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Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 12:00 am
by Mike
i have just (in the last few minutes) finished my MSc dissertation. so what u r all thinking! well i don't know how long i'll be able to access the internet, so this could be the last posting a make (for a while anyway). nice conversing with such a knowledgeable bunch of rugby league fans. cheers and merry christmas all!!!!

Re: farewell

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 12:00 am
by Mike
Good luck with the MSc and all that. My UG degree is far too poor for me to be accepted on a PG course, although I suppose I could wrangle it with working at a Uni and all. If your college's anything like here (Manchester Uni) you should be able to access the computers for months!Anyway, merry Xmas, and have a good long drink to celebrate finishing all that writing!Fraggle