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Today's performance

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:16 pm
by Wigan_Girl
After today's pathetic performance a number of people i know have also gave this opinion SACK Stuart Raper. In the time he has coached the team i believe wigans performance has severly dropped, today they were making stupid errors, which have cost us getting into the final. I honestly believe that during the time we have had him as coach i have seen some of the worst play i have ever seen while watching wigan. I think that something should be done and soon.
I think that if Stuart Raper was to get the sack i would think that the best person for the job would be Dennis Betts my reasons are as only recently he has stopped playing for the team so he is one of the best people to know their strenghts and weaknesses.
Please give your thoughts!!

Re: Today's performance

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:33 pm
by pieeater
I don't know what the answer is - there is no quick fix and if we feel sick imagine how the players are feeling - but sadly support is dwindling fast and as for being the worst supported team in the top six - that's disgraceful - you can't just be a part time supporter - we need to get behind the team and give them our support - win or lose - they are still Wigan no matter what the result

Re: Re: Today's performance

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:52 pm
by Wigan_Girl
I'm not saying that from a couple of defeats i will stop watchin them as the song goes "i'm wigan till i die"

Re: Today's performance

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:53 pm
by Jilly43
Call yourselves 'Fans' i dont think so! Give the team and SR a break. The lads performed well today and considering the age of the team, things bode well for the future. Stop moaning and wait, things will come good, and if you cant stop moaning maybe the team doesnt need your support!!!

Re: Re: Today's performance

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 7:11 pm
by pieeater
I agree the youngsters played very well today, it's the supporters who don't turn up coz they've not had the results that deserve the stick - not the team

welldone lads

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 7:22 pm
by rach15
i think the lads played the best they have done all season especially in the 1st half.
i thought that o'loughlin, briscoe, aspinwall and robinson played out of their skin today and showed how tallented the youngsters are. the big games they are playing like that will give them so much confidence and experience for the future.

considering the injuries we had going into the game and the injuries we got during the game like kris rads we played really well.

this is the time were the lads really need our support so lets fill the JJB on friday and cheer on the lads we should be proud off!

Re: welldone lads

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 7:30 pm
by pieeater
Here's to a full house on Friday and plenty of noise!

Re: Re: welldone lads

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 8:16 pm
by Mike
Just updated the match stats and the like.

I'd like to say that the lads did well today. We can't expect to beat the Bulls - we just don't have the size in defence to stop them.

Raper knows thia - hence Johnson at 6 and Bibey in the second row. OK if all you want to do is defend, but it severely cuts down attacking options.

We saw why he had to do it in the second half, all the Bulls have to do to break through is push the ball wide. We simply don't have the size to keep them out when defenders are isolated.

This is going to be our problem all season.

The kids showed what they can do with the ball in hand though. I thought Sean O'Loughlin was outstanding today. He didn't put a foot wrong.

Its a tribute to the side that we looked so good that, at half time, many of us started to believe we might snatch it despite everything.

Well done the lads - all you can ask is to watch a team giving their all, and that's what I saw today - I had a good day out anyway.

Re: Re: Re: welldone lads

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 8:21 pm
by Dorsey
Quite right Mike it was a great day out - pity a few more didn't go as you say for they missed a team that gave their all. At least those of us who did go stayed til the end and clapped the team off the field.
Any more news of Rad????????

Re: Re: Re: Re: welldone lads

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 8:24 pm
by Mike
Dorsey posted:
Any more news of Rad????????
I only know that he was taken to hospital after he was strechered off and that's it. I hope it wasn't too serious.