The Rules, and Frequently Asked Questions - new users please read

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The Rules, and Frequently Asked Questions - new users please read

Post by Fraggle »

Here are some rules, and below that some answers to frequently asked questions, that will hopefully make life a lot happier for everyone here. Please remember at all times this is a friendly, family-oriented message board primarily for discussing Wigan Rugby League club. Please respect your fellow users.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this information then please feel free to post a message on a new thread, or email myself ("Fraggle" - mailto: or the siteowner "Mike" (mailto: You can click on an individual's name to see information such as their email address or website if they have chosen to make them available.

"You rescue me, you are my faith, my hope, my liberty.
And when there's darkness all around, you shine bright for me, you are a guiding light to me....
You are a Tower of Strength to me" - Wayne Hussey, The Mission.

Shepherd's Bush Empire - 27/Feb/08 - 1/Mar/08
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Re: The Rules, and Frequently ...

Post by Fraggle »


(last amendment 24th May 2006)

1. The site owner and moderators (see the bottom of the list of messages for who we are) reserve the right to edit or delete any messages, or lock any message threads, that they deem break the rules, or are generally offensive or are otherwise deemed inappropriate. Persistent offenders may find the user login disabled. Remember, the site owner and some moderators can see the email address you used to register with the site, you are not completely anonymous!

2. Do not use text speak. This place is not a mobile phone with a limited number of letters per message, nor iz Ali G in da house so you don't need to talk like him. We don't expect perfect English but at least try and make an effort! Remember, not everyone here speaks English as their first language...

3. Do not insult other users. People may disagree with you, or you may disagree with what other people have said, but that does not make them idiots, fools, morons, cretins or whatever.

4. Swearing and bad language is not welcomed. However, if you feel it really necessary to use such words then they must be censored with asterisks or other characters as much as possible. Changing only one letter is not good enough. Make it subtle, or we will edit the word into something completely different. Similarly, rude or otherwise offensive user names and images are not acceptable.

5. Do not attempt to wind up other users (also known as 'trolling'). This includes supporters of other clubs coming on here deliberately goading Wigan RLFC fans, but also Wigan RLFC fans making derogatory comments to wind up fans of other clubs.

6. Discussions about Wigan Athletic and football in generally are not acceptable, unless they have some direct relevance to the rugby club. Most of us are not interested in that team or sport, and there are places on the net to discuss these topics if you want (try the BBC sports website).

7. Please be cautious when posting rumours of things people may have said or done. Things said 'off-the-record' should not be repeated if doing so will cause difficulties or embarrassment to the original speaker, and claims of wrongdoing or illegal activities must not be detailed unless you are prepared to stand up in court to present facts to support your case. The site owner is legally responsible for any comments posted on here, and libellous statements can get us into trouble. You do not know who is reading this site, and whilst you may have heard from "a friend of a friend of a friend" about something, you haven't seen or heard anything yourself so be very careful what you repeat. In particular, naming individuals or even strongly hinting at an individual's identity should be avoided.

8. Always name or link to your original source when quoting something from a newspaper, radio broadcast, other website, etc, for the purpose of acknowledging copywrited material.

9. Before starting a new message thread, please look to see if there are already threads on that particular topic and only create a new thread if you have something completely different to say.

10. Label off-topic message threads as O/T or "Off Topic" as part of the thread title, and in general try to make thread titles relevant to the topic being discussed. If a thread starts to drift off-topic, then it might be best to start a new message thread.

11. Avoid repeating the same character or characters lots of times - it is not necessary to type ? 2000 times when ??? will suffice, similarly you don't need to put the same smiley 20 times! Also, do not excessively use large characters, silly difficult to read colours, or TYPE EVERYTHING IN UPPER CASE UNLESS YOU ARE TRYING TO SHOUT ABOUT SOMETHING!

12. Please be patient! Occasionally the site gets very busy and a little bit slow, so only click "Post Message" once. If you accidentally post a message more than once, please use the Delete button to remove the extra messages.

