings and frustrations of the majority of very loyal fans of this wonderful club. I do hope that Mr Lenegan responds in a positive way.

Well done and thank you.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:49 am
by blindsideprop
I doubt if IL will read that post,if he does though he wont reply he is too busy counting his money as that is all that matters to him.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:01 am
by Graham1
What a brilliant post that just about sums up what all the loyal fans are thinking. We need IL to be more open especially the season we are having. Something is seriously wrong within the Management of the club. I don’t believe that IL does not care about the club, no one puts thousands in every year and get nothing back.

But as you say the silence is deafening. Give us some hope that we can turn the club around.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:11 am
by w.thomas
Well written and thought out post. Agree with everything that you have said. Sadly I don’t think IL will give us any answers and we will stick with the jobs for the boys culture that is ruining our once great club.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:39 am
by josie andrews
Fan4fifty Why don’t you send this to the club? A very good summation of fans feelings.

It’s okay all of us making comments, complaining about everything. The only person I know in the upper management that reads or at least he used to read is Kris Radlinski.

Send this in a letter or email addressed to Mr Lenagan signed with your own name & not the name you use on here.

I’ve never hid who I am. What I say on here or anywhere has always had my own name. So if sending any correspondence to the club, be who you are. Not some faceless name who they can’t reply to.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:05 am
by No straw damn us
Lenagan normally does a couple of in depth interviews on Wigan t.v. I expect one to be coming very soon when he announces the new coaching team/set up for next season.

He's never shyed away for giving his reasons for his actions and I applaud him for that. However at the this moment the club looks a mess.

Communication which is key is very poor. Prime example, yesterday Wigan U19's played Saints U19, not on Wigan t.v. why?
No teams or results. Why?
I suspect there have been big cuts in the media department due to covid, if that's the reason just come out and say it, but it is poor at the moment.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:21 am
by Graham1
Great advice Josie. I hope Fan4 Fifty does send a letter and that Mr Lenagan has the courtesy to reply ,and it gets published somewhere because we need some reassuring that this club has a future.

Re: Mr Lenagan, speak to us please!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:36 am
by Charriots Offiah
No straw damn us wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:05 am Lenagan normally does a couple of in depth interviews on Wigan t.v. I expect one to be coming very soon when he announces the new coaching team/set up for next season.

He's never shyed away for giving his reasons for his actions and I applaud him for that. However at the this moment the club looks a mess.

Communication which is key is very poor. Prime example, yesterday Wigan U19's played Saints U19, not on Wigan t.v. why?
No teams or results. Why?
I suspect there have been big cuts in the media department due to covid, if that's the reason just come out and say it, but it is poor at the moment.
Things must be dire (and they are) if you are commenting on them Brian!