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Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:18 am
by GeoffN
Great news! We knew from the squad numbers that he was staying, but 3 years is a good deal for both Gareth and the club.

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:23 am
by HappyHooker
Snap (ish)

Agree gr8 news though!

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:25 am
by GeoffN
HappyHooker posted:
Snap (ish)

Agree gr8 news though!
Mike posted the news first, though, with the link to the superleague article!

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:38 am
by HappyHooker
Hehe - true, but our posts were exactly at the same time, you're lucky I dint say jinx.

Hock will be like an entirely new signing to us, considering how few games he played last year! I bet he'll improve yet again this year, with his supposedly bigger frame and an experienced 2nd rower to run with in Fletcher.

Expecting this lad to do really well for the future - question is how long will he take to get back up to speed, having missed so much of last year?

If him and Sean-O come back strong we should have one of the best mobile packs in SL next year! :cool:

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:47 am
by GeoffN
HappyHooker posted:

Hock will be like an entirely new signing to us, considering how few games he played last year! I bet he'll improve yet again this year, with his supposedly bigger frame and an experienced 2nd rower to run with in Fletcher.

Expecting this lad to do really well for the future - question is how long will he take to get back up to speed, having missed so much of last year?

If him and Sean-O come back strong we should have one of the best mobile packs in SL next year! :cool:
That's the only thing that concerns me about Hock and O''s often the case that players don't really recover from a serious injury. I'm looking forward to having O'Loughlin's long tactical kicking back - something we've really missed this year without Faz.
I can see both of them being fixtures in the GB side very soon, as long as they do both come back fully recovered.

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:59 am
by robjoenz
GeoffN posted:
That's the only thing that concerns me about Hock and O''s often the case that players don't really recover from a serious injury.
Like Vaealiki!?

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:19 pm
by jinkin jimmy
robjoenz posted:
GeoffN posted:
That's the only thing that concerns me about Hock and O''s often the case that players don't really recover from a serious injury.
Like Vaealiki!?
Hopefully not. Unlike DV, we have had these 2 with us all throught their injuries. Don't know about Lockers, but surely the fact thet Hock has been given a new deal means he is fully fit?

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:53 pm
by - psycho -
maybe not. maybe it could be due tot he fact that we expect him to be fit and back on the field soon but all its takes is one wrong mvoe and injured again. i dont anna jinx his happening so i should keep me mouth shut. fingers crossed he will be fine :)

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:26 pm
by superleague
- psycho - posted:
maybe not. maybe it could be due tot he fact that we expect him to be fit and back on the field soon but all its takes is one wrong mvoe and injured again. i dont anna jinx his happening so i should keep me mouth shut. fingers crossed he will be fine :)
thats not true at all because once the bone as fully healed and recovered its just as strong as it was before break and before u say look at carney that was his hamstring not his ankle that he broke.

Re: Hock's contract

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:19 pm
by robjoenz
superleague posted:
- psycho - posted:
maybe not. maybe it could be due tot he fact that we expect him to be fit and back on the field soon but all its takes is one wrong mvoe and injured again. i dont anna jinx his happening so i should keep me mouth shut. fingers crossed he will be fine :)
thats not true at all because once the bone as fully healed and recovered its just as strong as it was before break and before u say look at carney that was his hamstring not his ankle that he broke.
Hock didn't break anything. Wasn't it ligament damage?