13. Do not post the same message in lots of different message threads, particularly if it has no relevance to any other message in that thread. If you have something to say then start a new message thread and keep to that one thread. Cross-posted, irrelevant messages may be deleted without warning.

"You rescue me, you are my faith, my hope, my liberty.
And when there's darkness all around, you shine bright for me, you are a guiding light to me....
You are a Tower of Strength to me" - Wayne Hussey, The Mission.

Shepherd's Bush Empire - 27/Feb/08 - 1/Mar/08
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Re: The Rules, and Frequen...

Post by Fraggle »


1. How do I post a link to another website?

Method 1 is click the URL button, copy the entire web address including the http:// bit at the start and paste it into your message, then click the URL* button again.
Method 2 is to type the word url in square brackets [ url ] followed by the entire web address followed by the word /url in square brackets [ /url ]. There should be no spaces inside the square brackets.

Always make sure you quote your source.

2. How do I post an image?

First, your image needs to be hosted on a website somewhere. It is not enough for it to be on your harddrive. Photobucket is one such site, as is Fotopic or your own website if you have one. Please be aware that using images from someone else's website may infringe copywrite and therefore be illegal. If in doubt, clearly state the source site of the image. If you do not know the address of an image, assuming you are using MS Windows, you may be able to right-click on the image, choose "Properties", and copy the Address(URL): line. Please be aware this does not work for all images; some websites can block this functionality to stop people downloading and copying the images.

Then, method 1 is click the IMG button, copy the website address of the image into the message (again, including http://) then click the IMG* button again. Or method 2 is to type the word img in square brackets before the website address followed by /img, again in square brackets.

Images which are too large should be resized.

3. Who pays for this site?

The site is paid for by the webmaster Mike, but you can help him by clicking on the advertisements that appear on the left hand side of the screen below the menu. Your assistance in keeping the website ticking over is greatly appreciated.

4. How do I upload an image (avator) to go next to my name? How to I add a signature?

Go to "My Control Panel". There is a link here for loading a Logo Image, but please be aware of the size and format limitations.

Your signature will appear below every message you post, and all the rules about inappropriate messages and images apply here as well. The box for inputting your signature works in exactly the same way as a normal message box, so you can add hyperlinks or images as normal. Again, please be aware that signatures that are too big may not be acceptable.

5. I have heard we have to move out of the JJB Stadium soon because the Premierleague don't like teams to share with other sports. Is this true?

Not as far as anyone is aware. The Latics fans' often circulate this "rumour" but after one season in the top flight there have been no calls from their league insisting that Wigan RLFC move out. Neither team owns the stadium, it is owned by Whelco Holdings, and both teams are equal tenants.

6. What is the music played on game days?

Before the first half you will often hear "Now we are free" by Dreamgate, which is a remix of music from the film Gladiator. Before the second half the club has been using, for a few seasons now, the haunting "Conquest of Paradise" by Vangelis, from the film "1492 - Conquest of Paradise". More recently they have also played Patty Smyth's "(I am) The Warrior". After a successful conversion we have to suffer DJ Otzi's remix of Manfred Mann's "Do Wah Diddy".

(update June 2006) The club have now also started using Starship's "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" after those rare victories; I suppose it would be a bit inappropriate to play Tina Turner's "Simply The Best" when we're still bottom of the league!

7. What other sites might I be interested in?

Various news sources are available on the internet, including:- - Official club site - BBC Sports - SportingLife - Rugby Leaguer and League Express - Wigan Evening Post - Sky - official site of the Rugby Football League - official site of the engage Superleague

Less official sites can be found here:- - fan site of statistics by "Sgt Bilko", part of the RLFans network - discussion boards for fans of all clubs, much less regulated and more argumentative than here. Not to everyone's taste. - small community message board, generally for more serious discussions. ... um.php?f=1 - discussion forum for amateur players, for discussions and match reports from amateur games and school games, training issues etc.

