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New coach - why bother?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 11:24 am
by Fraggle
What's the point, when Chairman Mo seems to make all the decisions? Reading the initial reports following Raper's dismissal it's clear who's the boss. It all seems rather similar to the dismissal of Happy Frank - 2 defeats by more lowly teams followed by a quick, knee-jerk decision to get rid. Maurice says the defeat on Saturday wasn't a factor and the decision would probably have been made anyway - this I doubt but on the other hand we all know that Endacott's time had come with Raper having already been lined up as his replacement. Maurice clearly looks for quick opportunities to make changes, make the other guy look bad and show himself as the man to save the team yet again.

We know he chooses and buys the players, and he's been seen doing team talks. Apparently he spoke to the players before sacking Raper - I can't imagine that conversation: "Right lads, I'm going to sack the coach, what do you think?" With a chairman who's so heavily involved in day-to-day team affairs, why would anyone want to be a coach?

Re: New coach - why bother?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:36 pm
by AJ
youve hit the nail on the head fraggle mate!

Re: New coach - why bother...

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 7:54 pm
by Deltic3
Without wishing to appear like i agree with MO i can partly see his point about Stuart's mind not being fully on the job. However, Raper had publically stated his desire to win the GF and i think that MO's actions are a little bit hasty. He obviously feels that he has the best interests of the club at heart but he also knows that if he screws up then the fans will turn on him.

He is abookmaker and obviously a man who likes to gamble let's just hope that this isn't one gamble to many!

Re: New coach - why bother...

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 9:57 pm
by MrsLam
Why dont people at the club try telling us the truth.
We were told he was staying till the end of the season, I dont think many of us believed this would happen but thats not the point. If Raper was going to get sacked then why didnt they do it straight away instead of making even more publicity for the club.

Re: New coach - why bother...

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 1:56 am
by John M
MrsLam posted:
If Raper was going to get sacked then why didnt they do it straight away instead of making even more publicity for the club.
Quite simply because he wasnt going to get sacked.He was leaving of his own accord.Gregory then stoked the fire by saying he wanted the job which was too much for little Lindsay to take and he saw it fit to give Greg a trial until the end of the year.

Re: New coach - why bother...

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 6:41 am
by Ellie from the Block!
Raper had the incentive to win GF and leave on a high. How come Maurice can't let anyone go on good terms? When John Monie left the first time, that was the only time, but they had to get him back so they could all have a jolly good argument and fire off probably the best coach we will ever see. Now it is a tradition that's happened every time since and Maurice can't let go.
Sometimes I think we'd be better if Maurice wen't back to RL HQ and we got the PG Tips monkeys in to run the show.
If that wasn't enough of a hint, then yes I am sick of the way Maurice treats the team, coaching staff and the fans. He is just Whelans little puppet and carries out Whelans bidding so he doesn't lose his own job! The Wigan Board are spineless!