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Monie to return ? YES or NO

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 3:09 pm
by 100% Warrior
On another Warriors message board there seems to be quite a few people backing the return of one John Monie.

I know that after our Grand Final win things for one reason or another did not work out.

But we all know how much Monie liked working for Maurice at Wigan, however should he return can we be guaranteed a return to the good old days.

Myself, I'm torn two ways with this call. Yes, Monie could return but as I explained above this does not guarantee we will blast all opponents off the park.

On the other hand we cannot deny the guy is a legend, he may come back and bring instant success and fill up the trophy cabinet.

What are your thoughts on this thought provoking subject ....

Re: Monie to return ? YES or N...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 3:19 pm
by Captain Chaos
Talk about Heart or Head!!!!

Yes, it would be a dream for John Monie to come back and add some further silverwear on the hard work that Stuart has done.

But the head has to say that this is a different club from even John's last stint at Wigan.

Granted, the guy will go down in the folklore of Wigan RL as one of the Legends - but the expectation of the Wigan fanbase is bigger than when John was last here.

But, is it just me or is the timing of this statement somewhat convenient. Maurice in Australia for an International Board meeting. Not wishing to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I think we may be hearing a name of a new coach being mentioned in the near future. (Chris Anderson, Brian Smith, Andrew Farrar, Phil Gould, Peter Sharp or John Monie???)

Re: Monie to return ? YES ...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:00 am
by John M
nitsua posted:
John Monie for me, but somehow it sounds like pie in the sky. The guy was pure magic and the players all respected him.

We can but live in hope.

And this is one reason Monie won so many trophys with Wigan.He had the total respect of every player in the team.They knew that when he gave them a gameplan it would work.They respected what he said and told them because they believed in him and put their faith in him.Monie was not just a great coach but he knew how to treat the players off the field.He respected them and they respected him.

If Monie came back,the young lads at Wigan would improve to no end.They would have total respect for him and it would be like a dream come true to play for him.

I think i can say that IMO,the return of
Monie would be a fantastic choice.These young lads grew up watching Wigan win everything under Monie.They would die to play for this man.Bring him back! Not only that,Wigan over the last few years have played some scrappy RL.Monies teams are always well drilled and play a very neat game without giving silly penaltys away every 5 minutes.

Re: Monie to return ? YES ...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:48 am
by OJ
I also think John Monie was the greatest coach ever to draw breath and would love to see him back but lets be honest, if you were him after the events of his last spell in the hot seat would you want to come back? I know I wouldn't and don't think he would either. Don't really know who I would best like to see take over from Stuart, I'm pretty positive about a few I wouldn't like to see there but have an uneasy feeling about the stability thats been built up over the last couple of years going out the window and us having yet another "lets be patient" settling down spell. Just when things were going along so nicely the flippin wheels have come off, grrrrrrrrr.

Re: Monie to return ? YES or N...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:36 am
by wiganrugbynut
Monie to return the thought alone makes me tingle!

Sadly I cant see it though, Monies reputation is cemented in the past.

I think even now that Raper could have truly been a sort of monie mark2, he has the respect of the player and the fans and with the kids we have.... LEGENDS ELECT

I read today raper wants his kids to have their secondary education in aus, cant blame him, if you were a kid where would you wanna go to school Erinsboro High or Rose Bridge????

Hey he's a young coach maybe he'll be back!

Re: Monie to return ? YES ...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:35 pm
by Ellie from the Block!
I must say I will be very sad to see Stuart Raper go. IMO he would have developed into a great coach and we would have been guaranteed a GF win.
Anyway, it would be fantastic to see John Monie return. He does have a proven track record in being able to work with Maurice, but I can't help feeling that the Wigan Board of now just wouldn't give him the respect he deserves and the trust of his judgement. John Monie does deserve to be treated better than they could offer and I wouldn't like to see him come back only to leave on bad terms.

Re: Monie to return ? YES ...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:18 pm
by captinjack
Lets not live the past. Monie was good in his time, a legend that will live on forever at Wigan, as will Graham Lowe. But the past is the past lets look forward, use our heads not our hearts.

Re: Monie to return ? YES ...

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 11:51 pm
by Deltic3
I agree - Monie is a legend but we have to move forward - it is time to create a new legacy bring back Shaun!

Re: Monie to return ? YES ...

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 12:46 pm
by AJ
it would be the best thing to happen to this club in a while if "The Iceman" came back to wigan, sadly i dont think this will happen, but i will not let the dream die quietly...

John Monies Red & White Army.....
John Monies Red & White Army.....
John Monies Red & White Army.....