8. How can I listen to Wigan games on the internet?

The BBC usually have Wigan games on BBC Radio Manchester (formerly GMR). Try going to and clicking "Listen live". You will need to have the RealMedia "Real" player installed, broadcasts are streamed in .rm format.

9. I think you should have (such a feature) on your website!

Ok, you provide the content and it can be added! Email your idea to the webmaster Mike ( Also you can ask him if you want to add news stories. The more people who contribute then the better the site will be. This is, after all, a site for fans by fans, so feel free to get involved.

10. How do I set up a vote?

Click Vote on the left hand menu, then New.

You need a question; an "Expiry Date" - a "closing date" for voting, but give people at least a few days to vote, a couple of weeks or couple of months is fine for most votes; and a list of options. Try not to make your choices too limited, unless you want a yes or no answer to your question, although you can edit the vote later to add extra options if necessary.

"You rescue me, you are my faith, my hope, my liberty.
And when there's darkness all around, you shine bright for me, you are a guiding light to me....
You are a Tower of Strength to me" - Wayne Hussey, The Mission.

Shepherd's Bush Empire - 27/Feb/08 - 1/Mar/08
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Re: The Rules, and Frequen...

Post by Fraggle »

pieater-alex posted:
Dontuse text speak I dont see the harm in that
There have been long debates on that subject, but basically people agreed that txt spk should not be allowed because this site is not a mobile phone, not everyone here uses texts on mobile phones so is not familiar with the type of language used, and the abbreviations are completely random, not to mention the original internet principle that you should communicate on the web and in email as you would any other kind of proper communication, and the fact there are some non-native English speakers on here who would be completely confused. More people said no txt spk than could come up with arguments for it to be allowed, so it's now a formal rule that it's not permitted. Off-hand I can't think of any other internet discussion site that allows txtspk either, so it's not just us being old-fashioned.

"You rescue me, you are my faith, my hope, my liberty.
And when there's darkness all around, you shine bright for me, you are a guiding light to me....
You are a Tower of Strength to me" - Wayne Hussey, The Mission.

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Re: The Rules, and Frequen...

Post by browns_babe06 »

how do i insert a previous comment on to the thread i am do doing so the thread links
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Re: The Rules, and Frequen...

Post by DaveO »

browns_babe06 posted:
how do i insert a previous comment on to the thread i am do doing so the thread links
When you hit reply and see a blank window to enter text use the black Quote button at the bottom left of the window.

That will "quote" the entire post you are replying to and you can add your comments underneath. It does this by putting quote tags at the start and end of the text. These tags are the word quote in square brackets at the start and /quote in square brackets at the end of the text being quoted.

If you are replying to long post and don't want to quote all of it or answer just one or two specific points do the same thing, delete the irrelevant bits and enclose the remaining text in-between quote tags.

To make that a bit easier you can highlight the text in your reply you want to quote and press the quote button at the top of the window and it will enclose the selected text in quote tags for you.

It is good Internet practice not to quote a really long post in full and then add a one liner like "I agree" at the end as it is a waste of bandwidth. So selecting the relevant bits of a post to quote is better so long as you don't take things out of context by doing so.


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Re: The Rules, and Frequen...

Post by browns_babe06 »

thankyou dave i will try this
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Re: The Rules, and Frequen...

Post by FROM A TO B »

How about adding a 14th commandment.
no using the site as a "chat room" :wink:
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Re: The Rules, and Frequen...

Post by ancientnloyal »

FROM A TO B posted:
How about adding a 14th commandment.
no using the site as a "chat room" :wink:

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Re: The Rules, and Frequen...

Post by Bear »

FROM A TO B posted:
How about adding a 14th commandment.
no using the site as a "chat room" :wink:
Is this rule for me and phycos sake... I know why not MAKE A CHATROOM!! or make a Personal messiging service not hard is it
OOOOOO were the greatest club in the world!!!!
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